Biography of Lieutenant Rupert Hardy Parker
2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment
Died 2nd December 1917
- Name: Rupert Hardy Parker
- Date of birth: 24th July 1895
- Place of Birth: Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
- Date of Birth Registration: July – September 1895
- Place of Birth Registration: Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
- Name: Charles John Ernest Parker
- DOB: 21th May 1864
- Place of Birth: Great Hale, Lincolnshire, England
- Occupation: Living on own private means
- Name: Louisa Dempsey
- DOB: 25th February 1872
- Place Of Birth: New Brighton, Cheshire, England
- Marriage: 18th July 1894 Oxton, Merselside, England
Siblings: (Name), (DOB), (POB)
- Rupert Hardy Parker, 1895, Grantham
- Diana Louise Parker, 1898, Grantham
- Elizabeth Dulcie Parker, 1905, Grantham
- 1901: Rupert is living with his father at Beaconfield House, Beacon Lane, Harrowby, Lincolnshire.
- 1911: Rupert is living at Wellington College Public School, Wellington College, Berkshire. The census gives him an age of 15 and he is listed as a student.
Relatives in services
- Rupert’s cousin Arthur Charles Parker also fought and was killed in WW1. Arthur can be found on our page dedicated to the Morton War Memorial
- No marriage for Rupert has been found and because of his age we can assume that he never had the opportunity to marry.
Family Information
- Rupert was educated at Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire and an undergraduate of Christ Church College, Oxford. The College has very little information about him. It is unlikely that he ever came up to the College but he had matriculated. This applies to so many young men who had been awarded places to come up in October 1914, but enlisted on leaving their schools, at the end of the summer term 1914
Charles J.E. Parker was born in Great Hale, Lincolnshire in 1864. Charles was a JP and late Captain of the 3rd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment. He was the son of Charles John Bullivant Parker, JP and Lt-Col of Royal South Lincolnshire Militia.This makes Rupert the Gt-Grandson of Lt-Col William Parker of Hanthorpe House, Hanthorpe, Lincolnshire. William was Deputy Lieutenant of Lincolnshire and appointed High Sheriff of Lincolnshire in 1864.
Newspaper Mentions
- London Gazette 20th October 1914
The undermentioned cadets and ex-cadets of the Officers Training Corps to be Second Lieutenants (on Probation)
Dated 21st October 1914
Rupert hardy Parker, 3rd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment
- Sheffield Daily Telegraph Wednesday 21st October 1914
The undermentioned cadets and ex-cadets of the Officers Training Corps to be Second Lieutenants (on Probation)
Dated 21st October 1914
Rupert hardy Parker, 3rd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment
- Boston Guardian Saturday 13th March 1915
Lincolnshire Regiment Appointments.
Amongst the appointments announced in the ‘London Gazette’ on Tuesday were the folliowing:-
Supplementary to regular units or corps.
The undermentioned second-lieutenants (on probation) are confined to their rank:-
3rd Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment – Geo. Lenard Marshall, Rupert Hardy Parker.
- Grantham Journal – Saturday 13th March 1915
Local Commissions
The following appointments have been notified during the week –
Special Reserve Officers: Infantry – Supplementary to regular units or Corps – Second Lieutenants (On Probation) confirmed in their rank:- 3rd Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment: Geo. Leonard Marshall, Rupert Hardy Parker.
- The Times Saturday March 27th 1915
Parker, Lieut. R. H., Lincoln Regt.
- WW1 War Office Casualty List 17th May 1915
Officer – Overseas Force
2nd Lincolnshire Regiment
Parker, Lieutenant, R. H.
- The Grimsby News Friday June 9th 1916
A Supplement t0 the ” London Gazette” issued on Monday night contained the following:-
War Office. June 5th.
Lincolnshire Regiment. Lieut. Rupert Hardy Parker, from a special Reserve Battalion, to be second-Lieutenant and to retain his higher rank and seniority in his present unit until ordered to join a regular unit. 6th June, 1916, with seniorty as from 20th June, 1915.
- Grantham Journal – Saturday 22nd December 1917
Lincolnshire Regiment Casualties, Officers
Lieutenant R H Parker.
- War Office Weekly Casualty List Monday December 24th 1917
Parker, Lt. R. H., Linc. R.
- The Sportsman Wednesday 2nd January 1918
PARKER. Lt. R. H., Linc. R.
- Grantham Journal – Saturday 5th January 1918
Lincolnshire Regiment Casualties, Officers
Wounded and missing
Lieut. R H Parker
War Office Weekly Casualty List Tuesday January 8th 1918
Previously reported wounded, now reported
Parker, Lt. R. H., Linc. R
Lincolnshire Echo – Tuesday 25th June 1918
Lieutenant Rupert Hardy Parker, Lincolnshire Regiment (Reported wounded and missing on December 2, 1917, near Passchendaele, now officially presumed killed in action on that date), was the only son of Captain C. J. E. Parker of Ludshott House, Grayshott, Hants, and formerly of Grantham. Born in 1895, he was educated at St George’s, Broadstairs, and at Wellington College. He was a member of the College Corps and shot in the College VIII, at Bisley. He matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, in August, in August 1914, but relinquished his university career to take a commission in the Lincolnshire Regiment in October of the same year. he joined his regiment in France in February, 1915 and was twice wounded that year – at Neuve Chapelle and at Fromelles. He obtained a regular commission in June 1916, and was commanding a company when he fell. His commanding officer wrote of him: “I can only say how we all loved and now m iss your son. He was a most popular boy, and is indeed a loss to the battalion.” His company sergeant-major wrote: “He had no fear. . . . A braver officer and gentleman never led a company into action. He was loved by all in his company.”
- WW1 War Office Casualty List 25th June 1918
Lincolnshire Regiment
Parker, Lieutenant, R. H.
Hampshire Independent Saturday 29th June 1918
PARKER Previously reported wounded and missing on the 2nd December, 1917 now officially presumed killed in action on that date. Rupert Hardy Parker, Lieut., Lincolnshire Regiment, only son of Capt. C. J. E. and Mrs. Parker, of Ludshott House, Grayshott, Hants, aged 22.
Grantham Journal – 20th November 1920
Memorial Tablet Dedicated In The Parish Church – On Thursday afternoon an interesting ceremony took place at the Parish Church, when a handsome tablet to the memory of Lieutenant Rupert hardy Parker, 2nd Lincs Regiment, who was killed at Passchendaele, Flanders, on Dec 2nd 1917, was unveiled and dedicated by the Vicar, the Rev. cannon Hancock. The tablet, which has been provided by the deceased officers parents, has been placed on the south wall of the Lady Chapel. It is of alabaster, and beneath the figures of two angels, bearing a crown, is a small crucifix, and the inscription in gold, “Ye who read this, remember Rupert Hardy Parker, Lieut., 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, killed in action at Passchendaele, Flanders, 2nd December 1917, aged 22 years, only son of C. J. E. Parker, formerly of Grantham, and of Louise, his wife.” Beneath, cut out on a scroll of stone, are the words, “My heart is towards those that offered themselves willingly among people, that jeopardise their lives unto death in the high places of the field.” At the base of the tablet is the inscription in gold “Requirement in peace.” There was a fair attendance at the ceremony, including the boys of the choir, and the hymns were “Let saints on earth,” “Think, O Lord, in Mercy,” and “O Valiant Hearts.” The xxiii Psalm was chanted, and the lesson from Wisdom iii., 1-10v., was most impressively read by the Rev. Cannon Hancock, as were the dedicatory prayers.
Military Records
- None found
Soldier’s Died In The Great War
- These records show that Lieutenant Rupert Hardy Parker, Lincolnshire Regiment was killed in action on 2nd December 1917 in the Western European Theatre in France and Flanders.
Pension Records
- None found
Effects Left To
- Father Captain Charles John Ernest Parker
- The British Medal
- The Victory Medal
- The 15 Star
- UK:
- Morton, Roll of Honour in St John the Baptist ChurchSt
- Wulfram’s Church in Grantham
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
- In memory of Lieutenant Rupert Hardy Parker, 2nd Bn., Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 2 December 1917 Age 22
- Only son of Capt. C. J. E. and Louise Parker, of Ludshott House, Grayshott, Hants. Educated at Wellington College, Berks. Undergraduate of Christchurch, Oxford.
- Remembered with honour, Tyne Cot Memorial.
- Panel 35 to 37

© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials

© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials
Military Service Timeline
We are unable to trace Rupert Parker through his WW1 service records or Pension records as these are not listed. It is highly likely that these are part of the burnt records.
Rupert was listed in the London Gazette, 20th October 1914, in a section showing Cadets and ex Cadets of the Officer Traiing Corps that had been posted into the Army. Rupert was posted as a Second lieutenant (Probation) to the 3rd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment.
During early March 1915 Rupert had been confirmed into the rank of Second Lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion Lincolnshire regiment having completed his probation.The 3rd Battalion was a training and reserve Battalion and it is fair to assume that once his training had been competed Rupert would have been transferred to another Battalion.
From the medal rolls we know that Lieutenant Rupert Parker, then of the 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, entered the French theatre of war on 20th February 1915
The following has been compiled from the history of the Lincolnshire regiment.
On the 16th August 1917 the 2nd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment were removed from the front line following heavy losses at the Battle of Langemarck. The three hundred remaining men were joined by their new commander, Lt-Col Irwin of the Essex Regiment, on the 22nd August.
September, October and half of November saw the battalion in trenches around Basseville and Warenton or in support or divisional reserve in the region.
On the 17th November the battalion relieved the Royal Canadian Regiment from the front line near Passchendaele. The enemy guns relentlessly shelled the sector throughout the day with gas shells. By nightfall the battalion had lost 4 men killed, 1 lieutenant and 13 other ranks wounded, 1 captain and 28 other ranks gassed.
The 18th told a similar story with two men killed, 2 officers and 22 other ranks wounded and 12 other ranks gassed. At about 8am about 100 enemy men left their trenches to attack but were repulsed by lewis gun fire.
The Lincolnshire were relieved on the 19th November but 3 more men were killed and 9 wounded before they could leave the trenches.
The battalion entrained at Wieltje for Red Rose Camp at Vlamertinghe after what was a very costly three day tour.
The Battalion returned to Machine Gun Camp St. Jean on the 29th November and then following day marched to California Camp at Wieltje where they took up the role of divisional support.
On the 1st December C Company paraded at 3:15pm and set out for the trenches near Passchendaele. The only way to the front line was by a duck board track across deep clinging mud. The enemy guns had found their mark on the track and only about 20 men reached the front line to take up the two posts on the left battalion front. An hour later the remaining three companies, detailed as assault troops started moving up. It shows the terrible nature of moving up in the fact that it took the first company 5 hours to reach the front of the duck board track. The first company was in position by 10pm and the last company by 12:20am.
The three companies started to attack at 1:55am (2nd December 1917) and immediately were spotted by the enemy who set up heavy machine gun fire. Before their own outpost line was reached every officer of the three companies became a casualty. The advance stopped about 30 yards from the enemy’s front trench and the battalion dug in. They were relieved from this position by the 8th Rifle Brigade and moved back to Camp St. Jean.
In this attack casualties were heavy. Captain A Cowe (Medical officer), Lieutenant Rupert H Parker and 16 other ranks killed. 2nd lieutenants Griffin (Later died of wounds), Eliot, Sowerby, Joyce, Green, Graves, Grant and Perkins along with 64 other ranks wounded. 25 other ranks were missing.
Lieutenant Rupert Hardy Parker was killed in this action during the Battle of Passchendale on 2nd December 1917
- WW1 Soldier’s Records (
- British Newspaper Archive.
- Fold 3
- Find My Past
- Genealogist
- Forces War Records
- British Army Service Numbers
- War Gratuity Calculator
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- National Archives – Battalion War Diaries
- General Registry Office