Biography of Private Charles Edward Osgothorpe (60282)
22nd Battalion (Tyneside Scottish) Northumberland Fusiliers
Formerly 5668, East Yorks Regiment
Died 11th April 1918
- Name: Charles Edward Osgothorpe
- Date of birth: 1887
- Place of Birth: Bourne, Lincolnshire, Englan
- Date of Birth Registration: January – March 1887
- Place of Birth Registration: Bourne, Lincolnshire, England
- Name: George Henry Osgothorpe
- DOB: 1857
- Place of Birth: Bourne, Lincolnshire, England
- Occupation: Chimney sweeper
- Name: Mary Jane Dean
- DOB: 1857
- Place Of Birth: Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
- Marriage: 1883 Bourne District
- Elizabeth Dean, 1879, Bourne
- William Dean, 1880, Bourne
- Ellen Osgothorpe, 1884, Bourne
- George Henry Osgothorpe, 1885, Bourne
- Charles Edward Osgothorpe, 1887, Bourne
- Mary Jane Osgothorpe, 1888, Bourne
- Emma Osgothorpe, 1890, Bourne
- Frederick Osgothorpe, 1891, Bourne
- Lilian Gertrude Osgothorpe, 1895, Bourne
- Florence Ann Osgothorpe, 1898, Bourne
- 1891: Charles is living with his parents in Baston, Lincolnshire.
- 1901: Charles is living with his parents in Bedehouse Bank, Bourne, Lincolnshire.
- 1911: Charles is living with his wife at 26 Woodview, Bourne, Lincolnshire. The census gives him an age of 24 and he is listed as a hay presser.
- None found
- Name: Priscilla Reeves
- Date of birth: 1890
- Place of Birth: Dunton, Bedfordshire, England
- Date of Marriage: 1910
- Place of Marriage: Bourne District
- Ada Florence Osgothorpe, 1911, Bourne
- Elsie Nay Osgothorpe, 1913, Bourne
- Lilian Verdun Osgothorpe, 1916, Bourne
- Father: David Jeeves
- Mother: Jane Huckle
- None found
Military Records
Attestation Papers
- None found
Soldier’s Died In The Great War
- These records show that Private Charles Osgothorpe, 60282, 22nd Bn (Tyneside Scottish) Northumberland Fusiliers was killed in action on 11th April 1918 in the Western European Theatre in France and Flanders.
Pension Records
- Available
Effects Left To
- Widow Priscilla
- The British Medal
- The Victory Medal
- UK:
- Bourne, Roll of Honour in Bourne Abbey Church
- Bourne War Memorial in the Memorial Gardens
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
- In memory of Private Charles Osgothorpe, 60282, 22nd (Tyneside Scottish) Bn., Northumberland Fusiliers who died on 11 April 1918
- Remembered with honour, Ploegsteert Memorial
- Panel 2

© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials

© Picture taken by South Lincolnshire War Memorials
Military Service Timeline
No official military records currently exist for Charles and the only official documents we have are the medal rolls that show that Charles was posted to three battalions in his time in the Army.
– 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment, Private, 5668
– 13th East Yorkshire Regiment, 28727
– 22nd Northumberland Fusiliers, 60282In a lot of our research we find this change of Battalion or in this case regiment was due to the soldier being wounded and hospitalised, usually with a trip back to Blighty. The new posting coming when they were classed a fit again and then being posted to a battalion that was in need of extra men to get them back towards the correct numbers of men.
All we can say about Charles time in the Army with any certainty, without official dates, is what was happening to the 22nd Northumberland Fusiliers (3rd Tyneside Scottish) during the last few days before Charles was killed on the 11th April.
We take up Charles’ story from the battalion diary that starts just before the Battle of the Lys and Battle of Estuaries, part of the German Spring Offensive.
5th April 1918 – Houplines
Battalion relieved the 11th Suffolks in the left (Houplines) sector of Divisional front.5th to 8th April 1918
Our patrols were very active particularly ‘dawn patrols’ in view of the known enemy and his preparation for the attack.
New outpost lines and line of resistance were reconnoitred and wired. These were slightly withdrawn and our old front line was patrolled by fighting patrols day and night.9th April 1918 – Houplines
Enemy attacked Division on our right after heavy gas bombardment of Armentieres during the night – the gas smelt strongly in our sector A. Company was detached to support the right Battalion which had sustained heavy casualties owing to gas.4pm (9th April)
Enemy made progress on right flank.
Night 9th-10th Battalion sector was heavily bombarded with gas (Mustard) and H.E, and gas masks had to be worn about 3 hours.10th April 1918
Enemy attacked our left flank which was covered by the river Lys and flooded area.12 noon (10th April)
Enemy had made considerable progress on both flanks, no attack developed on our front which was being lightly shelled with H.E. Orders were issued for a withdrawal to take place at 3pm.3pm (10th April)
Battalion withdrew, order of companies D.C.B. B company formed formed the rearguard for the Battalion. Enemy fire increased during the withdrawal which was however successfully carried out with few casualties.
The line of withdrawal was along the main Nouvelles Houplines – Armentieres Road. The mist prevented low flying enemy planes overhead from observing the withdrawal.5.30pm (10th April)
Battalion reached outpost position about 500 yards north of Pont de Nieppe. B Company came under machine gun fire from. the south whilst crossing the River Lys. D company found it impossible to take up positions indicated owing to heavy machine gun friend they withdrew their left flank and B company (in reserve) was brought up on their left to form a switch from the Nieppe system to the River Lys facing North.11th April 1918
Night passed quietly, large numbers of stragglers passed through our posts. At dawn enemy recommenced his attack putting up white lights as the signal to start.
Enemy appeared to be attacking from the south and gained Pont de Nieppe and opened heavy fire with machine guns in our rear – cutting off our way of withdrawal. C company was detailed s rearguard to cover our withdrawal to Nieppe System at about 6.30 am.
The withdrawal of A. B. & D. Companies was effected without heavy casualties bu C company found it impossible to withdraw after holding the enemy and practically the whole company became casualties to enemy machine gun fire.8am (11th April)
Enemy low flying plane appeared dropping signal lights which were answered from. the ground. It flew over our lines and was immediately brought down and crashed by a rifle and L.G. fire. Later another plane flew low and was fired at ; and he made for his own lines appearing to be in difficulty.
During the day enemy artillery fire increased until in the evening it was very intense – his artillery followed his infantry at remarkable speed.7.30pm (11th April)
Enemy put down a barrage of chiefly, and attempted to advance in small groups but was unable to make any progress owing to our rifle and machine gun fire which was kept up until about 9pm to cover our withdrawal which took place at 8.15pm.
Enemy machine gun patrols were encountered during the withdrawal, endeavouring to cut off our retreat. These were successfully engaged and several wounded prisoners taken.
The Battalion assembled on cross roads Bailleul – Neuve Eglise drew rations (first for 3 days) and had a few hours rest.12th April 1918 – Steenwerck
Just before dawn the Battalion moved to support the troops holding the Right Defensive Flank N of Steenwerck.
Day was quiet5.30pm (12th April)
Enemy attacked and succeeded in penetrating post line and A&B companies were ordered to fill the gap in the vicinity of Neuve Eglise. The situation was restored and maintained throughout the night despite many attempts by enemy to establish himself in houses etc. in the vicinity.Private Charles Edward Osgathorpe of the 22nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers was killed in action during the withdrawal on the 11th April 1918. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial.
- This is ongoing research and will be posted when completed
- WW1 Soldier’s Records (
- British Newspaper Archive.
- Fold 3
- Find My Past
- Genealogist
- Forces War Records
- British Army Service Numbers
- War Gratuity Calculator
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- National Archives – Battalion War Diaries
- General Registry Office