10th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment
‘,Battalion Diary Extracts
14th April 1918 –
Throughout the morning the enemy could be seen dribbling forward troops from the direction of De Broeken. Heavy machine-gun fire swept my front the Lewis guns of A and C Companies kept the enemy under a continuous barrage and his troops were unable to make any progress on our front. One small party of the enemy with a machine gun managed to work along the edge on my left front. This party was wiped out by Lewis gun fire, and later the gun was captured by C Company.
At 12 noon my B and D companies reported the return from the 101st infantry Brigade and I established them in a support position in S .17. B.
C company was now losing men fast and Captain Charles commanding was wounded I therefore ordered A company to reinforce with two platoons.
As the result of heavy day’s fighting no ground was lost and severe casualties were inflicted on the enemy.
At 10:50 pm I was informed that a portion of the 59th division was to relieve my Battalion, guides were sent off at once to Brigade headquarters and 2 am a company of the 1/4th Lincolns arrived and relieve my companies in the line.
Two companies in support were not relieved but moved away independently about 3 am relief was complete by about 4:30 am.
15th April 1918 – Haegedoorne
Relieved we marched back to Hagedoorne in S.4.a and at once commenced to dig a new position on the forward slope of the hill at the same time the 200 field company were engaged in digging posts which embraced the wood in S.10.18 and these I subsequently manned and improved.
The day passed quietly.
At 5:30 pm the 59th division were driven out of their positions and we again became frontline troops. The night passed without incident except that a patrol was sent out from my life forward company to gain touch with part of the 9th Northumberland Fusiliers who held a position in S.10.D. at 11:35 pm the patrol returned having found the Northumberland Fusiliers in position. A patrol was also sent to farm in S.10.A.5.4.