5th March 1915

Friday 5th March 1915


Today we learn of the sad death of Wilfred Watson of Bourne who died today serving his country with the Rifle Brigade in Belgium.

He will be missed by all, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

23rd February 1915

Tuesday 23rd February 1915


Today we learn of the sad death of John J Smith of Bourne who died today serving his country with the 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment

He will be missed by all, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

26th January 1915

Tuesday 26th January 1915


Today we learn of the sad death of Herbert Edward Batterham  who died today serving his country with the 4th battalion Lincolnshire Regiment. Our sympathies go out to his parents Edward and Emma Betterham of 10 Dyke near Bourne.

He will be missed by all, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

24th November 1914

Tuesday 24th November 1914


Today we learn of the sad death of Lance Corporal Joseph Edward Clarke of Bourne who died today serving his country with the B Company, 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment. Joseph had served with the Leicester’s since 1906 having served in India before the war. Our sympathies go out to his widowed Father in Eastgate Bourne.

His sacrifice will not be forgotten.

14th November 1914

Sunday 14th November 1914


Today we learn of the sad death of William Arthur Oakden of Bourne who died today serving his country with the 1st Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment near Ypres. Our sympathies go to his widow Eva who lost her husband so soon after their marriage this year.

He will be missed by all, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

5th November 1914

Thursday 5th November 1914


Today we learn of the sad death of Thomas William Watson of Bourne who died today serving his country with the 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment

He will be missed by all in the town, his sacrifice will not be forgotten.