Biography of Lieutenant Commander, The Honourable
Peter Robert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby
Royal Navy
Died 1st November 1914
- Name: Peter Robert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby (Hon)
- Date of birth: 2nd November 1885
- Place of Birth: Normanton, Rutland, England
- Date of Birth Registration: October – December 1885
- Place of Birth Registration: Oakham, Rutland, England
- Name: Gilbert Henry Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby
1st Earl of Ancaster - DOB: 1st October 1830
- Place of Birth: Portman Square, London, England
- Occupation: M.P
- Name: Evelyn Elizabeth Gordon (Lady)
- DOB: 22nd March 1846
- Place Of Birth: Orton Longville, Huntingdonshire, England
- Marriage: 14th July 1863 St Pauls, Knightsbridge, London
Siblings: (Name), (DOB), (POB)
- Evelyn Clementina Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1864, Chelsea, London (Lady)
- Margaret Mary Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1866, St George Hanover Square, London (Lady)
- Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1867, St George Hanover Square, London (Became 2nd Earl of Ancaster)
- Nina Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1869, St George hanover Square, London (Lady)
- Charles Strathavon Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1870, St George Hanover Square, London (Brigadier General, The Honourable)
- Claud Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1872, Normanton, Rutland (Lieutenant Colonel, The Honourable)
- CecilieHeathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1874, St George Hanover Square, London (Lady)
- Alice Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1876, St George Hanover Square, London (Lady)
- Mary Adelaide Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1878, St George Hanover Square, London (Lady)
- Peter Robert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1885, Normanton, Rutland (Lieutenant Commander, The Honourable)
- 1891: Peter is living with his parents at The Hall, Normanton, Rutland.
- 1901: Peter is living on the Britannia, a cadets training ship in Dartmouth, Devon. The census gives him an age of 15 and he is listed as a naval cadet.
- 1911: Peter is living at Royal Crecent Hotel 100 -101 Marine Parade Brighton. The census gives him an age of 25 and he is listed as a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and visitor at the hotel.
Relatives in services
- Peter’s three brothers all served in the military.
- Name: Pamela May Ross
- Date of birth: 26th May 1891
- Place of Birth: Poona, Bombay, India
- Date of Marriage: 3rd June 1913
- Place of Marriage: All Saints Church, Cromarty, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland
- Peter Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond-Willoughby, 1914, Devonport, England (died 1916)
Wife’s parents
- Father: Walter Charteris Ross
- Mother: Gertrude May Stewart
Newspaper Mentions
- Grantham Journal Saturday 7th June 1913
On Wednesday Lieutenant the Hon. Peter Willoughby, R.N., son of the late Earl of Ancaster, was married at All Saints’ Church, Cromarty, to Pamela, daughter of Colonal Ross, C.B., and Mrs. Ross, of Cromarty House. The bishop of Moray, Ross, and Caithness, assisted by Canon Spence Ross, performed the ceremony, and the bride was attended by a page, Master Dnald Ross, her brother, and by five girls, the Misses Jean, Diana and Sheila Ross, sisters of the bride, Mis Evelyn Rutherford, neice of the bridegroom, and Miss Anne Oldfield, who wore frocks of white chiffon, in Romney style, with dull blue sashes and quaint muslin caps. Colonel Ross gave away his daughter, who was wearing a dress of soft white satin, with lace train, the gift of Lady Evelyn Ewart, the bridegroom’s sister, and beautiful old lace veil, lent by Hom. Elizabeth Willoughby, his aunt. Lieutenant the Hon. Hunphrey Legge, R.N., acted as best man, and among the many guests at the wedding were the Dowager Countess of Ancaster, the Countess of Dalhousie, Lady Cecile Goff, Lady Alice Willoughby, General and Mrs. Eustace, Admiral and Mrs. Madden, Admiral sturdoe, Sir Walter and Lady Jenner, Sir Hector and Lady Munro of Foulis, Lady Monro of Allan, Lady Marjorie Mackenzie of Gairloch, the Hon. Lady Mackenzie, Captain Carpendale, R.N., and many others. Mrs Ross afterwards held a reception at Cromarty House, and later in the afternoon Lieutenat the Hon. Peter and Mrs. Willoughby left for Drummond Castle, lent by the Earl and Countess of Ancaster. The presents were numerous, and included the following:-
To the bride:- From her parents, a tortoiseshellfitted dressing-case; from her father, a diamond ring; the bridegroom’s mother, an old paste hair bandeau and a diamond and pearl brooch; Colonel the Hon. Charles and Lady Muriel Willoughby, Furs; Colonel sir Nevile and Lady Camberlain, a star sapphire and diamond pendant; Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Stanley and Lady Colville, a leather blotter and case; Earl and Countess Cairns, an old silver box; General and Mrs. Eustace and Rear-Admiral Sir George Warrender, Cheques; Lord and Lady Lorat, a gold rose bowl; and the inhabitants of Cromarty, a silver centre-piece.
To the Bridegroom:- From the Bride, a silver ink stand and a wrist watch; from his Mother, a silver tea service and kettle and a watch and chain; the Earl of Ancaster, a cheque; the bride’s Father, a pearl pin; the bride’s Mother, a water-colour portrait of the bride; the Officers of the Second destroyer Flotilla, candelabra; Lord and Lady Harloch, a silver Kettle; Lord Cecil Manners, a gold pencilcase; Magor the Hon. Cloud and Lady Florence Willoughby, old silver sauceboats; the Hon. Elizabeth Willoughby, silver entree dishes; and Lady Burton and Mr. Baillie, a lacquer cabinet.
- Portsmonth Evening News Monday 31 August 1914
The following appointments were made at the Admiralty this afternoon:-
Lieutenants Hon. P. R. H. D. Willoughby promoted to Lieutenant-Commander, August 31.
- Nottingham Evening Post Friday 6th November 1914
Lieut=Commander the Hom. Peter Willoughby, of H.M.S. Monmouth, was the youndest brother of the Earl of Ancaster, and uncle of Lord Willoughby de Eresby. He was born in 1885 and became a lieutenant in 1906, marrying last year Pamela Mary, daughter of Colonel Ross, of Cromarty.
- Grantham Journal Saturday 28th November 1914
A MEMORIAL SERVICE was held in Mormanton Church on Friday week, for Lieut. Commander the Right Hon. Peter H. D. Willoughby, youngest son of the Countess Dowager of Ancaster, Normanton Park, who lost his life on H.M.S. ‘Monmouth,” which it will be remembered was sunk off the Chilian coast. The service was conducted by the Rev. E. V. Hodge, Rector of Lyndon (formerly of Mormanton), and the Rev. C. A. C. Bowlker (Rector of Normanton), and was most impressive. The hmns were”there is a Blessed Home,” and ‘Peace, Perfact Peace.” Among those present were the Countess Dowager of Ancaster (mother), Lieut-Col, the Earl of Ancaster (Lincs. Yeomanry), Lady Nina H. D. Willoughby, and Lady Alice H. D. Willoughby (sisters), the Right Hon. the Earl of Ancaster, Magor the Hon. Cloud H. D. Willoughby (brother), the Marquis of Huntley, Capt. Tryon, Mr. Heathcote, Mr Binns, Dr. Greenwood, Dr. Galletly, Mrs. Birch Reynardson, Miss Finch (Burley), Mr. A. E. G. Dixon, and Servants from Normanton Hall. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their loss. as recently as last July deceased paid a visit to Normanton Park with his wife, to whom be was married some eighteen months ago, and after a days stay with his mother and other relatives he left for Scotland, whence he was called up for duty when the war became imminent. His death at so early an age (he was only 29) is deeply felt, but this cheery and generous English gentleman and sailor has had the honour of dying at his post for King and country.
- Grantham Journal Saturday 5th December 1914
EMPIRE”S CALL – On behalf of the Claypole and District Unionist Association, the Secretary (Mr. M. W. Moore) convoyed to the Member for the Division and to the Earl of Ancaster an expression of deep sympathy in the loss of their gallant brother, Lieut. Commander the Hon. Peter Willoughby, who went down with the Monmouth. The Earl of Ancaster replied: “Please convey to the members of the Assication my, and my relations’, thanks for their kind message of sympathy with is on the loss of my brother Peter. He died a noble death, facing fearful odds, for the honour of his King and country.” Major Willoughby, writing from Victoria Barracks, Windsor, replied; “Please express my frateful thanks to the members of the Assocation, and accept them for yourself. It is a great grief to us, but the sympathy extended from friends is much appreciated.”
- Grantham Journal Saturday 12th December 1914
THE HALF-YEARLY RENT AUTIY in connection with Lord Ancaster’s estates at Grimsthorpe took place at the Estate Office on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, His Lordship’s agent, Mr. E. B. Binns, presiding over the business each day. The farming tenantry, as usual, put in attendance on Tuesday and Wednesday, and after the usual business they repaired to the “Black Horse,” where Host and Hostess Allen had in readiness a sumptuous spread, excellently served. Mr Binns occupied the chair each day, and Mr. Conyers Chapman the vice-chair. After the tenantry had feasted, the patriotic toasts wer submitted and responded to. Mr. Chapman submitted the health of Lord and Lady Ancaster, together with that of the Dowager Countess of Ancaster, and expressed sympathy with the family in the servere blow they had sustained in the los of the Ho. Peter robert Willoughby, who was a victim of the Monmouth. The cottage tenantry were, as usual, catered for the “Six Bells,” Edenham, and the “Windmill,” Swinstead. At each place the usual liberal spread awaited the tenantry.
Military Records
Attestation Papers
- Available
Soldier’s Died In The Great War
- None found
Pension Records
- Available
Effects Left To
- None found
- The British Medal
- The Victory Medal
- The Star
- UK:
- Edenham, Roll of Honour in St Micheal and All Angels Church
- Normanton, Memorial tablet in St Mattews Church. Was removed 17th March 1972 and affixed to the interior of the Chapel of Grimsthorpe Castle.
- Empringham, Empingham Cemetery and War Memorial
- Empringham, Roll of Honour in St. Peter’s Church
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
- In memory of Lieut-Commander The Hon. Peter Robert H. D. Willoughby, H.M.S. “Monmouth”, Royal Navy who died on 1 November 1916 Age 29
- Son of 1st Earl of Ancaster and Countess of Ancaster, husband of Pamela May, daughter of Brig. Gen. Sir Walter Ross, of Cromarty, Ross-shire.
- Remembered with honour, Plymouth Naval Memorial
- Panel 1
© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials
© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials
Military Service Timeline
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- British Newspaper Archive.
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- Forces War Records
- British Army Service Numbers
- War Gratuity Calculator
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- National Archives – Battalion War Diaries
- General Registry Office