Biography of Serjeant Edward Ellis (15406)
1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment
Died 28th May 1918
- Name: Edward Ellis
- Date of birth: 1894
- Place of Birth: Haconby, Lincolnshire, England
- Date of Birth registration: April – June 1894
- Place of Birth Registration: Bourne, Lincolnshire, England
- Name: Robert Ellis
- DOB: 1857
- Place of Birth: Haconby, Lincolnshire, England
- Occupation: Farm Labourer
- Name: Ann Wand
- DOB: 1862
- Place Of Birth: Rippingale, Lincolnshire, England
- Marriage: 1883 Bourne District
Siblings: (Name), (DOB), (POB)
- John Robert Ellis, 1884, Haconby
- Elizabeth Ellis, 1885, Rippingale
- Eliza Ellis, 1887, Haconby
- Tom Ellis, 1891, Haconby (Died 1892 Age 1)
- Edward Ellis, 1894, Haconby
- Charles Ellis, 1899, Stainfield
- 1901: Edward is living with his parents in Haconby, Lincolnshire.
- 1911: Edward is living with his parents in Haconby, Lincolnshire. The census gives him an age of 17 and he is listed as a farm labourer.
- Edward’s cousins Robert Wand and Tom Hutchins also fought and was killed in WW1. Robert and Thomas can be found on our page dedicated to the Haconby War Memorial.
- No marriage for Edward has been found and because of his age we can assume that he never had the opportunity to marry.
- None found
Military Records
- None found
- These records show that Serjeant Edward Ellis, 15406, 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment was killed in action on 28th May 1918 in the Western European Theatre in France and Flanders.
Pension Records
- Available
Effects Left To
- Father Robert
- The British Medal
The Victory Medal
The 1915 Star
- UK:
- Haconby, plaque in St Andrew’s Church
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
- In Memory of Serjeant Edward Ellis, 15406, 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 28 May 1918 Age 24.
Son of Robert and Ann Ellis, of Haconby, Bourne, Lincs.
Remembered with Honour Soissons Memorial

© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials

© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials
Military Service Timeline
Edward enlisted into the Lincolnshire Regiment at Stamford on the 18th February 1915 and given the regimental number of 15406. His initial training was carried out at Weelsby Camp Grimsby.
Not much is known about Edward’s specific movements during this period as no full service record survives, most likely burnt during the WW2 warehouse fire in the London Blitz.
Edwqrd was promoted to Lance-Corporal and posted out to the 1st Battalion on June 22nd 1915, landing in France on this date making him eligible for the 1915 Star.
The Battalion diary tells us that on the 20th June 1915 they had completed a relief and were now in trenches near Sanctuary Wood near Zillerbeke (Ypres).
It goes on to tell us that on the 25th June 1915, after several days in the trenches, “The day passed quickly. Occasional shells bursting on our left. Carrier pigeons were introduced for signalling purposes.
Officers joined, Lieut H Marshall, Lieut H C Disbrowe, 2 Lieut J E Edmondson & 2nd Lieut G A Kirk.
Weather dull, occasional heavy showers. A draft of 164 Other Ranks joined and remained with transport at Russeboom. Casualties Nil.”The next report that would likely include Edward Ellis is that of the 28th. “All quiet on our front. The shelling of supports on right and left continued. Weather dull. Casualties Other ranks, 2 wounded.
120 Other ranks from Russeboom came up and relieved our equal number from the trenches. The relieved parties proceeding to Russeboom at 11pm under Sgt Jacques.
29th June 1915 – On our front all was quiet. Weather dull with slight showers. Casualties other ranks wounded 2.
30th June 1915 – The day passed quickly. C&D Companies were relieved at 2pm and B Company, A Company and Headquarters at 10.30pm by 1/4th & 1/5th Lincolns (T.F) all ranks feeling pleasure at meeting with our territorial Battalion.
A contingent of 1 officer – Capt R J Tucker and 76 other ranks of the Bermuda Volunteer rifle corps joined and remained with transport in Russeboom arriving around 3-30am on 1st July 1915.This was probably the first action that Edward Ellis saw although the Battalion would go on to be engaged in the battles of the Somme, in July 1916.
After the battle of the Somme Edward was promoted to Corporal. Following the Somme the Battalion would see action later in the war in Ypres, Arras and Cambrai. Edward would receive another promotion in October 1916 to a Sergeant.We take up his story once again in 1918 and now its May and the Battalion ae in action in the Marne Valley after the German Spring Offensive.
May 23 1918 – Chalons Le Verguer
Companies at the disposal of Company Commanders for training. Major The Hon W H Lyttleton assumed the command of D company.May 24th 1918
Companies were at the disposal of Company Commanders for training.
May 25th 1918
Training proceeded as usual. The undermentioned officers reported for duty and were posted as follows. Captain F M Upson to C Company and 2nd Lieut S W Dove to A company.
The Battalion carried out a practice move to the assembly positions which it was to occupy in case of attack. The distance was about a mile and a quarter through a dense wood. The time taken from the first Company moving off to the last Company reposting was 27 minutes. The move was carried out by night.May 26th 1918 – Chalons Le Vergeur
A church parade was held in the camp theatre. Lt (A Capt) F V Samuelson MC reported for duty and was posted to A Company.
At 8.0pm a warning was received that an attack on a large scale was expected. The following morning to be proceeded by a gas bombardment beginning at 10am. All ranks were ?? And gas guards were posted.May 27th 1918 – Chalons Le vergeur
At 10am a heavy bombardment opened on the front lines and back areas. At 3am a heavy gas shell barrage was added and it became necessary for respirators to be worn from this time until about 5am. At 12am orders were received to move to the assembly positions. This was reached at 5.40 am. It was reported that the enemy had gained a footing in the front system on the left of the Brigade Sector, and an ?? Patrol was sent out to reconnoitre the support line and all assembly positions for it. At 6.20 am the Battalion moved up and took up positions as follows: A and B Companies(Capt Samuelson and Lt Cave) on North side of Chalons Le Vergeur – Cormicy road covering La Chapelle, C and D Companies (Lt Swaby and Lt Tapsell) on South side of the road covering Cormicy, Battalion HQ moved to dugouts on the same road near Brigade HQ.
It was soon reported that the 12/13 Northumberland Fusiliers, who held the left subsector of the Brigade front, were withdrawing from the front line. A defensive flank was at once formed with B company less one platoon and 1 platoon of A Company, their left being in touch with a company of the 3rd French Territorial Regiment, who had moved up into positions just in time to prevent the enemy gaining a foothold in the wood. Meantime the enemy attacked our position North of Cormicy but was repulsed with heavy loss.
By 1pm the situation had become acute. On the left the enemy had broken through and had completely worked round the left flank. On the right he had occupied Cormicy where C and D companies, after repulsing three successive attacks, had been withdrawn to other positions. At 5pm the rest of the Battalion was ordered to withdraw to the line of the Chalons Le Vergeur – Cormicy road, as both flanks were in the air. This movement was successfully carried out, pivoting on the new position of D Company and a line formed facing N.W, and continuing along the road by the 4th South Staffords. Here the enemy was held until 8.0pm.At 8pm the information was received that the enemy was pressing C and D Companies very hard on the right of our line, and also that he had worked completely round the left flank and occupied Chalons Le Vergeur . To avoid being completely surrounded a quick withdrawal was imperative. This was carried out in good order and with the greatest steadiness. The rear guard successfully covered the withdrawal of the main body, and the Battalion was successfully evacuated.
Sergeant Edward Ellis was reported wounded and missing at Vaurolet Farm on the Marne May 28th 1918 and was later presumed to have died by the war office.
- WW1 Soldier’s Records (
Commonwealth War Graves Commission