Remembrance – Harry Sandall

Harry Sandall of Stainfield, our second local Royal Warwick’s remembrance this month, was killed in action on the 4th May 1917. This month we remember his sacrifice 101 years on.

Harry Sandall was born early in 1898 in Irnham to George Sandall, born Kirkby Underwood, a farm labourer and his wife of 20 years, Emma Susannah Marshall, also born in Kirkby Underwood.

George and Susannah had the following children:-
Fred Sandall, 1880, Gosberton
Herbert Sandall, 1883, Kirkby Underwood
Lucy Sandall, 1884, Irnham
George Robert Sandall, 1885, Irnham
Ernest Edward Sandall, 1888, Irnham
William Sandall, 1890, Irnham
Emma Susannah Sandall, 1891, Irnham
John Willie Sandall, 1892, Irnham
Arthur Sandall, 1897, Irnham
Harry Sandall, 1898, Irnham
As well as the 10 children above they also had two other children before 1911 that had sadly died.

in 1909 Susannah has died and by 1911 Harry along with three brothers and a sister were living with their father in Stainfield.

Harry enlisted in the Army in Spalding and was first posted to the 4th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment (5057).
His medal rolls reveal that he enlisted after 1915 but the exact date is not known. It is expected that his full military records would have been destroyed in the London warehouse fire caused by the WW2 Blitz.

He was one of many cousins from the local villages to sign up. Harry’s cousins John Thomas, Edmund, William and Robert Wilson Wyer also fought and were killed in WW1. Edmund, William and Robert can be found on our page dedicated to the Haconby War Memorial and John on the Kirkby Underwood War Memorial.

Most usually a transfer of Regiment would occur after a man had been wounded and then classed as fit for service again, thus being posted to a Battalion where they would be most needed. As we are not sure when or why Harry was transferred to the 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, we can not really be sure of his movements during the war but can look at the last month of his life through the Battalion diaries of his final posting to the 2nd Royal Warwicks.

Our web site has more details about the April 1917 movements of the Battalion in training leading up to the attack on the 4th May that lead to Harry’s death.

1st May 1917 – Billets and Ruins Courcelles
Parades:- Brigade Field Day at Ayette. Working parties:- 1 company under R.M.R.E at Crater, East end of Ablainzeville.

2nd May 1917 – Billets and Ruins Courcelles
Fine Day. Thorough inspections of all fighting equipment were held during the day. Operational Orders were issued at 6.30pm

3rd May 1917 – Mory Copse
Fine Day. The Battalion moved to Mory Copse on night of 2nd / 3rd inst, parading at A.16.d.30 at 1.10am., to take part in operations of 5th and 7th Corps and 1st Anzac Corps, who are to attack the Hindenburg Line at 3.30am on the 3rd May. The 22nd Infantry Brigade is at the disposal of G.O.C. 62nd Division as a reserve.

In accordance with B.M.390 the battalion moved to Railway Embankment in U.2.5.b and U.26.2 at about 6am, as the attack of 62nd Division was not successful. Battalion operation orders were issued at 6.45pm for an attack on Bullicourt.

1. A Company will be on the right and C company of the left. Objective of A Company V.21.d.9.6 to V.21.d.5.6. C Company will also form defensive flank from left to join up with right of defensive flank formed by the 1st R W Fus, D company will give 2 Platoons to A company and 2 Platoons to C Company for carrying and mopping up.
A company will establish a block in trench which runs North from V.22.c.9.6. C Company will also establish a block on the other side of Sunken Road about U.21.d.4.7. and also a strong point at this junction with Sunken Road at U.21.d.5.6. Patrols will be pushed forward to the front. B Company will deploy posts in rear of final objective. 1 of B Company’s Platoons will carry R.E. material. B Company will assist A and C companies in their attack if required.

2. Battalion Headquarters will be at C.2.d.9.9.

3. The battalion dressing station will be behind the embankment at C.2.b.1.9.

4th May 1917
The Battalion left the Railway Cutting in U.26.c at 12.30am on morning of 4th inst and was formed up in rear of Railway Line in U.27.c. at 1.50am. They moved from here to attack at 3.45am. Companies moved from Railway Cutting in U.26.c. to open ground North East of Ecoust in C.2.b under cover of embankment, from here they moved forward by Platoons to the line from where the advance was to take place.

A conference was held on operation orders No 125, issued by 22nd Infantry Brigade at 5.45pm, 3rd inst, and the salient points, objectives of Companies and boundaries were discussed and written down by O.C. Corps.

Communication was maintained by 3 methods viz:-
1. by Runners – with an advanced post at C.3.a.7.8 ,
2. By Signalling – a visual station was established at the Tank in front of Bullecourt about v.27.b.2.3. and also a receiving station at C.2.d.8.9. Owing to heavy fire and bad visibility the men who survived withdrew and reported at Battalion Headquarters at 8.30am. The signalling lamp was also broken by shell fire.
3. Pigeons – One pair was released and one pair died of shell shock.

At 6am the Corporal in charge of Battalion Runners was sent forward to try and discover the positions and strength of Companies, also if possible to obtain written messages from officers.

At 10am the Sergeant in charge of scouts and 2 men were sent to try and locate posts, find numbers of men, Lewis Guns, etc., in each position held by the companies. At 12.30pm Lieut W.C. Fowler M.C. (Battalion Intelligence Officer) was sent forward and corroborated the statements brought back by runners and scouts. Any exact position and strength of posts held in front of V.27.c., 40 men under N.C.Os. Both these parties were digging in. There were also scattered posts of men unable to move owing to fire and scattered about in shell holes between v.27 central and village, it was not possible to ascertain their exact numbers.

Also 60 men had been collected and reformed at place ordered behind Railway Embankment in C.2.a.9.9. After 2pm dispositions were as follows:-
V.27.Central, a post of 3 Lewis Guns and 10 men
Dug in front of Railway Embankment, 2 officers and 100 other ranks. These were connected with 1st R.W. Fus on their left by a Lewis Gun post under Sgt at V.27.c.6.6.
120 other ranks were collected at C.2.a.9.9.

Finding from these reports that both flanks of party in V.27.c were in the air, Lewis Guns and Snipers were pushed forward to guard flanks and gain touch with 1st R.W. Fus.

At dusk the numbers of men on the embankment in V.27.c had been increased to 160 other ranks. Afterwards a party of 1 Lewis Gun and 15 other ranks came in who had been attached to 1st R.W.Fus.

The strength of the Battalion going into action was 20 officers, 609 other ranks. After the action the strength was 8 officers, 362 other ranks.

Only 3 junior officers were left out of those who carried out the attack.

The steps taken to re-organise and ascertain the strength of the Battalion were as already stated and with sentries posted to stop any stragglers and direct them, 1 at Battalion Head Quarters and another at C.2.b.6.8.

The positions of Battalion Headquarters and company headquarters during the attack were:-
Battalion Headquarters were at C.2.d.9.9
Company Headquarters moved forward with the attack, later in the day one was established on Railway Line about V.27.c.0.5.

Explanations as to cause of attack passing a failure:-

1. Concentration probably observed by enemy as he put down heavy barrage at 3.30am which had to be passed through.
2. Sudden alteration of plans which only allowed hurried consultation with O.C. Companies at 3.40am on place of deployment.
3. Position held heavily by machine guns and second belt of wire uncut on front attacked by battalion.
4. It appeared that the village was honeycombed with dug-outs and underground passages which allowed the enemy to get behind our men, 1 Sgt described it as being in a maze.
5. The fact that the enemy outranged us with his egg bombs.
6. The difficulty in obtaining information was very great owing to open nature of the ground and to the larger number of machine guns and snipers. 50% of Runners becoming casualties.
7. The extremely heavy enemy shelling on whole front in addition to 3 heavy barrages which he put down along the line of attack from V.27.a.8.2 to V.27.d.2.4.
8. The smoke and dust caused by shelling made it difficult to see any distance.

At 5.30pm it was agreed that the Battalion in conjunction with the 1st R.W. Fus should push forward strong patrols into Bullecourt. About 200 men were collected and Captain V Sharkey M.C. was placed in command. These pushed forward to the Sunken Road at the west end of the village and at 11pm commenced to attack. The enemy held his fire until they reached the 2nd belt of wire, which was uncut, and then opened strong rifle fire and machine gun fire which caused heavy casualties.

Communication was impossible as the signalling lamp was broken by shell fire and both pigeons has died of shell shock. The attack was a failure.

Casualties for the day were as follows:-

Killed – Lieut J. S. Harrowing. M.C., 2nd Lieut A.G. Fawdry.
Wounded – 2nd Lieut H. Toft, 2nd Lieut W.E. Frost, 2nd Lieut R.G. Hudson, 2nd Lieut N. Miller, 2nd Lieut W.E. Ward, 2nd Lieut J.E.W. Rance M.C.
Missing – Lieut N.A.M. Ring, 2nd Lieut E. Heatherington, 2nd Lieut F.G. Burrell, 2nd Lieut H.H.H. Lister.

Other ranks:-
Killed – 13
Wounded – 141
Missing – 82
Wounded at Duty – 5
Total of above 241

5th May 1917 – Railway Embankment
Fine Day. The 22nd Infantry Brigade were relieved by the 20th Infantry Brigade in the evening. The Battalion left the Railway Embankment at about 9pm and marched to a camping ground at Mory-Abbaye where they remained the night in bivouacs.

6th may 1917 – Billets and Ruins Courcelles
Fine day. Companies marched at Courcelles independently leaving camping ground at 10am, and took over the same billets as vacated on the night 2/3rd inst. Remainder of day spent cleaning billets and equipment and making up deficiencies in fighting equipment.

Harry Sandall was killed in action on the 4th May 1917 as a result of the failed attack of that day.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In Memory of Private Harry Sandall, 27173, 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died on 4 May 1917 Age 19.
Son of George Sandall, of Stainfield, Bourne, Lincs.
Remembered with Honour Arras Memorial and in St Andrews Church Haconby.

Remembrance – Harry Lane

Today we remember the 101st Anniversary of the death Bourne man Harry Lane, one two local men who served with the 2nd battalion Warwickshire Regiment.

Harry was born in Bourne early in 1887 to George Lane, an Ostler Groom, born in Stoke Ferry, Norfolk, and his wife Caroline Elizabeth Mason born in Grimston Norfolk.

George and Caroline were married in 1868 in Kings Lynn and were living in Bourne before 1877 when their second child was born.
Jane Lane, 1869, Grimston
Arthur William Lane, 1877, Bourne
Edward Lane, 1878, Bourne
Albert H Lane, 1882, Bourne
Agnes E Lane, 1885, Bourne
Harry Lane, 1887, Bourne
Gertrude Lane, 1890, Bourne

In 1891 the family were living at 2 Baxter Cottages on West Street Bourne. Sadly for the family Caroline passed away in 1900 leaving the Widowed George living with 5 children in 1901 although the two eldest were now in work.

By 1911 George had moved to the cottage next door, still in Baxter Cottages but now at No 1 and he still had Harry and Agnes at home, Harry now aged 24 and working as a Grocer’s Warehouseman. Three of the other Children had moved to a cottage at the other end of the row, No 7.

Harry enlisted into the Army at Bourne and as he was not eligible for the 1915 star we can only assume that he did not see service abroad until at least 1916.

Harry’s military records have not been found and were possibly destroyed in the warehouse fire in the London Blitz and so his movements during the war have been pieced together from what can be found.

The medal rolls show that Harry was posted originally posted to the 5th battalion Lincolnshire regiment and this is unlikely

He was later transferred into the 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, possibly because of being injured and then when classed as fit assigned a new Battalion, as we have seen in lots of cases.
As we are not sure when Harry was posted to the Royal Warwickshire Regiment we can only look at his movements through the Battalion diaries for the last month of his life.

Our web site has more details about the April movements of the Battalion in training leading up to the attack on the 4th May that lead to Harry’s death.

1st May 1917 – Billets and Ruins Courcelles
Parades:- Brigade Field Day at Ayette. Working parties:- 1 company under R.M.R.E at Crater, East end of Ablainzeville.

2nd May 1917 – Billets and Ruins Courcelles
Fine Day. Thorough inspections of all fighting equipment were held during the day. Operational Orders were issued at 6.30pm

3rd May 1917 – Mory Copse
Fine Day. The Battalion moved to Mory Copse on night of 2nd / 3rd inst, parading at A.16.d.30 at 1.10am., to take part in operations of 5th and 7th Corps and 1st Anzac Corps, who are to attack the Hindenburg Line at 3.30am on the 3rd May. The 22nd Infantry Brigade is at the disposal of G.O.C. 62nd Division as a reserve.
In accordance with B.M.390 the battalion moved to Railway Embankment in U.2.5.b and U.26.2 at about 6am, as the attack of 62nd Division was not successful. Battalion operation orders were issued at 6.45pm for an attack on Bullicourt.
1. A Company will be on the right and C company of the left. Objective of A Company V.21.d.9.6 to V.21.d.5.6. C Company will also form defensive flank from left to join up with right of defensive flank formed by the 1st R W Fus, D company will give 2 Platoons to A company and 2 Platoons to C Company for carrying and mopping up.

A company will establish a block in trench which runs North from V.22.c.9.6. C Company will also establish a block on the other side of Sunken Road about U.21.d.4.7. and also a strong point at this junction with Sunken Road at U.21.d.5.6. Patrols will be pushed forward to the front. B Company will deploy posts in rear of final objective. 1 of B Company’s Platoons will carry R.E. material. B Company will assist A and C companies in their attack if required.

2. Battalion Headquarters will be at C.2.d.9.9.

3. The battalion dressing station will be behind the embankment at C.2.b.1.9.

4th May 1917
The Battalion left the Railway Cutting in U.26.c at 12.30am on morning of 4th inst and was formed up in rear of Railway Line in U.27.c. at 1.50am. They moved from here to attack at 3.45am. Companies moved from Railway Cutting in U.26.c. to open ground North East of Ecoust in C.2.b under cover of embankment, from here they moved forward by Platoons to the line from where the advance was to take place.
A conference was held on operation orders No 125, issued by 22nd Infantry Brigade at 5.45pm, 3rd inst, and the salient points, objectives of Companies and boundaries were discussed and written down by O.C. Corps.
Communication was maintained by 3 methods viz:-
1. by Runners – with an advanced post at C.3.a.7.8 ,
2. By Signalling – a visual station was established at the Tank in front of Bullecourt about v.27.b.2.3. and also a receiving station at C.2.d.8.9. Owing to heavy fire and bad visibility the men who survived withdrew and reported at Battalion Headquarters at 8.30am. The signalling lamp was also broken by shell fire.
3. Pigeons – One pair was released and one pair died of shell shock.
At 6am the Corporal in charge of Battalion Runners was sent forward to try and discover the positions and strength of Companies, also if possible to obtain written messages from officers.
At 10am the Sergeant in charge of scouts and 2 men were sent to try and locate posts, find numbers of men, Lewis Guns, etc., in each position held by the companies. At 12.30pm Lieut W.C. Fowler M.C. (Battalion Intelligence Officer) was sent forward and corroborated the statements brought back by runners and scouts. Any exact position and strength of posts held in front of V.27.c., 40 men under N.C.Os. Both these parties were digging in. There were also scattered posts of men unable to move owing to fire and scattered about in shell holes betweenv.27 central and village, it was not possible to ascertain their exact numbers.
Also 60 men had been collected and reformed at place ordered behind Railway Embankment in C.2.a.9.9. After 2pm dispositions were as follows:-
V.27.Central, a post of 3 Lewis Guns and 10 men
Dug in front of Railway Embankment, 2 officers and 100 other ranks. These were connected with 1st R.W. Fus on their left by a Lewis Gun post under Sgt at V.27.c.6.6.

120 other ranks were collected at C.2.a.9.9.
Finding from these reports that both flanks of party in V.27.c were in the air, Lewis Guns and Snipers were pushed forward to guard flanks and gain touch with 1st R.W. Fus.
At dusk the numbers of men on the embankment in V.27.c had been increased to 160 other ranks. Afterwards a party of 1 Lewis Gun and 15 other ranks came in who had been attached to 1st R.W.Fus.

The strength of the Battalion going into action was 20 officers, 609 other ranks. After the action the strength was 8 officers, 362 other ranks.
Only 3 junior officers were left out of those who carried out the attack.
The steps taken to re-organise and ascertain the strength of the Battalion were as already stated and with sentries posted to stop any stragglers and direct them, 1 at Battalion Head Quarters and another at C.2.b.6.8.
The positions of Battalion Headquarters and company headquarters during the attack were:-
Battalion Headquarters were at C.2.d.9.9
Company Headquarters moved forward with the attack, later in the day one was established on Railway Line about V.27.c.0.5.

Explanations as to cause of attack passing a failure:-
1. Concentration probably observed by enemy as he put down heavy barrage at 3.30am which had to be passed through.
2. Sudden alteration of plans which only allowed hurried consultation with O.C. Companies at 3.40am on place of deployment.
3. Position held heavily by machine guns and second belt of wire uncut on front attacked by battalion.
4. It appeared that the village was honeycombed with dug-outs and underground passages which allowed the enemy to get behind our men, 1 Sgt described it as being in a maze.
5. The fact that the enemy outranged us with his egg bombs.
6. The difficulty in obtaining information was very great owing to open nature of the ground and to the larger number of machine guns and snipers. 50% of Runners becoming casualties.
7. The extremely heavy enemy shelling on whole front in addition to 3 heavy barrages which he put down along the line of attack from V.27.a.8.2 to V.27.d.2.4.
8. The smoke and dust caused by shelling made it difficult to see any distance.

At 5.30pm it was agreed that the Battalion in conjunction with the 1st R.W. Fus should push forward strong patrols into Bullecourt. About 200 men were collected and Captain V Sharkey M.C. was placed in command. These pushed forward to the Sunken Road at the west end of the village and at 11pm commenced to attack. The enemy held his fire until they reached the 2nd belt of wire, which was uncut, and then opened strong rifle fire and machine gun fire which caused heavy casualties.
Communication wasimpossible as the signalling lamp was broken by shell fire na dboth pigeons has died of shell shock. The attack was a failure.

Casualties for the day were as follows:-
Killed – Lieut J. S. Harrowing. M.C., 2nd Lieut A.G. Fawdry.
Wounded – 2nd Lieut H. Toft, 2nd Lieut W.E. Frost, 2nd Lieut R.G. Hudson, 2nd Lieut N. Miller, 2nd Lieut W.E. Ward, 2nd Lieut J.E.W. Rance M.C.
Missing – Lieut N.A.M. Ring, 2nd Lieut E. Heatherington, 2nd Lieut F.G. Burrell, 2nd Lieut H.H.H. Lister.

Other ranks:-
Killed – 13
Wounded – 141
Missing – 82
Wounded at Duty – 5
Total of above 241

5th May 1917 – Railway Embankment
Fine Day. The 22nd Infantry Brigade were relieved by the 20th Infantry Brigade in the evening. The Battalion left the Railway Embankment at about 9pm and marched to a camping ground at Mory-Abbaye where they remained the night in bivouacs.

6th may 1917 – Billets and Ruins Courcelles
Fine day. Companies marched at Courcelles independently leaving camping ground at 10am, and took over the same billets as vacated on the night 2/3rd inst. Remainder of day spent cleaning billets and equipment and making up deficiencies in fighting equipment.

Harry lane was killed in action on the 4th May 1917 as a result of the failed attack of that day.

In memory of Private Harry Lane, 27092, 2nd Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died on 4 May 1917 age 28
Son of the late George Lane
Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial.

Remembrance – Harry Herbert Rowe

This week we commemorate the 101st Anniversary of the death of local Thurlby man Harry Herbert Rowe, killed on 3rd May 1917 serving in the 2/5th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s West Ridings regiment. One of two local men serving in the regiment that were killed on the same day.

Herbert was born in the late summer of 1888 in Thurlby to Henry Rowe a farm labourer born in Thurlby and his wife Emily Kemp born in Laxfield Suffolk.
Henry and Emily were married in 1887 and along with Herbert had two other children, William Henry born in 1890 and Mabel born in 1893. They had a fourth child who they sadly lost before 1911.

in 1891 the family were living in Station Street Thurlby where they remained until at least 1911, when Herbert was a 22 year old waggoner on a farm.

Herbert enlisted into the army in Bourne but the exact date is not known although newspaper articles would suggest that he did not join up until the final weeks of 1916. His cousin Walter Needham also fought and was killed in WW1.

Herbert’s military records have not been found and are most likely to have been destroyed in the London warehouse fire caused by the Blitz.

As we are unsure of Herbert’s exact movements during the war we can only look at the movements of his Battalion during the final month of his life.

2nd/5th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment
62nd (2nd West Riding) Division.
Battalion Diaries

1st April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion moved from Achiet le Petit, Achiet Le Grand and Gomecourt into Behagnies.
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

2nd April 1917 – Behagnies
Five men of C Company accidently wounded by explosion of bomb or hidden German device in billet.
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

3rd April 1917 – Behagnies
German aeroplane destroyed two obversation balloons at Behagnies and though fired on escaped.
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

4th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

5th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

6th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

7th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

8th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

9th April 1917 – Behagnies
Brigade practice attack for coming attack on Bullecourt

10th April 1917 – Behagnies
5am Battalion left for concentration of troops behind Ecoust ready to move through as advanced guard in the event of the Anzac corps, who were attacking, breaking through. Troops were ordered back at 7.15am as attack had been postponed.

11th April 1917 – Behagnies
5am Battalion again left for concentration behind Ecoust. Anzacs take both 1st and 2nd objectives but later in the day are driven out. Battalion with other units of brigade billet at Mory.

13th April 1917 – Mory
2ns Lieut Fisher and 12 other ranks along with similar parties from other units of the brigade, successfully fired BangaloreTorpedoes in the enemy wire West of Bullecourt. The Divisional Commander expressed his appreciation of this work.

14th April 1917 – Mory
Lieut L D Goldseller the battalion signal officer was mortally wounded whilst reconnoitring the German position South West of Bullecourt. He was accompanied by four battalion guides who were able to carry him back to Ecoust. As a result of this no 5036 Private E C Rust was awarded the Military Medal and no 5222 Pte C Crabtree and No 5100 Private C Chapman were mentioned in Divisional Orders.

15th April 1917 – Mory
Lieut L D Goldseller was buried by the Jewish Chaplain opposite Mory Abbye (B22a.6.8 – sheet 57c.N.W.

17th April 1917 – Mory
During the afternoon the emeny shelled the Eastern outskirts of Mory where the Battalion was bivouaced and caused casualties of 3 men killed and 9 men wounded in the Battalion. Camps were then moved into the open South of Mory.
15th to 30th April 1917 – Mory
Battalion was employed along with other units of the Brigade repaving Mory roads, the carrying of gas shells forward for special company Royal Engineers, digging in of cable between L’Homme Mort and Ecoust also on filling in craters in Mory and Ecoust.
During this period special training was carried out in practicing the attack on the Hindenberg line at Bullecourt.

1st May 1917 – Mory
9am to 12.30pm Companies employed in making strong posts and specialist training
2-4pm Companies went over miniature trench system of Bullecourt and studied the roads and trenches and barrage lines.

2nd May 1917 – Mory
9am to 12.30pm Interior economy and preparation for going into the line. Afternoon companies again went over miniature trench system of Bullecourt.
9.15pm battalion marched to Ecoust (Embankment) where they drew mats for getting over wire, bridges for crossing trenches and bombs. They then formed up on tape line ref Map1:10000 Ecoust St Mein U26.d.9.9 to V26.b.7.1 all was completed by 1.30am and without casualties. Tanks followed the battalion down from L’Homme Mort to Ecoust.

3rd May 1917 – Ecoust
3.45am Zero hour, at Zero hour minus 8 minutes Battalion were moved forward to attack Hindenberg Line West of Bullecourt. A heavy barrage commenced at Zero. A company reached objective and held it until 4pm when they were counter attacked and bombed out, they returned on to embankment, B, C and D companies came under heavy shell fire, rifle and machine gun fire and were held up in front of Enemy front line trench, small parties holding out in shell holes until after dusk when they returned to embankment. Battalion suffered heavy casualties. The following officers were killed, Captain and Adj T Bentley, Lieut D Walker. Missing believed killed 2nd Lieut Jacobs. Missing Captain G Glover, Lieut G Ridley MC, 2nd Lieut E T Sykes, 2nd Lieut Heaton, 2nd Lieuts Darwent and Hutton. WoundedCaptain W Shaw, 2nd Lieuts Fisher A and Simmonds. Shell Shock Lieut K C Feathers and Captain Walker J.
N.P Ot Men Killed 2, Missing 123, Wounded 275

8pm Six posts were put out in W26C&D under Captain Goodall. Lieut Haigh went out with stretcher bearers to bring in wounded.

4th May 1917 – Ecoust
Battalion still holding the line, wounded dribbled in all day, shelling was heavy at night. Battalion were relieved by 2/6th and 2/7th Duke of Wellingtons and marched back by companies to Mory Cops into camp. During relief there were no casualties. Arrived Mory Cops about 2am next day.

Herbert Rowe was presumed dead on the actions of the 3rd May 1917 when his Battalion attacked the Hindenberg Line at Ecoust in the same attack that cost the life of Baston man Ernest Turner.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private Herbert Rowe, 241661, 2nd/5th Battalion, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment who died on 3 May 1917

Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial and also on the roll of honour in St Firmin’s Church, Thurlby.

Remembrance – Ernest Arthur Turner

This week saw the commemoration of the 101st Anniversary of the death of two local men of the 2nd/5th Battalion Duke of Wellingtons West Riding Regiment.

Our first was Baston man Ernest Arthur Turner. Ernest was born in Baston in spring of 1893, the son of William Turner, a farm labourer born in Baston Fen and his wife Emma Tyler of Helpston.

Ernest was one of 9 children to be born to the couple before 1911 of which they had sadly lost 2.

In 1901 Ernest is living with his parents in Baston Fen, 1911 finds him still with his parents but by now he is aged 17 and working as a farm labourer.

It is not known when Ernest enlisted in Lincoln but the medal rolls tell us that he did not see active service abroad until after 1915. His brother Sidney had been killed serving in Galipoli in August 1915 with the 6th Lincolnshire.

As Ernest’s military records have not been found we can assume they were destroyed in the WW2 warehouse fire caused by the blitz.

As we cannot be sure when Ernest joined his regiment we can only look at his movements from his Battalion’s diary in the last month of his life.

2nd/5th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment
62nd (2nd West Riding) Division.

Battalion Diaries

1st April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion moved from Achiet le Petit, Achiet Le Grand and Gomecourt into Behagnies.
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

2nd April 1917 – Behagnies
Five men of C Company accidently wounded by explosion of bomb or hidden German device in billet.
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

3rd April 1917 – Behagnies
German aeroplane destroyed two obversation balloons at Behagnies and though fired on escaped.
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

4th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

5th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

6th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

7th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

8th April 1917 – Behagnies
Battalion on working parties at R A ammunition dumps and roads

9th April 1917 – Behagnies
Brigade practice attack for coming attack on Bullecourt

10th April 1917 – Behagnies
5am Battalion left for concentration of troops behind Ecoust ready to move through as advanced guard in the event of the Anzac corps, who were attacking, breaking through. Troops were ordered back at 7.15am as attack had been postponed.

11th April 1917 – Behagnies
5am Battalion again left for concentration behind Ecoust. Anzacs take both 1st and 2nd objectives but later in the day are driven out. Battalion with other units of brigade billet at Mory.

13th April 1917 – Mory
2ns Lieut Fisher and 12 other ranks along with similar parties from other units of the brigade, successfully fired BangaloreTorpedoes in the enemy wire West of Bullecourt. The Divisional Commander expressed his appreciation of this work.
14th April 1917 – Mory
Lieut L D Goldseller the battalion signal officer was mortally wounded whilst reconnoitring the German position South West of Bullecourt. He was accompanied by four battalion guides who were able to carry him back to Ecoust. As a result of this no 5036 Private E C Rust was awarded the Military Medal and no 5222 Pte C Crabtree and No 5100 Private C Chapman were mentioned in Divisional Orders.

15th April 1917 – Mory
Lieut L D Goldseller was buried by the Jewish Chaplain opposite Mory Abbye (B22a.6.8 – sheet 57c.N.W.

17th April 1917 – Mory
During the afternoon the emeny shelled the Eastern outskirts of Mory where the Battalion was bivouaced and caused casualties of 3 men killed and 9 men wounded in the Battalion. Camps were then moved into the open South of Mory.

15th to 30th April 1917 – Mory
Battalion was employed along with other units of the Brigade repaving Mory roads, the carrying of gas shells forward for special company Royal Engineers, digging in of cable between L’Homme Mort and Ecoust also on filling in craters in Mory and Ecoust.
During this period special training was carried out in practicing the attack on the Hindenberg line at Bullecourt.

1st May 1917 – Mory
9am to 12.30pm Companies employed in making strong posts and specialist training
2-4pm Companies went over miniature trench system of Bullecourt and studied the roads and trenches and barrage lines.

2nd May 1917 – Mory
9am to 12.30pm Interior economy and preparation for going into the line. Afternoon companies again went over miniature trench system of Bullecourt.
9.15pm battalion marched to Ecoust (Embankment) where they drew mats for getting over wire, bridges for crossing trenches and bombs. They then formed up on tape line ref Map1:10000 Ecoust St Mein U26.d.9.9 to V26.b.7.1 all was completed by 1.30am and without casualties. Tanks followed the battalion down from L’Homme Mort to Ecoust.

3rd May 1917 – Ecoust
3.45am Zero hour, at Zero hour minus 8 minutes Battalion were moved forward to attack Hindenberg Line West of Bullecourt. A heavy barrage commenced at Zero. A company reached objective and held it until 4pm when they were counter attacked and bombed out, they returned on to embankment, B, C and D companies came under heavy shell fire, rifle and machine gun fire and were held up in front of Enemy front line trench, small parties holding out in shell holes until after dusk when they returned to embankment. Battalion suffered heavy casualties. The following officers were killed, Captain and Adj T Bentley, Lieut D Walker. Missing believed killed 2nd Lieut Jacobs. Missing Captain G Glover, Lieut G Ridley MC, 2nd Lieut E T Sykes, 2nd Lieut Heaton, 2nd Lieuts Darwent and Hutton. WoundedCaptain W Shaw, 2nd Lieuts Fisher A and Simmonds. Shell Shock Lieut K C Feathers and Captain Walker J.
N.P Ot Men Killed 2, Missing 123, Wounded 275

8pm Six posts were put out in W26C&D under Captain Goodall. Lieut Haigh went out with stretcher bearers to bring in wounded.

4th May 1917 – Ecoust
Battalion still holding the line, wounded dribbled in all day, shelling was heavy at night. Battalion were relieved by 2/6th and 2/7th Duke of Wellingtons and marched back by companies to Mory Cops into camp. During relief there were no casualties. Arrived Mory Cops about 2am next day.

Ernest Turner was missing presumed dead on the actions of the 3rd May 1917 when his Battalion attacked the Hindenberg Line at Ecoust.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private Ernest Arthur Turner, 241641, 2nd/5th Bn, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment who died on 3 May 1917.
Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial.
Ernest is also remembered on the Baston War Memorial, in the St John the Baptist Church.

Remembrance – George Ernest Nicholson

Today we commemorated the 101st anniversary of the death of local Billingborough man, George Ernest Nicholson of the 13th Battalion King’s (Liverpool) Regiment.

George was born in Billingborough in the summer of 1882 to William Nicholson, a farm labourer born in Billingborough and his wife Adah Line born in Horbling.

The family had 9 children by 1911 although 3 had not survived:-
George Ernest Nicholson, 1882, Billingborough
Albert Edward Nicholson, 1884, Billingborough
Edith Emily Nicholson, 1886, Billingborough
Minnie Nicholson, 1887, Billingborough
Walter Nicholson, 1892, Billingborough
Herbert Nicholson, 1895, Stow

The family lived at Blackmiles, No 7 vine Street, Billingborough in 1891, possibly moved to Stow in the 1890s. By 1901 George is an 18 year old Yardman on a cattle farm in Dowsby lodging with the Sutton family. He eventually moved back to Billingborough to live with his Aunt and Uncle in Cowgate and is now a 28 year old labourer.

George enlisted into the Army at Lincoln, although the exact date is unknown. No known attestation papers survive for George and so his exact enlistment date, dates he moved battalions etc., are currently unknown.

The medals rolls shows that George 48751 of the Kings Liverpool Regiment was not entitled to the 15 star and so know that he did not serve abroad before the end of 1915. The Kings Liverpool rolls show that he was only in that Battalion but the soldier’s Died in the Great war suggests that he was formerly in the Royal Lancaster Regiment, this is at conflict with a newspaper article that suggests that he transferred into the King’s Liverpool from the Notts and Derby Regiment.

All we do know is that at the time of death he was with the King’s Liverpool Regiment and so to look at his military life we have transcribed the following excerpt from their Battalion Diary. This gives the Battalion movements for the last month of George’s life.

Battalion Diary – 13th (Scottish) Battalion The King’s (Liverpool) Regiment
9th Brigade – 3rd Division

1st April 1917 – Arras
Remained in billets in Arras

2nd April 1917 – Arras
Remained in Billets in Arras

3rd April 1917
Remained in billets in Arras. 2 Officers and about 35 other ranks who were not to go into the attack left Arras for Wanquetin at 9.30pm. This party afterwards moved to St Vaast where they were attached to the 256th G.A. as ammunition carrying party. Orders received for the dumping of stores at Wanquentin to be completed by night of 5th / 6th April.

4th April 1917 – Arras
The battalion moved from its present billets in Arras and were billeted in cellars in town.

5th April 1917 – Arras
Remained in billets up to the 5th.

6th April 1917 – Arras
Remained in same billets

7th April 1917 – Arras
remained in the same billets. Orders received to move up to the assembly Trenches about 10pm on the 8th.

8th April 1917 – Arras
Battalion commenced to move up to the assembly trenches, by companies at intervals, first company left at 9.10pm and the others at 10 minute interval; Battalion Headquarters established in Iceland Trench. 2/Lieut A Wynne was killed in assembly trenches by a shell.

9th April 1917 – (First day of the Battle of Arras)
At 7am the battalion attacked. The right assaulting company took Harfleur Trench without difficulty, but the left company owing to heavy fire were first unable to enter the trench. The fact that they did so eventually is due to the sound leadership of the officers and the undeniable spirit of the men. Difficulty was experienced in advancing through Tilloy Wood owing to the fact that it was strongly wired, and little of the wire had been cut. Hostile snipers caused a number of casualties owing to their good shooting and good positions, which could not be readily discovered. The barrage put up by our artillery was very effective and greatly assisted men to gain their final objective, i.e. the village of Tilloy by 8.30am.
19 officers and 449 men of the enemy were taken prisoners by this battalion; also 7 machine guns, 2 trench mortars, 1 bomb thrower, and vast quantities of machine gun ammunition in belts, S.A.A bombs and trench mortar ammunition. The following officers were killed 2/Lieut E G Racine, 2/Lieut E B Flenley and the following were wounded 2/Lieut G K Price, 2/Lieut G Carson, 2/Lieut A E Littler, 2/Lieut L A Bane, 2/Lieut H O Foot, 2/Lieut H G Faragher; casualties in other ranks 170.
Battalion Headquarters moved up to the third German line at 9am.

10th April 1917
At 8.30 am Battalion Headquarters were moved up to the village of Tilloy. About 10pm orders were received to be ready to move up at 15 minutes notice.

11th April 1917
At 2.30am orders received to move up to occupy reserve trenches in from Bois de Boeufs. Battalion Headquarters established in disused German gun-pits.

12th April 1917
Remained in this position as Divisional reserve. Captain H V Briscoe wounded.

13th April 1917
Orders received to move forward to support attack on village of Guemappe; advanced from present position at 2.30pm in artillery formation; order cancelled and battalion returned to original position. At 6pm Battalion moved forward in support to 1st Northumberland Fusiliers in an attack on Guemappe. An intense artillery barrage was put up by the enemy and the Brigade retired a little way and commenced to dig in in a position due south of Wancourt. Lieut A F Robertson and 2/Lieut E M Gardiner wounded; other ranks casualties 40.

14th April 1917
Work ceased about 3am when the battalion was relieved by the KOSB of the 87th Brigade, and marched back to their old position East of Bois de Boefs, arriving at 5am. At 11am companies commenced to march to billets in Arras. Commanding officer commended Battalion on the excellent work done during the attacks.

15th April 1917 – Arras
Billets in Arras. The Battalion was complimented by the Brigadier and also by the Divisional General who thanked them for the exceptionally good work performed by them.

16th April 1917 – Arras
Billets in Arras

17th April 1917 – Arras
Billets in Arras

18th April 1917 – Arras
Billets in Arras. Commanding Officer inspected all companies separately.

19th April 1917 – Arras
Billets in Arras. 3rd Division Gas Corporal inspected the Box Respirators of all ranks.

20th April 1917 – Arras
Billets in Arras. Orders received that Brigade would move to Duisans in the afternoon, but this was cancelled until the 21st.

21st April in 1917 – Arras
Battalion moved to Dusians; first company moving of at 10.30am remainder at 200 yards interval; took over huts from H.L.I. 46th Infantry Brigade; relief completed 1.15pm

22nd April 1917 – Duisans
Battalion remained in Duisans.

23rd April 1917
At 12.30pm orders were received to move about 2pm. Headquarters and first company moved at 2.30pm and remaining companies at intervals of 200yds; took up billets vacated by 7th King’s Shropshire Light Infantry 8th Brigade who had proceeded to the trenches.

24th April 1917
Billets in Arras

25th April 1917
Billets in Arras. Parades under company arrangements.

26th April 1917
Billets in Arras. Parades under company arrangements.

27th April 1917
As on 26th

28th April 1917
Remained in billets in Arras. Baths allotted to Battalion from 7am to 10.30am.

29th April 1917 – Arras
Remained in billets in Arras. Various Church Services held. The attack practiced by the battalion in the afternoon.

30th April 1917
Billets in Arras. Baths allocated to the Battalion from 10am to 1pm. The attack again practiced by the Battalion.

The undermentioned have been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry and good work during the operations from the 9th to 14th April:-
19092 Sergt. Edmondson. C
22132 LCpl Jones J
52330 LCpl Oakes R
51862 LCpl Robinson W
42963 Pte Hunter T
48770 Pte Simms C

1st May 1917 – Arras
The Battalion moved from billets in Arras by companies at intervals of 15 minutes, Headquarters and the first company moving off at 8.15pm to take up positions in the front line trenches.

2nd May 1917
Remained in front line trenches

3rd May 1917
About 1am the Battalion moved to their assembly positions and at 3.45am the two leading companies moved out of the front line trench.

Strong Lewis gun fire was maintained on the enemy’s front line to prevent his escaping the barrage by leaving the trenches.

Notwithstanding the difficulty presented by the darkness which had not lifted, the leading companies hugged the barrage, although assailed by heavy machine gun fire, the attack progressed to a line running North South about 100 yards East of Bois Des Aubepines.

A hostile counter attack was launched at the leading companies from the North and North East. It was completely beaten back, but the line was greatly depleated by machine gun fire and rifle fire from the northern flank and also from a North Westerly direction, which took it in the rear.

A second and strong hostile counter attack which was delivered from the North Flank was met very gallantly, but the line was by this time so thin, no supports having come up that a withdrawl was necessary to prevent the troops being cut off. The withdrawl was carried out in good order in conjunction with the 4th Royal Fusiliers, back to the original front line trench.

The following officers were killed, Captain H E Coates, 2/Lieut H B Williams, the following officers were wounded, Captain J Hunter, Captain G W Byng, 2/Lieut W M Lee, 2nd Lieut H Harris and the following officers were reported missing. Lieut J A Phillips, 2/Lieut A J Innes, 2/Lieut Mc C Daly. 2/Lieut D F Wilkinson was wounded but remained at duty.

4th May 1917
The Battalion continued to consolidate the position held and in spite of heavy hostile fire, made good progress.

This consolidation and holding the line continued until the night of the 11th / 12th of May when the Battalion was relieved by the 10th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers and proceeded to Trenches North of the Cambrai Road. Here they remained in trenches and provided working parties for the line until the 15th when they proceeded to billets for rest and refitting.

George was originally reported as missing although the official records show that he died on the 3rd May 1917.

Grantham Journal Saturday 16th June 1917
MORE SAD NEWS has reached here. Mr Tom Stennett of the Square has been officially notified that his son, Pte A Stennet (Sherwood Foresters) has died of wounds received on April 12th. Nothing has been heard of him since that date, and the parents experienced many weeks of suspense and anxiety. Another son is with the forces in Egypt.
Pte Geo Nicholson (Notts and Derby’s transferred from the K.I.R) has also been reported as missing. Another son, Walter is with the Lincolns. The friends of those heroes have every sympathy.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private George E Nicholson, 48751, 13th Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) who died on 3 May 1917 Age 36
Son of William and Ada Nicholson, of Burton Lane, Billingborough, Lincs
Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial.
Also remembered on the Billingborough Roll of Honour in St Andrew’s Church.

Remembrance – Charles Richard Creek

This week we remembered Bourne man Corporal Charles Richard Creek of the 4th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment who was killed in action on the 2nd May 1917.

Charles Creek was born in Sheffield in the summer of 1891 to Richard Creek a Farm Labourer born in Ely, Cambridgeshire and his wife Elizabeth Ann Canham born in Stretham, who were married in Sheffield in 1886.
They had 8 children, one whom had died before 1911:-
Ida Elizabeth Creek, 1887, Sheffield
Dora Alice Creek, 1889, Sheffield
Charles Richard Creek, 1891, Sheffield
Carrie Creek, 1893, Sheffield
Percival Creek, 1897, Sheffield
Lily Creek, 1899, Sheffield
Walter Evelyn Creek, 1904, Stretham

By 1901 the family had moved back to Cambridgeshire and were living in Elizabeth’s home village of Stretham at Green End.
1911 saw Charles as a 19 year old working as a farm labourer, living with his parents at The Laburnums, Upware, Swaffham Fen, Cambridgeshire.

In 1913 Charles married Flora Walker in the Newmarket district. Flora was born in Hilgay, Norfolk in 1886 and was the daughter of John Walker and Rose Anna Scott.
Charles and Flora had three children, Percy E born 1914,
Vincent B C born 1916 and Mona A Creek born 1917 all in Bourne.

During their time in Bourne the family lived in Burghley Street and the widowed Flora later took the family to Boston.

Charles joined the Army on the 7th May 1915, enlisting into the Lincolnshire Regiment in Bourne.

The official army records for Charles are believed to be part of the records lost in the bombing of the London warehouse in the blitz and therefore we can only assume certain dates with regards to his movements during the war.

Charles would have been trained at Belton Park with the 3rd/4th battalion, the third line training battalion before his initial posting abroad.

Charles first saw a posting abroad on the 27th October 1915, where he would have been posted to France to Join the 4th battalion (1st/4th – First Line Battalion)

We can only look at the Battalion Diaries to give us an insight into Charles’s war. A fuller detail of the movements of the 4th Battalion can be found on Charles Creek’s page on our web site – Linked at the end of this post.

In this commemoration post we will follow his movements in the last month os his life.

The 1/4th Lincolnshire Regiment fought in the 46th (North Midland) Division and within that the 138th Brigade which consisted of the 1/4th Lincolns, 1/5th Lincolns as well as the 4th and 5th Leicestershire Regiment.

For many months at the beginning of 1917 the 4th Lincolns would relieve the 5th in the front line and vice versa and so the movements of the two Battalions were inextricably linked.

1st April 1917 – Estree Blanche
We hold church service in the Sucerie (Sugar House). The building makes a spacious improvised cathedral and there is plenty of room even when the 4th Lincs Regt, R.E’s, M.G’s and T.M.B’s have marched in.
We cease wearing the Bose Respirator and smoke helmet, which before, had always been carried on the person whilst on parade.

2nd April 1917
Platoon Training under platoon commanders

3rd April 1917
Platoon and Company drill.

4th April 1917
Reorganisation of sections. Parades are as strong as possible and at 11.15am the companies are ready for inspection by the C.O.
The second in command and one officer per company carry out tactical exercises under the brigadier.
The Brigadier has kindly offered to present a cup, to be called the Febvin Cup for an inter-company football cup-tie. Battalions will play inter-company matches to arrive at the best team.

5th April 1917 – Estree Blanche
We pass the starting point at 10am to take part in a Brigade Route March. We join beyond Cuhem and thence we pass through Laires, Boncourt, Flechin and return to Estree Blanche, having covered a distance of roughly eleven miles.

6th April 1917
The Battalion marches to the training area allotted to the 138th Brigade and carried out tactical exercises. The large wood proves too much for some platoon commanders and readjustment is needed before exit is made on the farther side.
D company prove the victor in a well contested match with A company and have to meet C company, who have already vanquished B Company.

7th April 1917
The Battalion practices the Trench Attack on B training area, men remaining in Estree Blanche march to the mine at Flechinelle where are excellent shower baths.

8th April 1917 – Estree Blanche
Church parade in the Sucerie. Easter Sunday is favoured with a warm bright sun. The first spring day of the year.

9th April 1917
A Divisional route march. The Battalionjoins the 138th Brigade at Flechin and the Division at the cross roads 1 mile South East of Febvin Palfart. They march us then by Westerhem, Auchy, Rely and Estree Blanche. At Rely the whole Division marches past the corps commander, who expresses his pleasure at the marching and general appearance of the men.

10th April 1917
The Battalion spends the day on the training ground. Open warfare, under rules laid down in S.S 144 is practiced.

11th April 1917
The 4th Lincolns take part in a Brigade attack across open country the breaking up into artillery formation by platoons and diamond formation by sections is very successful as is also the extension formation of waves. In the later stages of the attack however, the leadership by platoon section commanders is severely ostracised.
The G.O.C attends and addresses the officers after the practice.

12th April 1917 – Estree Blanche
Companies under company commanders. Specialists at their subjects. 2/LT H.R.Greenwood arrives from the base and is posted to A company.

13th April 1917
The Battalion marches to Le Cornet Bourdois, 2 miles North of Lillers.
Estree Blanche is left at 8am and we arrive at our new billets at 12.30pm. Le Cornet Bourdois is remarkable for the quantity and quality of its waters. There are springs at every house and the doctor is enthusiastic in its praise.

14th April 1917
Parade under company commanders: companies will be ready to move at short notice.

15th April 1917
Church parade is ordered but owing to the wretched weather the parade is cancelled. Very little rain is needed to convert the fields into marshes. The Battalion has the Thresh Disinfector for 2 days and makes full use of it.

16th April 1917 – Vendin Lez Bethune
The Battalion marches to Vendin Lez Bethune a distance of less than 9 miles. The route is by Lillers and Chocques. We leave Le Cornet Bourdois at 9am and arrive at Vendin shortly after midday.

17th April 1917 – Vendin Lez Bethune
Platoons under Platoon Commanders. Special attention paid to small tactical exercises and solutions as laid down in S.S. 143

18th April 1917
Companies under Company Commanders. Bad weather prevents carrying out of tactical schemes on training ground South West of Chocques.

19th April 1917
Starting at 1pm the Battalion marched from Vendin Lez Bethune to Cite St Pierre. The Iron Gates, Maroc, were passed at 7.30pm and the Battalion reached its destination soon after 8pm. The total distance was about 14 miles.

20th April 1917 – Cite St Pierre
A fairly quiet day. Ignorant of the country and of the exact enemy positions we exposed ourselves needlessly.

21st April 1917
The enemy bombarded the place intensely from 2pm until 8pm. Over 200 8” and 5.9” shells fell on the railway just south of billets. It was evident that the enemy were searching for 4.5 inch battery immediately West of our billeting area. He had no success.

22nd April 1917 – Cite St Pierre
On the 22nd, we supply carrying parties to the 4th Leicesters who are the left Battalion on the Brigade front. They are successful in capturing Copper Trench with 10 Prisoners.

23rd April 1917
We relieve the 5th Lincs Regiment in the right battalion sector. The method of holding the line is entirely new to us and most interesting. Trenches serve only as a means of approach and advanced posts are concealed in houses which occupy commanding positions. There is little protection in the way of wire and obstacles, this necessitates a super alertness. The men are helped much by knowing that they are top dog and are ready to seek encounters.

24th April 1917
It is evident that the enemy is very nervous. We are the witness on this night of a magnificent display of red, green and white enemy lights followed by and intense defensive barrage which must have stretched two or three miles to the south.
On this night also NCOs patrol of A company attacked enemy sentries in a strong post and were successful in killing one man.

25th April 1917 – Cite St Pierre
The enemy continues his plan of intermittent shelling with some success. A carrying party under 2/LT Baker, in Corkscrew trench were unlucky with a shell, one wounded and 2/LT Baker half buried.

26th April 1917
We side step to the right and take over the front hitherto held by one battalion of the Staffords and for the last two days by the 5th Lincs Regiment. C and D companies take their place in the line, A and B companies are in support.
A telegram of support from the G.O.C on the good work of A company’s patrol of the night of 24th/25th.

27th April 1917
We do not have our advanced posts in any definite system of trenches and too many visitors during the daytime only invite disaster. We see hardly and movement in the enemy line and it is our intension that he shall see little of us.
With a view to farther operations four battalion scouts rcoonnoitre by night a number of houses beyond our advanced posts.
They return with information that 3 or 4 of the enemy are patrolling these houses. This confirms information already gained by 2/LT B.S.Halliday.

28th April 1917
The early morning of the 28th is marked by an intense enemy bombardment which develops into nothing more serious.
At night 2nd LT B V Halliday takes out a fighting patrol the object being to capture the enemy patrollers seen the previous night, but with no success. The patrol then proceeds to examine a supposed strong point but finds no one there, neither signs of occupation. In returning they are fired on by enemy machine guns but have no casualties.

29th April 1917 – Levin
We are relieved by the 5th lincs Regt and move into billets at Lievin. There is ample cellar accommodation and facilities for bathing of which we make full use.

30th April 1917 – Lievin
The day is spent in cleaning up and interior economy. The men have been 10 days without packs and are much in need of a rest. Since leaving Vendin Lez Bethune we have had particularly fine warm weather, a sudden change from the unpleasantly cold and wet weather up to the 20th April.
2nd LT B V Halliday receives a telegram of congratulation from the G O C on his patrol of the night of the 28th inst.

1st May 1917 – Loos (Harts Crater)
We received orders to relieve the 71st Brigade in the line. But left is the Old German Front Line, North East of Harts Crater and our right is near Fosse 11 de Lens. The relief is completed by night without incident.

2nd May 1917 –
In the early morning of the 2nd a bombing post of A company in Netley Trench raided by enemy Sturmtruppe. We suffer somewhat heavily our casualty list being 1 killed, 4 missing, 11 wounded. The wounded men were bombed whilst resting in the dug-out, the post having been captured or pushed back. The four men on duty on the post were all hit by the first salvo. There is an intense artillery fire on both sides, 2nd Lieut J Rockey was killed by a sniper whilst visiting his advanced post in Nero Trench.

It is this enemy action that took the life of Corporal Charles Creek.

Cambridge Daily News Wednesday 30th March 1917
Cambridge Independent Press Friday 1st June 1917
Official information has been received that Corpl. C. R. Creek, of the Lincs Regt., was killed in France on May 2nd. Corpl Creek, who was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs R Creek, of the Laburnums, Upware and son-in-law of the late Mr J. Walker of Ten Miles Bank, Norfolk, joined the Army on May 7th 1915 and he had been specially mentioned for bravery on the field. His lieutenant, writing to Mrs Creek says; “It is with deep regret I write to inform you that your husband, Corpl. C. R. Creek, was killed a few days ago whilst on duty. I am not able to supply you with full particulars except that he was severely wounded and expired within a short time. His loss is keenly felt by me and N.C.O.’s and men of the platoon, but it may be some consolation to you to know that he performed his duty in a splendid way and was likes very much by us all. The N.C.O.’s and men of the platoon join with me in expressing our deepest sympathy for you in your great loss.” Corpl. C. R. Creek leaves a wife and two small children to mourn their loss.

Cambridge Independent Press Friday 13th July 1917
CORPL. C. R. CREEK, eldest son of Mr and Mrs R Creek, of Upware, Killed in action. Corps Creek who had been specially mentioned for bravery, leaves a widow and two little children.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Corporal C R Creek, 201401, 1st/4th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 2 May 1917
Remembered with honour, Philosophe British Cemetery, Mazingarbe.

Remembrance – George Inkley

Today we remembered Thurlby man George Inkley of the 5th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment who was killed in action 101 years ago on the 30th April 1917.

George was born in Thurlby in the spring of 1885 to George Inkley, Property Owner and his wife Susannah Wade, both born in Thurlby.

George was the eldest of their 6 children although they had lost one child prior to 1911.
George Inkley, 1885, Thurlby
John Nicholas Inkley, 1886, Thurlby
Olive Myra Inkley, 1886, Thurlby
Arthur Wade Inkley, 1889, Thurlby
Elizabeth May Inkley, 1892, Thurlby

The family lived on the High Street and George started work as a Grocer’s apprentice but later worked as a Well Borer, working for J.E.Noble and son and he was still living with his parents in 1911 aged 26.

George and his two brothers all enlisted in the Army, George enlisting in 1915 at Bourne and joined the 5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment.

Although George’s attestation papers and records cannot be found, believed to have been burned in the WW2 warehouse fire in the London Blitz, we know from newspaper articles that he first saw service abroad with his battalion in June 1916.

The 5th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment first landed in Harvre France on the last days of February 1915 and so it is most likely that when George enlisted in 1915 that he would have been trained with the 3rd/5th battalion, the 1st/5th (first line unit) and 2/5th (second line unit) were front line units and the 3rd battalion was the training battalion, getting the men trained before being posted to their front line units.

George arrived wit the 5th battalion in June 1916. At this time they were in trenches around the Gommecourt area, manning the trenches and also providing working parties for trenching and wiring in the lead up to what was to become the Battle of the Somme.

The 1st day of the battle of the Somme was somewhat a disaster for the 46th Division who wee tasked with attacking the northern part of the Gommecourt sector as a diversion to fetch enemy reserves away from the main attack near Albert.
The attack started with the others of the line at 5.30am but hardly moved forward and was stalled by 8.30am due to heavy machine gun and rifle fire.
Later that night, under cover of darkness 46th Division sent 5th Lincolnshire Regiment to try and make contact with a group of Sherwood Foresters who were believed to be holding a German trench; the only Sherwood Foresters in German trenches were all dead. As the 5th Lincolnshire Regiment reached the enemy wire, machine guns and rifles opened fire pinning them down and killing most of the officers and senior NCO’s.
A runner was sent forward with orders to withdraw; the attack on Gommecourt was over. The 46th Division suffered 2455 casualties in the failed attack.

This was George’s first introduction to a planned massed attack.

The Battalion stayed in the trenches in this sector until November when they were withdrawn from the line and spent most of the month training and carrying out practice attacks.

December saw a return to the front line in the same sector and by January the routine of swapping front line for reserve with the 4th Lincolns was in full flow around Fonquevilliers, their location for the beginning of the battle of the Somme.

February 1917 saw the first signs of an enemy retreat back to the Hindenburg defensive line thus shortening the front line and allowing a much stronger defensive position. This was completed in March with the 46th North Midland division keeping in touch with the enemy as they retired and pushing out patrols and mini attacks where they could until they retired from the front line on 22nd March.

We take up the story of George’s final month in the area around Loos.

April 1st 1917 –
Church parade at 11:30 AM attended by Joint Officer Commanding 46 division. Who Afterwards presented a Gallantry medal to Lance Corporal S Parr. Platoon training half hour each platoon. Weather cold and showery, snow in evening.

April 2nd 1917 –
Weather very cold, ground covered with snow. Battalion carried on for hours training in the morning. Lecture by Brigade joint commander 138 Brigade to all officers at 4:30 PM.

April 3rd, 4th 1917 –

April 5th 1917 –
Brigade route march via Flechin, Cuhem and Laires starting at 9:30am. A fine day, march completed 1.30pm
In the afternoon rounds were played for the company football cup given by BJC 138th Brigade. A beat C (3-1) and B beat D (2-0)

6th April 1917 –
Training in trench attack carried out by whole Battalion on > area from 9am to 3pm. Weather showery.

7th April 1917 –
training on ? area – weather fine. Advance in artillery formation through wood was practiced under general supervision of J.O.C, who insisted on a repetition and consequently left the battalion out until 4pm. Very valuable instruction but the fact that the Battalion was left without food until 4pm breakfasts being at 7.30am, and that the final match in the inter company was fixed for 2.30pm, rather affected the morale. The match was played at 4.30pm, when A beat B by 3 goals to 2.

8th April 1917 –
Easter Sunday – Very fine day. Church Parade at 10.30pm. Lecture by the adjutant to NCOs at 2.15pm.

9th April 1917 –
Weather fine but very cold. Divisional route march, battalion started at 10.25am. March via Auchy to Estree Blanche, after home via Cuhem and Flechin arrived at 3pm. Corps commander inspected the Division en route. C.Os conference at Brigade HQ 6pm.

10th April 1917 –
Weather bitterly cold, snow during night; frequent blizzards with bright intervals during the day. Al companies performed 3 hours training in artillery formation and extended order. Divisional tactical? Of Estree Blanche for COs , brigade staff. ‘?’ disinfector allotted to battalion from 7.30am onwards, it arrived at 8 without coal, there was ? delay. A certain amount of good was finally accomplished but ? the disinfector is allotted for a reasonable time, the whole process is a farce, and the time spent wasted: both clothing and blankets must all be disinfected under general conditions of care this is ?

11th April 1917 –
Weather very cold, ground covered with snow this morning. Battalion paraded at 8am and took part in Brigade scheme of open attack: corps commander, and J O C 46th Division were present. Operation over at 12.30pm, when dinners were eaten (the cookers having met Battalion at 12.30 at Cuhem) in pouring rain, which continued until billets were reached at
2.30pm, and for the remainder of the afternoon. Warning order was issued that Brigade would move to fresh billets tomorrow, near Bethune; this was subsequently cancelled.

12th April 1917 –
Weather still very cold, ground covered 2 to 3 inches with snow, but sharp thaw during the day. Only ½ hour platoon training performed, remainder of day spent in interior cleaning. All men bathed.

13th April 1917 –
Weather fine. Battalion marching in Brigade at 500 yard intervals, left Fervin-Palfart at 8am and marched via St Hilaire, Lillers and Busnes to Hollanderie and La Pierriere. Good billets but practically no training ground. Battalion arrived in new area about 1pm, being inspected en route by GOC 46th Division, who afterwards forwarded advise ? of the Battalion.

14th April 1917 –
Weather fine. Companies performed 3 hours training during the morning, with bayonet fighting, musketry, physical exercises, ?. lecture to officers at 6pm. Officers drill under brigade? at 2.30pm.

15th April 1917 –
Weather very wet all day. Church parade cancelled. ½ hour platoon training only performed following order to move sent day received.

16th April 1917 –
Battalion marching in Brigade at 500 yard intervals, left Battalion starting point at 10.10am, and marched via L’Ecleme and Chocques to Vendin and Oblinehem (Near Bethune) arriving at 1 pm. Fairly good billets but men split up into small parties. Weather bright and fine.

17th April 1917 –
3 hours training carried out during morning in spite of bad weather. In afternoon each company carried out a small outpost tactical scheme with officers and NCOs. In addition a CMS ? ? staff took a class of NCOs – 2 from each platoon. Weather cold and showery. CO 2nd in command of brigade inspected ? training grounds.

18th April 1917 –
A warning order was issued at 9pm last night and definitive orders at 3am, for the Battalion to move at 1pm to take over, proceeding via Bethune, Noeux Les Mines, Bully Grenay to Brigade HQ at Meroc. Portion of Battalion is in old German front and support lines. HQ in old British front line opposite Cite St Pierre, North West of Lens. Battalion relieved 8th Royal West Surrey(Queen’s), relief being completed about 2am on the 19th.

19th April 1917 –
CO and Company commanders reconnoitred during the day positions to be taken over at night in front line from 9Th East Surrey Regiment. Relief began at 9pm, and was completed by 2.15am, D and B companies in front line. With three platoons in posts and 1 in support, and A and C companies in reserve in cellars in Cite St Pierre. In front line parts area in places in trenches and others in houses, all lately vacated by the enemy who hold a line approximately 400 yards away. Weather fortunately fair, but cold.

20th April 1917 –
Very heavy shelling of both front line companies and also Battalion HQ during the day, and specifically from 10pm to midnight. Battalion HQ is an abandoned former Regimental HQ at crossroads and is especially marked. Gas Alert ordered.

21st April 1917 –
Weather fine. Started shelling ? afterwards both by day and night. A few ?
22nd April 1917 –
Weather and other conditions as yesterday. Orders received that the attack on Hill 65 would take place by Brigade on our right (139th) at 4.45 tomorrow and that co-operation by patrols from this Battalion was required. Arrangements made to push forward the line if the attack succeeds.

23rd April 1917 –
At 4.45 three patrols (with the bombing portion of a platoon) supported by the remainder of the platoon, were pushed forward but all were met by heavy machine gun and rifle fire? ? our trenches in strong points before reaching their objectives. These patrols were found by A and C companies which relieved B and D companies last night. Two Patrols of C company was cut off by heavy fire and took refuge till dusk in a hole 50 yards from our line, and then returned ?
A company patrols returned without casualties, C company two wounded only. The Battalion was relieved at night by the 1/4th Lincoln Regiment, relief being completed at 1.30am and proceeded to Brigade reserve in cellars in Cite St Pierre.

24th April 1917 –
Sudden orders received at 9am that Battalion would relieve 1/5th South Staffords on the sector on immediate right at night. Officers went to reconnoitre as usual. Posted 1 company as a outpost company, 3 platoons in posts and 1 in support in Cite St Theodore North West of Lens. One company in support in Crimson trench and Crook Redoubt, and 2 companies in Lievin (with Battalion HQ) in reserve. Relief completed at 2.15am.

25th April 1917 –
Weather bright and fine. A comparatively quiet day, some shelling on support line and in Lievin, but much less than usual. Quiet night.

26th April 1917 –
Quiet day, weather fine. battalion was relieved in front and support trenches by 2 companies of the 4th Lincolnshire Regiment. The whole battalion remaining in cellars in Lievin for the night. Captain R E Madge and 2nd Lieut W E Brown returned.

29th April 1917 –
Fine weather continues. Hostile shelling of the area at intervals, but not very heavy. In evening the Battalion relieved the 4th Lincolns. B Company as ? Company in Cite St Theodore, D company to support in Crook redoubt, Crimson and Cowden trenches, A & C companies in reserve with battalion HQ in Cite St Pierre. During the night patrols were posted forward and posts ? up to junction of railways E of Cite St Theodore, the whole of which is now occupied and commanded by us.

30th April 1917 –
Quiet night on our immediate front but very heavy bombardment some distance south of us. Area around Battalion HQ heavily shelled between 11am and 12 noon. During day shelling all over area. J.O.C 46th Division visited Battalion HQ. Gas Alert on. Work on improving fire steps and defence of Crook and Crimson continued.

George Inkley was killed in action on the 30th April 1917.

Grantham Journal Saturday 12the May 1917
THE SAD NEWS came through from a B.E.F. Chaplain on Monday that Pte George Inkley was killed in action on the 2nd May and that along with his brave comrades who fell at the same time he was bored within our lines. Pte Geo. Inkley was the eldest of three brothers, all now in his Majesty’s Army. He joined the Lincolnshire Regiment nearly two years ago and had been abroad since June 1916. In disposition he was a quiet, studious lad and much esteemed. Previous to enlistment he was in the employ of Messrs J E Noble and Son, boring contractors, Thurlby. The greatest sympathy is felt with his parents, Mr and Mrs George Inkley of High Street. Two of his cousins have already “gone west” in the great conflict, Viz., Lance Corps E J Garwood and Signaller John Wade, wireless operator on one of H.M. ships, sunk during April. He was the last man to leave his ship and was seen to jump off the rigging into the sea as the vessel took the final plunge.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private G Inkley, 241699, 1st/5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 30 April 1917
Remembered with honour, Maroc British Cemetery, Grenay.

George is also commemorate on the Roll of Honour in St Firmin’s church, Thurlby.

We Will Remember Them.

Remembrance – John William Birch

Today we remember John William Birch of Witham on the Hill and the 7th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, on the 100th Anniversary of the day he sadly died of wounds, 29th April 1917.

John Willie Birch was born early in 1889 in Little Bytham to Thomas Birch a woodman (forester) born in Sproxton, Leicestershire and his wife Mary Jane King of Little Bytham.
They were married in 1885 in the Bourne district, Mary already having two daughters, they had another 8 children, 6 more girls and 2 boys.
They lived in Little Bytham initially before moving to edenham and then on to Lound. In 1911 John can be found living with his parents in Lound, aged 22, working as a bricklayers labourer.

John enlisted in Grantham and joined the newly formed 7th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment in September 1914.

The Battalion trained around Wareham before moving to Winchester in May 1915 for final intensive war training.
On the 10th July the Battalion received orders that they would be sent into action and on the 14th they marched out of Flowerdown Camp (Winchester) and entrained for Felixstowe with a strength of 21 officers and 932 other ranks.

At midnight on they disembarked in Boulogne and proceeded to Ostehove Camp.
9am on the 15th July saw the Battalion route march to Pont-Des-Briques station and entrain for Wizernes near St Omer and then Billet at Setques and Quelmes where they remained until the 17th July.

The Battalion then moved to Wallon Cappel and then Eecke and on the 21st 5 officers were sent into trenches near Ypres for instruction. On the 24th the Battalion, with the 51st Brigade was placed in Corps reserve with a strength of 29 officers and 933 other ranks.

By the 27th July the Battalion was sent into trenches near Reninghelst, attached to the 138th Brigade, 46th Division and received their first casualties in battle on the 30th July with 6 other ranks wounded. It was not until the 17th August that the Battalion received its first fatality in the trenches.

The 7th Battalion remained in the Ypres area until March when it moved to Armentieres to continue in the trenches there until the end of May 1916.

June 1916 saw the battalion move to St Omer and then on to Allonville to enter brigade training for the rest of June in preparation for the major offensive that was planned for the end of June. On 30th June 1916 the battalion arrived in Morlandcourt to await orders.

On the 1st July 1916 (first day of the battle of the Somme) the Battalion marched from Helly to Fricourt to join the British front line. They relieved the 6th Dorsets and then on the 2nd July were ordered to attack Fricourt with the South Staffs. They attained some objectives before being held up by the enemy guns in Fricourt wood.
The Battalion’s first tour of the Somme trenches finished on the 12th July when they were relived and moved back to Fordringy.
Since the 1st of July in this first action on The Somme the battalion casualties were 7 officers and 49 other ranks killed, 7 officers and 246 other ranks wounded, 28 other ranks missing.

The 7th battalion Lincolnshire Regiment remained on the Somme for the remainder of 1916.

The 7th Lincs received 100 new replacement troops over the period 18th to 20th January 1917. This was whilst they were in the line at Meaulte near Albert on the Somme.
The reinforced Battalion next saw action on the 29th January when they relieved the 8th South Staffordshire Regiment in the line near Sailly Saillisel.

In February the 7th Lincolns and 8th South Staffords traded the camp and front line at Sailly Saillisel in rotation until on the 21st the Lincolns were withdrawn from the line entrained for Corbie and then on to Bussy for the end of the month.
March started in Bussy for the Battalion but then a series of marches saw them in Herissart, Gezaincourt, Maison Ponthieu, La Broye, Waivens before being billeted at Le Suich and Brevillers a few days before the month ended. The fighting force at the end of the month was 32 officers and 882 other ranks.

The following transcription from the Battalion Diary shows the conditions that Private John Birch faced in his last days during the battle of Arras.

1st April 1917 – Le Souich
26 other ranks joined for duty wastage from sickness 11 other ranks

3rd April 1917 – Le Souich
Lieut C S Bott took over command of B company

5th April 1917 – Le Souich
4 other ranks joined for duty. battalion with 51st infantry brigade group, marched to Neuville-Au-Cornrt.

6th April 1917 – Neuville-Au-Cornet
Fighting strength 32 officers, 792 other ranks, wastage from sickness 16 other ranks.

7th April 1917 – Neuville-Au-Cornet
Battalion with 51st infantry brigade group marched to Villers sir Simon

8th April 1917 – Villers Sir Simon
Battalion with 51st infantry brigade group marched to Novellette. battalion under 4 hours notice.

9th April 1917 – Novellette (Fisrt day of battle of Arras)

5.30am – Z day of offensive. The 17th Division held in readiness to support the cavalry corps. The Battalion with 51st infantry Brigade moved towards Arras.

9.30pm -Orders received to close up on leading Battalion and bivouac on side of road about 2 miles from Arras.

10th April 1917 – Arras
Battalion with Brigade Group marched into Arras to billets at one hours notice.

13th April 1917
Battalion moved to Railway Triangle East of Arras behind old German front line.

14th April 1917
Moved to Brown Line H28.a.4.5 to H28.c.5.7 old German 2nd Line

15th April 1917
Working party found by Battalion for front line.

16th April 1917 – Brown Line
Working party found by Battalion for Front Line

17th April 1917 – Brown Line
Enemy shelled our trench with 4.2s during day, very heavy during afternoon, Casualties Lieut C S Bott killed, Lieut G A Wright and 17 other ranks wounded.

18th April 1917 – Brown Line
Battalion moved BNorth along Brown Line close to Railway. Battalion HQ moved to Railway Cutting, Captain E James MC and 1 other ranks joined for duty. Casualties 3 other ranks.

19th April 1917 – Railway Triangle
Provided carrying parties to front line, and afterwards returned to Railway Triangle. Casualties Killed 1 other rank, wounded Captain R Pennington DSO and 2 other ranks wounded slightly at duty. Captain J H Cotter RAMC Medical Officer attached, and 2 other ranks.

21st April 1917 – Railway Triangle
Battalion returned to Brown Line. Casualties 1 other rank.

23rd April 1917 – Monchy-Le-Preux

3am – Battalion took up position from cross roads H.29.d.8.7 to H28.d.4.9 in accordance with plan from general advance of the whole line, the 17th division: working in conjunction with 51st Division on the left bank of River Scarpe and 29th Division: on 17 Division right, the 17th Division being centre Division on right bank of Scarpe.

4.45am – Zero Hour a standing barrage put on enemy lines BayonetTrench and Rifle Trench to life at the rate of 3 minutes per 100 yards.

4.55am – The Battalion moved forward with orders to occupy Bayonet Trench after it had been taken by 8th South Staffs

5.45am – Arrived at Lone Copse H.30.d and found 8th South Staffs digging in as this first attack on Bayonet Trench had failed owing to heavy Machine Gun fire both from the enemy line in our immediate front and from the left bank of the River Scarpe.

6.30am – The 8th South Staffs attacked again at 6.30am with same result as the first attack. It was reported that thick coils of wire was still in front of enemy line, also reported that Border Regiment had captured south end of Bayonet Trench.

7.45am – Received orders to attack Bayonet Trench and a barrage was ordered for that time.

8.20am – The Battalion advanced to attack Bayonet Trench leading waves A company on left, B company on right D company supported A and C supported B.

9am – Leading waves reported to be within 30 yards of Bayonet Trench having crawled there under heavy machine gun fire, trench strongly held. Heavy enfilade fire from North of River Scarpe.

10.5am – Attack having failed the Battalion returned to the assembly trench. Lone Copse holding line H.30.d.2.3 to left towards the Scarpe.
Consolidation commenced at once and awaited orders.
Captain D Roberts, 2 Lieuts H Y Maulkinson, A Crawley, T E Stubbs, R G Rudd killed with 22 other ranks, wounded 98 other ranks, missing 20 other ranks.
During our stay in this position the enemy constantly kept a barrage on our back lines and in the valley below our position.

6pm – 50th Brigade passed through our position to attack Bayonet Trench. Battalions of 51st brigade ordered to stand fast and form close support. Enemy having seen 50th Brigade advancing put a very heavy barrage on our back lines and shortened as the waves approached.

8.30pm – 50th Brigade attack failed. The Dorset regiment returned and took up a position about 100 yards in our front and dug in.

9pm – Enemy put up S.O.S which brought a greater artillery barrage than ever in and about our trench and back lines.

11.30pm – Orders received to return to Railway Triangle East of Arras after being relieved.

24th April
4am – Battalion Arrived at Railway Triangle in an exhausted condition having been in the open for about 20 days.

25th April
Moved by train from Arras to Grand Rullecourt

27th April
Fighting strength, 24 officers, 685 other ranks.

John was wounded by a gunshot wound in action on the 24th April, possibly in the early hours before the withdrawl back to Railway Triangle at 4am. He would have been treated locally to the battalions position, at an advanced dressing station and then moved to a field hospital before being withdrawn back to one of the many military hospitals away from the front.
John was moved back to Etaples on the coast south of Boulogne and would have been treated there possibly awaiting evacuation back to England when stable enough to be moved.

He succumbed to his wounds on the 30th April 1917 in hospital in Etaples.

Grantham Journal Saturday 19th May 1917
THE VERY DISTRESSING NEWS has reached Mr and Mrs Birch to the effect that their eldest son, Signaller J W Birch has died of wounds in France. Information had been received stating he was seriously wounded by gunshot on April 24th and was in critical condition and later the sad news came of is death on April 29th. Signaller Birch enlisted in the Lincolnshire Regiment on Sept 14th 1914 and went abroad in July 1915, being slightly wounded in the hand some month ago. He was 28 years of age and leave a wife and one child. Deceased was a perfect type of Englishman of fine physique and a generous kind-hearted disposition and will be greatly missed. A memorial service was held in St Andrew’s Church, Witham on the Hill on Sunday. Signaller Birch was buried in a British Cemetery near the hospital where he died.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private John William Birch, 12767, 7th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 29 April 1917 Age 28
Husband of Lily Birch, of 32 Henry St, Leicester
Remembered with honour, Etaples Military Cemetery.

John is also remembered on the Witham on the Hill war memorial.

Remembrance – John William Brewin

Today we commemorate John William Brewin of Baston and also the 10th battalion Lincolnshire Regiment on the 101st anniversary of his death on the 28th April 1917.

John was born in Baston early in 1889 to Frisby Brewin, a farm labourer born in Thetford, Lincolnshire and his wife Alice Goodacre of Baston.
Frisby and Alice were married in 1888 and had 6 children together. Alice’s eldest daughter Anna Maria Goodacre being born in 1887, then John William in 1889, George Frederick 1890, Bertie 1893, Cyril 1896, Frisby 1898 and Doreen in 1905 all being born in Baston.

The family lived Thetford Lane, Baston and in 1911, the then 22 year old John, usually known as William was working as farm labourer, most likely for the Whattoff family at Thetford farm, Baston.

John enlisted into the Army in Market Deeping and initially joined the 8th battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment (28410) and then being posted to the 10th battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment.

Although John’s army records are unlikely to have survived the
warehouse fire in the London Blitz, we can look at his service with the 10th Battalion especially tracing his last month of service which saw the Battalion pulled into the Battle of Arras.
We are certain that John did not serve abroad before the start of 1916, shown by his medal entitlement and this also ties in with the fact that the 10th battalion were first posted to France in January 1916.

The 10th Battalion had been posted to France in January 1916, and had later seen service on the Somme. Famously the 10th Lincolnshire’s (Grimsby Chums) lead the attack on the Lochnagar Mine crater, 2 minutes after the mine explosion signalling the start of the battle of the Somme on the 1st July 1916 at La Boiselle. This action alone saw 15 of the 20 officers and 487 out of 822 other ranks become casualties.

The 10th Battalion took on reinforcements taken from many other battalions and many being third line territorial Battalions with only a few months training.

The Battalion stayed in the Somme area around Albert for the rest of the year seeing much action.

By April 1917 the Battalion were posted to Arras as part of the 34th Division, 101st Brigade in readiness for the upcoming battle of Arras.
The following transcription from the diaries includes a very detailed description of action on the 28th April, the day in which John William Brewin and other local men were killed in this action. More information regarding John follows after this transcription.

1st April 1917 – Arras
Relieved the 15th Royal Scots in right section – relief completed without incident.
draft of 50 other ranks joined.

2nd April 1917
A normal day except that our artillery was actively engaged cutting enemy wire and bombarding his rear positions. A small raid was carried out by the 11th Suffolks through our front but produced no result. a heavy fall of snow in the afternoon, trenches very muddy.

3rd April 1917 –
continual activity by our artillery – Enemy retaliation very moderate chiefly directed on C.T (Communication Trenches) which were blocked in several places. The battalion at this time was holding the line from St Pancras map reference G6.a.1/2.9 sheet 51B Trench maps 1/10000 or 1/20000 scale to New St G6a3.7

4th April 1017 – Right of K section, North of Arras / Bailleul Road
The bombardment of enemy’s trenches in connection with “Operations against Vimy ridge began at 6am this morning. Under the scheme this was to be V day, but the attack was postponed 24 hours and notification was received during the day that the 5th inst would be V day, the day of the attack to be Z day, 9th inst – Most of men that could be spared engaged in carrying trench ladders and trench bridges into position during the night. Owing to the deep mud the work was most exhausting.
A discharge of gas shells was made from Livens gas projectors at the commencement of the bombardment. Enemy’s barrage was slow and not heavy, mostly directed against communication trenches on the high ground around Esquarissage and to North East during the afternoon. Part of the front was taken over by the 102nd Brigade, one Battalion of the 103rd Brigade coming and taking over a portion of the front line. The Divisional front was then held by three Battalions, one from each of 101st, 102nd and 103rd Brigades. The 10th Lincolns (101st Brigade) held from St Pancras, see above, to Grid line between G6a and G6c (see trench maps). This was the sector allotted to the 101st Brigade on the day of the attack.

Patrols were sent out at night under 2/LT H.P. Clewes and 2/LT Lodge and examined enemy’s wire, ascertained positions of sentry groups, the G.D.C 102nd Brigade then in command of the sector complimented the Battalion on the information brought in. at this time information about the enemy’s movements was required as it was thought that he might evacuate all of his front line without waiting for the assault. 2LT Clewes managed to crawl through the enemy’s wire and entered his front line trench at about G6.a.75.05, he found the trench to be very deep and well revelted, he saw the entrance to a dug out and a point where the trench was blown in with a track over debris showing that patrols passed at intervals. He saw a sentry on the right using his rifle and firing a very light. Both patrols found enemy wire much damaged and blown up on to his parapet in many places. The enemy had many sentries posted and they were alert.

5th April 1917 – In Trenches as above
W day of bombardment which continued. Enemy’s front lines and his wire could be seen to be badly damaged. Enemy’s retaliation was lighter than on previous day. The casualties during this tour would have been very light except for an unlucky shell which dropped into two parties of men which had met in a trench. This one shell put out of action 10 men of this Battalion and 12 of another. Otherwise the casualties would have only numbered 4 or 5. One company headquarters was blown in wounding a runner who afterwards dies. Captain Worthington and Lt Mattison who were in the dugout unhurt. 2/LT McArthur was buried by a shell and could not be found, when a second shell burst knocking over Captain Dent and 2nd LT Johnson and uncovering Lt McArthur’s helmet. He was dug out, he was shaken and unhurt as were the other officers.

6th April 1917 – Louez
The Battalion was relieved in the evening by the 16th Royal Scots. Relief commenced at 6 pm complete soon after midnight. Battalion moved to Louez into tents, headquarters and officers in a small chateau. Men were all in by 5am – the weather had been bad during the tour and the men were very dirty and weary, many had stood in water for days and there were many cases of sore feet.

7th April 1917 – Louez
Battalion cleaning and resting but a working party of 100 men had to be furnished the night of 6th/7th – 2/LT Roebuck E de L.W. joined.

8th April 1917 – Louez
The Battalion continued cleaning up , overhauling arms and equipment and preparing to move forward to take part with the 101st Brigade in operations. During the day stores, bombs, flares, wire-cutters, tools etc were distributed to the men and distinguishing marks issued in the form of a yellow triangle (12 inches) to be worm on the back , carried by the whole division, and small red and yellow flags on sticks issued two per section.

9th April 1917 – 14th April 1917 – Battle of Arras – Pont Du Jour
Battalion took part on the 9th in an attack against the “Pont du Jour” southern end of Vimy Ridge. A report on the operation was added to this diary but due to the length, this has been posted as a series of pictures attached to this post. As this report details John’s movements but does not relate to his final action it has not been transcribed here for fear of boring the reader.

15th April 1917 – Maiziers
battalion Resting , cleaning up and refitting. Men quite exhausted and all equipment and clothing in a very bad state.
The casualties during the operation 8th to 14th amounted to 2 officers killed, 5 officers wounded, 150 other ranks killed wounded or missing and about 60 other ranks sent to hospital owing to exposure and exhaustion.

16th April 1917 –
Lt Abbott, 2/LT Cowen and a draft of 69 other ranks joined

19th April 1917
Inspection by G.O.C 34th Division.

20th April 1917
Lt Colonel G W B Clark, O.C. admitted to hospital sick, command assumed in his absence by Major W A Vignoles.
Draft arrived 1 officer and other ranks (2/LT F H Lucking)

21st April 1917
Battalion proceeded by route march to billets in Larassett.
Draft arrived 95 other ranks.

22nd April 1917
Battalion proceeded to Y Huts (Map ref L.1.b.9.1 sheet 51c N.E.)
Captain W E Knight and 2/LT H W Bannister joined Battalion.

23rd April 1917-
6am – Battalion proceeded to Arras with 20 officers, remainder of officers and 108 drtails proceeded to Chapelle Fermont, Captain Rennington in command.
On reaching Arras orders were received that the Battalion was to be ready to move at short notice to line.
5.45pm – Moved to a position in reserve on the Pont Du Jour occupying the Lusty-Lumpy-Locust trenches in H.9 (Sheet 51G). All in by 9pm

24th April 1917 –
The enemy shelled the Pont du Jour Road and the trenches throughout the day with 150mm shells, causing casualties, 4 other ranks killed, 9 other ranks wounded. During the night 23rd/24th he shelled the area almost continuously with gas shells. 2/LT Cowen was admitted to hospital gassed and 2 other ranks gassed. Enemy made a counter attack during the day near Gavrelle and during this period shelled the Pont du Jour and forward slope very heavily.

8pm to 5am – Battalion moved to railway Cutting in square H23 sheet 51B, the brigade having relieved a brigade of the 51st division. Battalion in support to 16th Royal Scots and 11th Suffolks, who moved into front line facing Chemical Works-Cemetery-Roeux in squares I13 and 19south of the railway. In position by 5am 25th.

25th April 1917
Night of 25th/26th furnished a working party of 200 men under 4 officers, 2/LT Lavender found 1 officer and 1 private of 4th Seaforths wounded in a part of our line near MT Pleasant Wood. They had been lying out since attack of 23rd. Casualties nil.

26th April 1917
9.30pm – Relieved 11th Suffolks taking over part of the line from Railway 600 yards along Ceylon Trench. 15th Royal Scots taking over night. 103rd Brigade on North of the railway. Exact situation North of Railway obscure but 103rd believed to holding Calabar.

27th April 1917 –
2AM – 2/LT A B Crouch killed while in charge of working party digging CAP and Care trenches. Three prisoners taken by a sentry Group, they appeared to be deserters.

2.30am – Enemy fired about 20 light Trench Mortar bombs (Pineapple) from direction of Cemetery

4pm – Chemical works bombarded by our heavies

6pm – Disposition of the battle, 2 companies in Ceylon, two on Road through H2.4.6 with Battalion Headquarters.
Strength – 18 officers/ including M.O. Attached) and 626 other ranks.
Orders were issued during the day for the Battalion to take part on the morning of 28th in a general attack on the enemy’s lines. The 34th Division being outside the Arras – Biache St Vaast railway with 37t Division on the left and 12th Division on the right. The object of the 101st Brigade a line from the Scarpe river East of Roeux through I.20.a to track at I.14.C.5.0 thence along the track through I.14.c and I.14.A to railway. Order of Battle, 15th Royal Scotts on right, 10th Lincolns, – 11th Suffolks, left. 16th R.S. attached to other battalions as moppers up, 2 COs to 15th R.S. – 1 company to each of Lincoln’s and Suffolk, copy of 10th Lincolns operation order and a map are attached. Zero Modified to be 4.25am on 28th.

28th April 1917 –
1AM – 11th Suffolks commenced moving into front line and taking over Celyon from Corona (Exclusive) to Railway. Lincolns front two companies D and C moved into Care and Cap, B and A companies into Ceylon from Colne to Corona and trench from Cap to Corona North of Mount Pleasant Wood. All companies in position. 15th Royal Scots moved south and were not in touch with Lincolns. 20th Northumberland Fusiliers were in Brigade Reserve, and were formed up in “Funk” holes along the road through H24.d and H24b. Write orders to garrison front line after zero as soon as the barrage (Enemy’s) allowed. The headquarters of the four Battalions of the Brigade (Police cooks etc) were also along this road with the advanced Brigade Report Centre at H24.d.81/2.91/2 – Tea and rum was served to the men about 3am.

4.15am – As the assembly trenches didi not face the direction of advance the troops began to get out at 6.15 and form up in the open, the trenches were very congested and there was a certain amount of noise and probably the enemy heard it as about this time he commenced firing Trench Mortars, 77mm shells and bursts of machine gun fire. The morning was dark and it was very difficult for men to determine direction of advance.

Zero – The companies appeared to start well, but were very soon met by intense machine gun fire and casualties were very numerous, a large number of dead were seen on the ground later on . The machine gun fire came mainly from Chateau enfilading our front, also from a house along the road to Chemical Works, while Clip Trench was strongly manned and the houses around Cemetery full of enemy.

5.15am – The situation at this time, which was not known until later, appears to have been as shown on map, this being the furthest point reached in the attack. See letters and dotted line in ink on map
A – 20 yards from Clip, Captain Newton established himself with about a dozen men, the enemy had a block in Corona trench here and three men were killed trying to pass it. a machine gun was firing from house.
B – A number of men in shell holes
C – Other men in shell holes and a lewis gun in action under Lance Corporal Riggall
D – Further men in shell holes, but touch was not obtained with these
E – Captain Worthington and about 20 men in a half dug trench endeavouring to consolidate, a runner from him arrived about 7.30am

5.30am – The enemy came out of his trenches and from houses in strength and began to surround the men in the shell holes at B and some endeavoured to get back, but were mostly shot down, while about 30 nearly all wounded were seen to surrender.
Touch was established with Ceylon to Captain Newton by Lt Dickson whoo was in Corona with an abandoned signal station. The Officer Commanding came up and visited Corona
to ascertain situation.

5-30 to 6am – (Note times are all approximate as were not noted at the time) O.C. then collected all the men he could find and directed then to the junction of Corona and Ceylon to join 2/LT Dawson who had some men here. Lewis Guns were directed up the trench and sent forward to Captain Newton also a stokes gun which was eventually got into action near this junction. With the guns sent to him Captain Newton did considerable execution on the enemy holding the houses north of Cemetery. Several guns were put out of action and the gunners killed and as by this time he was unsupported on right on left, he withdrew his men to Ceylon and touch was established with Suffolks on left, who once more had some men in the front trench. The Lincolns manned Ceylon from Corona inclusive to the South West there were no other troops in Ceylon and touch had not been obtained with the 20th Northumberland Fusiliers who about this time were moving into Cusp, South of Mt Pleasant Wood.
A Report came in shortly afterwards that Captain Worthington had had to withdraw his small party now reduced to about 10 into Care.

8am (about) – Men were seen to be coming back from East of the Wood and soon afterwards the enemy’s infantry appeared from dead ground near Roeux to counter attack. A wounded officer who was lying out and who afterwards got in, said they came out of Roeux and covered by heavy machine gun fire from chateau and artillery on Mt Pleasant Wood which seems to have been the objective of the attack. Captain Worthington was killed by a shell in Care or Cap, and his men very few now left retired; the party in Ceylon showed signs of unsteadiness, but the officers and NCOs kept them in hand and they fought well holding their trench throughout.

Lance Corporal Riggall states that he kept his gun in action at the point C against the counter attack until the enemy were close to him and his gun out of action, when he managed to get back to our lines, though the two or three men with him all became casualties.

As the attack developed, it was met by lewis gun and rifle fire from the 20th Northumberland Fusiliers in cusp and Lincolns in Ceylon. This fire broke up each flank of the attack but 200 or more men reached our lines and entered Care, Mt Pleasant Wood, Colne (a partially dug trench not connected to Ceylon) and a number 30 or more, reached Ceylon near Colne, and fired on men moving behind.

The 20th Northumberland Fusiliers organised bombing parties up Ceylon and Cusp towards the Wood, and Lincolns down Ceylon to meet the Northumberlands. This party killed the NCO in charge of the enemy’s party and teh remainder ran back from Ceylon to Wood. As the bombing parties closed on the wood the enemy began to run back, and as they retired heavy fire from Lewis guns and rifles was brought to bear on them by the Lincolns and Northumberland Fusiliers in Cusp causing many casualties. A bombing post in charge of Sgt MacCrae, 16th Royal Scots attached to Lincolns held the trench to north of wood throughout the counter attack. About a dozen of the enemy in and around the wood eventually surrendered and the situation was cleared up by 12.30pm

12.30pm – Touch was established with reserve line and the Lincoln garrison in Ceylon strengthened by collecting and sending forward all Lincolns that could be found. In this way the number was increased to 70 and eventually after dark to 100.

In connection with the operations of April 28th 1917 the following recommendation for immediate reward were made :-

Captain David Harris Jones RAMC attached 10th Lincs – For – Near Reoux on April 28th 1917 and subsequent days this officer showed the greatest devotion to duty, taking out search parties each night which thoroughly examines No Mans Land for a distance of 100 to 150 yards from our line. His action caused a number of men to be rescued, some that had lain out for 4,6 and 7 days and nights being brought in, His hard work and devotion was the means of saving a number of lives

Captain Robert White Newton – Near Reoux on April 28th 1917, after the battalion had been held up by machine gun fire in which heavy casualties were sustained, this officer quickly reorganised small parties of men from various companies and met the enemy’s counter attack inflicting loss on him. By his courage and determination he kept his men together when the enemy had obtained a footing in our trenches and organised a bombing party which helped to clear the enemy out. He showed great coolness throughout at a critical time.

40938 Lance Corporal Michael Devaney Morrison – Near Reoux on April 28th for carrying out valuable patrol work when enemy was in our trenches; for work in covering stretcher bearer parties searching No Mans Land, he volunteered for any arduous work that was required.

1798 Lance Corporal James Williams – Near Reoux on April 28th 1917 when under very heavy and accurate machine Gun fire which had previously put out of action three Lewis guns and several gunners, he brought his Lewis gun into action against an enemy counter attack and caused the enemy heavy casualties.

468 Private John Cyril Horace Crisp (Stretcher Bearer) Near Reoux on April 28th 1917, He followed his company into action carrying a bag of shell dressings to within 30 yards of the enemy’s trenches. He moved about under heavy machine gun fire and dressed about forty wounded. He remained until enemy showed signs of coming out when he returned using his last dressings on the way.

1340 private Eric Platt (stretcher bearer) Near Reoux on April 28th 1917 he went out in daylight in full view of the enemy to a badly wounded man and getting him on his back brought him safely to the trenches. He was out every night with parties searching for wounded in No Mans land.

The casualties as far as known at the time of writing were
D Company.
Lt H P Hendin – missing believed killed
2/LT T E Lavender – missing
2/LT W E Robinson – wounded
2/LT E de L Roebuck – Missing
B Company
Captain F Worthington – Killed
Lt W I Abbott – Wounded
C Company
2/LT V Irvine Taylor – Killed
2/LT D A Gough – Wounded
2/LT F H Lucking – Missing
A Company
2/LT J S Hill – Missing
2/LT H Elsom – Missing
2/LT H J Lodge – Missing
Battalion Headquarters
LT E D Dickson – Missing

Other ranks killed, wounded and missing estimated at 420 of that about 200 are known to have been evacuated wounded and 40 identified as killed.

The remainder of day passed quietly except for bursts of shelling on reserve line. Lincolns retained their position in Ceylon trench; a party of 16th Royal Scots garrisoning the South West end of the trench. 20th Northumberland Fusiliers in Care and Cap.

29th -30th April 1917
Passed quietly except for intermittent shelling
8.30pm Battalion relieved by the Household Battalion, 10th Infantry Brigade, 4th Division – Battalion moved out via tow path along river Scarpe to bivouac near St Nicholas.
Each night serach parties were organised by the Medical Officer Captain D Harris Jones, RAMC, attached to 10th Lincolns to search for wounded. These explored No Mans Land up to 100 to 150 yards from our front line and all ground behind. They found a number of wounded including casualties belonging to 51st Division wounded on the 23rd who had been lying out 6 and 7 days and nights; they were doing well and likely to recover. Two enemy wounded were also brought in who had been out 36 hours.

The regiment making counter attack on the 28th appears to have been the 3rd Battalion of the I.R – this battalion had marched that morning from Biaches and was thrown straight into the attack, advancing from the village of Reoux. The enemy’s troops in this section were located as follows:-

185th I.R from Frampoux-Fresnes Road in I.2 southwards to Railway.
65th R.I.R from Railway to crossroads at cemetery
65th I.R thence to River Scarpe inclusive.


Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private J W Brewin, 28410, 10th Bn, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 28 April 1917.
Remembered with honour, Roeux British Cemetery.

We will remember them

Remembrance – Clarke Henry (Jack) Marvin

Today we commemorated the 101st Anniversary of Clarke Henry (Jack) Marvin of Folkingham and the 10th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment,, one of two local men from the Battalion killed on this day.

Jack Marvin was born in Morton near Bourne in Lincolnshire early in 1895. He was the only son of Ann Elizabeth Marvin of Morton.

By 1901 jack was living on Hawthorpe Road, Keisby with Robert and Ann Marvin, who are listed as his parents. Further research as shown that Robert and Ann are actually the parents of Ann Elizabeth Marvin and are therefore Jack’s Grandparents. On all official documents apart from his birth, Robert and Ann are referring to Jack as their son.

In 1911 Jack is now working as a boy on a farm and living with his Parents (Grandparents) Robert and Ann in The Lodge, Folkingham.

Jack enlisted in Sleaford and later newspaper articles indicate that he had been with the regiment since May 1915.

Jack’s attestation and army record have not been found and are most likely part of the records destroyed in a warehouse fire during the WW2 blitz on London.

Remaining medal award records show that originally he was enlisted into the 4th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment (4046) then at some point posted to the 5th Lincolnshire Regiment (20070), possibly his first posting after enlistment and eventually was posted to the 10th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment (40662).

Jack’s medal card shows that he was first posted to France on the 10th December 1915 and later newspaper articles refer to him being invalided home with wounds at one point. This period of being invalided home is most likely the cause of him being posted to a new Battalion when he was fit to serve again.
One part of the newspaper article that does not make perfect sense is that he had seen service in Egypt. The 6th Battalion and the Yeomanry were the only Lincolnshire Battalions to see active service in Egypt during the period of WW1, although regular army battalions had been pulled back from Egypt during 1914 on the outbreak of war.

As we are not able to trace Jack’s exact movements during his army career, then we will have to concentrate on the final months of his service and take up the story of the 10th Battalion in 1917 from their official Battalion diary.

The 10th Battalion had been posted to France in January 1916, slightly late for this to be Jack’s first Battalion abroad, and had later seen service on the Somme. Famously the 10th Lincolnshire’s (Grimsby Chums) lead the attack on the Lochnagar Mine crater, 2 minutes after the mine explosion signalling the start of the battle of the Somme on the 1st July 1916 at La Boiselle. This action alone saw 15 of the 20 officers and 487 out of 822 other ranks become casualties.

The 10th Battalion took on reinforcements taken from many other battalions and many being third line territorial Battalions with only a few months training.
The Battalion stayed in the Somme area around Albert for the rest of the year seeing much action.

By April 1917 the Battalion and by now Jack Marvin, were posted to Arras as part of the 34th Division, 101st Brigade in readiness for the upcoming battle of Arras.

The following transcription from the diaries includes a very detailed description of action on the 28th April, the day in which jack Marvin and other local men were killed in this action. More information regarding Jack follows after this transcription.

1st April 1917 – Arras
Relieved the 15th Royal Scots in right section – relief completed without incident.
draft of 50 other ranks joined.

2nd April 1917
A normal day except that our artillery was actively engaged cutting enemy wire and bombarding his rear positions. A small raid was carried out by the 11th Suffolks through our front but produced no result. a heavy fall of snow in the afternoon, trenches very muddy.

3rd April 1917 –
continual activity by our artillery – Enemy retaliation very moderate chiefly directed on C.T (Communication Trenches) which were blocked in several places. The battalion at this time was holding the line from St Pancras map reference G6.a.1/2.9 sheet 51B Trench maps 1/10000 or 1/20000 scale to New St G6a3.7

4th April 1017 – Right of K section, North of Arras / Bailleul Road
The bombardment of enemy’s trenches in connection with “Operations against Vimy ridge began at 6am this morning. Under the scheme this was to be V day, but the attack was postponed 24 hours and notification was received during the day that the 5th inst would be V day, the day of the attack to be Z day, 9th inst – Most of men that could be spared engaged in carrying trench ladders and trench bridges into position during the night.. Owing to the deep mud the work was most exhausting.

A discharge of gas shells was made from Livens gas projectors at the commencement of the bombardment. Enemy’s barrage was slow and not heavy, mostly directed against communication trenches on the high ground around Esquarissage and to North East during the afternoon. Part of the front was taken over by the 102nd Brigade, one Battalion of the 103rd Brigade coming and taking over a portion of the front line. The Divisional front was then held by three Battalions, one from each of 101st, 102nd and 103rd Brigades. The 10th Lincolns (101st Brigade) held from St Pancras, see above, to Grid line between G6a and G6c (see trench maps). This was the sector allotted to the 101st Brigade on the day of the attack.
Patrols were sent out at night under 2/LT H.P. Clewes and 2/LT Lodge and examined enemy’s wire, ascertained positions of sentry groups, the G.D.C 102nd Brigade then in command of the sector complimented the Battalion on the information brought in. at this time information about the enemy’s movements was required as it was thought that he might evacuate all of his front line without waiting for the assault. 2LT Clewes managed to crawl through the enemy’s wire and entered his front line trench at about G6.a.75.05, he found the trench to be very deep and well revelted, he saw the entrance to a dug out and a point where the trench was blown in with a track over debris showing that patrols passed at intervals. He saw a sentry on the right using his rifle and firing a very light. Both patrols found enemy wire much damaged and blown up on to his parapet in many places. The enemy had many sentries posted and they were alert.

5th April 1917 – In Trenches as above
W day of bombardment which continued. Enemy’s front lines and his wire could be seen to be badly damaged. Enemy’s retaliation was lighter than on previous day. The casualties during this tour would have been very light except for an unlucky shell which dropped into two parties of men which had met in a trench. This one shell put out of action 10 men of this Battalion and 12 of another. Otherwise the casualties would have only numbered 4 or 5. One company headquarters was blown in wounding a runner who afterwards dies. Captain Worthington and Lt Mattison who were in the dugout unhurt. 2/LT McArthur was burried by a shell and could not be found, when a second shell burst knocking over Captain Dent and 2nd LT Johnson and uncovering Lt McArthur’s helmet. He was dug out, he was shaken and unhurt as were the other officers.

6th April 1917 – Louez
The Battalion was relieved in the evening by the 16th Royal Scots. Relief commenced at 6 pm complete soon after midnight. Battalion moved to Louez into tents, headquarters and officers in a small chateau. Men were all in by 5am – the weather had been bad during the tour and the men were very dirty and weary, many had stood in water for days and there were many cases of sore feet.

7th April 1917 – Louez
Battalion cleaning and resting but a working party of 100 men had to be furnished the night of 6th/7th – 2/LT Roebuck E de L.W. joined.

8th April 1917 – Louez
The Battalion continued cleaning up , overhauling arms and equipment and preparing to move forward to take part with the 101st Brigade in operations. During the day stores, bombs, flares, wire-cutters, tools etc were distributed to the men and distinguishing marks issued in the form of a yellow triangle (12 inches) to be worm on the back , carried by the whole division, and small red and yellow flags on sticks issued two per section.

9th April 1917 – 14th April 1917 – Battle of Arras – Pont Du Jour
Battalion took part on the 9th in an attack against the “Pont du Jour” southern end of Vimy Ridge. A report on the operation was added to this diary but due to the length. This has been posted as a series of pictures attached to this post. As this report details jack’s movements but does not to his final action it has not been transcribed here for fear of boring the reader.

15th April 1917 – Maiziers
battalion Resting , cleaning up and refitting. Men quite exhausted and all equipment and clothing in a very bad state.
The casualties during the operation 8th to 14th amounted to 2 officers killed, 5 officers wounded, 150 other ranks killed wounded or missing and about 60 other ranks sent to hospital owing to exposure and exhaustion.

16th April 1917 –
Lt Abbott, 2/LT Cowen and a draft of 69 other ranks joined

19th April 1917
Inspection by G.O.C 34th Division.

20th April 1917
Lt Colonel G W B Clark, O.C. admitted to hospital sick, command assumed in his absence by Major W A Vignoles.
Draft arrived 1 officer and other ranks (2/LT F H Lucking)

21st April 1917
Battalion proceeded by route march to billets in Larassett.
Draft arrived 95 other ranks.

22nd April 1917
Battalion proceeded to Y Huts (Map ref L.1.b.9.1 sheet 51c N.E.)
Captain W E Knight and 2/LT H W Bannister joined Battalion.

23rd April 1917-
6am – Battalion proceeded to Arras with 20 officers, remainder of officers and 108 drtails proceeded to Chapelle Fermont, Captain Rennington in command.
On reaching Arras orders were received that the Battalion was to be ready to move at short notice to line.
5.45pm – Moved to a position in reserve on the Pont Du Jour occupying the Lusty-Lumpy-Locust trenches in H.9 (Sheet 51G)
All in by 9pm

24th April 1917 –
The enemy shelled the Pont du Jour Road and the trenches throughout the day with 150mm shells, causing casualties, 4 other ranks killed, 9 other ranks wounded. During the night 23rd/24th he shelled the area almost continuously with gas shells. 2/LT Cowen was admitted to hospital gassed and 2 other ranks gassed. Enemy made a counter attack during the day near Gavrelle and during this period shelled the Pont du Jour and forward slope very heavily.
8pm to 5am – Battalion moved to railway Cutting in square H23 sheet 51B, the brigade having relieved a brigade of the 51st division. Battalion in support to 16th Royal Scots and 11th Suffolks, who moved into front line facing Chemical Works-Cemetery-Roeux in squares I13 and 19south of the railway. In position by 5am 25th.

25th April 1917
Night of 25th/26th furnished a working party of 200 men under 4 officers, 2/LT Lavender found 1 officer and 1 private of 4th Seaforths wounded in a part of our line near MT Pleasant Wood. They had been lying out since attack of 23rd. Casualties nil.

26th April 1917
9.30pm – Relieved 11th Suffolks taking over part of the line from Railway 600 yards along Ceylon Trench. 15th Royal Scots taking over night. 103rd Brigade on North of the railway. Exact situation North of Railway obscure but 103rd believed to holding Calabar.

27th April 1917 –
2AM – 2/LT A B Crouch killed while in charge of working party digging CAP and Care trenches. Three prisoners taken by a sentry Group, they appeared to be deserters.

2.30am – Enemy fired about 20 light Trench Mortar bombs (Pineapple) from direction of Cemetery

4pm – Chemical works bombarded by our heavies

6pm – Disposition of the battle, 2 companies in Ceylon, two on Road through H2.4.6 with Battalion Headquarters.
Strength – 18 officers/ including M.O. Attached) and 626 other ranks.

Orders were issued during the day for the Battalion to take part on the morning of 28th in a general attack on the enemy’s lines. The 34th Division being outside the Arras – Biache St Vaast railway with 37t Division on the left and 12th Division on the right. The object of the 101st Brigade a line from the Scarpe river East of Roeux through I.20.a to track at I.14.C.5.0 thence along the track through I.14.c and I.14.A to railway. Order of Battle, 15th Royal Scotts on right, 10th Lincolns, – 11th Suffolks, left. 16th R.S. attached to other battalions as moppers up, 2 COs to 15th R.S. – 1 company to each of Lincoln’s and Suffolk, copy of 10th Lincolns operation order and a map are attached. Zero Modified to be 4.25am on 28th.

28th April 1917 –

1AM – 11th Suffolks commenced moving into front line and taking over Celyon from Corona (Exclusive) to Railway. Lincolns front two companies D and C moved into Care and Cap, B and A companies into Ceylon from Colne to Corona and trench from Cap to Corona North of Mount Pleasant Wood. All companies in position. 15th Royal Scots moved south and were not in touch with Lincolns. 20th Northumberland Fusiliers were in Brigade Reserve, and were formed up in “Funk” holes along the road through H24.d and H24b. Write orders to garrison front line after zero as soon as the barrage (Enemy’s) allowed. The headquarters of the four Battalions of the Brigade (Police cooks etc) were also along this road with the advanced Brigade Report Centre at H24.d.81/2.91/2 – Tea and rum was served to the men about 3am.

4.15am – As the assembly trenches didi not face the direction of advance the troops began to get out at 6.15 and form up in the open, the trenches were very congested and there was a certain amount of noise and probably the enemy heard it as about this time he commenced firing Trench Mortars, 77mm shells and bursts of machine gun fire. The morning was dark and it was very difficult for men to determine direction of advance.

Zero – The companies appeared to start well, but were very soon met by intense machine gun fire and casualties were very numerous, a large number of dead were seen on the ground later on . The machine gun fire came mainly from Chateau enfilading our front, also from a house along the road to Chemical Works, while Clip Trench was strongly manned and the houses around Cemetery full of enemy.

5.15am – The situation at this time, which was not known until later, appears to have been as shown on map, this being the furthest point reached in the attack. See letters and dotted line in ink on map
A – 20 yards from Clip, Captain Newton established himself with about a dozen men, the enemy had a block in Corona trench here and three men were killed trying to pass it. a machine gun was firing from house.
B – A number of men in shell holes
C – Other men in shell holes and a lewis gun in action under Lance Corporal Riggall
D – Further men in shell holes, but touch was not obtained with these
E – Captain Worthington and about 20 men in a half dug trench endeavouring to consolidate, a runner from him arrived about 7.30am

5.30am – The enemy came out of his trenches and from houses in strength and began to surround the men in the shell holes at B and some endeavoured to get back, but were mostly shot down, while about 30 nearly all wounded were seen to surrender.
Touch was established with Ceylon to Captain Newton by Lt Dickson whoo was in Corona with an abandoned signal station. The Officer Commanding came up and visited Corona
to ascertain situation.

5-30 to 6am – (Note times are all approximate as were not noted at the time) O.C. then collected all the men he could find and directed then to the junction of Corona and Ceylon to join 2/LT Dawson who had some men here. Lewis Guns were directed up the trench and sent forward to Captain Newton also a stokes gun which was eventually got into action near this junction. With the guns sent to him Captain Newton did considerable execution on the enemy holding the houses north of Cemetery. Several guns were put out of action and the gunners killed and as by this time he was unsupported on right on left, he withdrew his men to Ceylon and touch was established with Suffolks on left, who once more had some men in the front trench. The Lincolns manned Ceylon from Corona inclusive to the South West there were no other troops in Ceylon and touch had not been obtained with the 20th Northumberland Fusiliers who about this time were moving into Cusp, South of Mt Pleasant Wood.
A Report came in shortly afterwards that Captain Worthington had had to withdraw his small party now reduced to about 10 into Care.

8am (about) – Men were seen to be coming back from East of the Wood and soon afterwards the enemy’s infantry appeared from dead ground near Roeux to counter attack. A wounded officer who was lying out and who afterwards got in, said they came out of Roeux and covered by heavy machine gun fire from chateau and artillery on Mt Pleasant Wood which seems to have been the objective of the attack. Captain Worthington was killed by a shell in Care or Cap, and his men very few now left retired; the party in Ceylon showed signs of unsteadiness, but the officers and NCOs kept them in hand and they fought well holding their trench throughout.

Lance Corporal Riggall states that he kept his gun in action at the point C against the counter attack until the enemy were close to him and his gun out of action, when he managed to get back to our lines, though the two or three men with him all became casualties.

As the attack developed, it was met by lewis gun and rifle fire from the 20th Northumberland Fusiliers in cusp and Lincolns in Ceylon. This fire broke up each flank of the attack but 200 or more men reached our lines and entered Care, Mt Pleasant Wood, Colne (a partially dug trench not connected to Ceylon) and a number 30 or more, reached Ceylon near Colne, and fired on men moving behind.

The 20th Northumberland Fusiliers organised bombing parties up Ceylon and Cusp towards the Wood, and Lincolns down Ceylon to meet the Northumberlands. This party killed the NCO in charge of the enemy’s party and teh remainder ran back from Ceylon to Wood. As the bombing parties closed on the wood the enemy began to run back, and as they retired heavy fire from Lewis guns and rifles was brought to bear on them by the Lincolns and Northumberland Fusiliers in Cusp causing many casualties. A bombing post in charge of Sgt MacCrae, 16th Royal Scots attached to Lincolns held the trench to north of wood throughout the counter attack. About a dozen of the enemy in and around the wood eventually surrendered and the situation was cleared up by 12.30pm

12.30pm – Touch was established with reserve line and the Lincoln garrison in Ceylon strengthened by collecting and sending forward all Lincolns that could be found. In this way the number was increased to 70 and eventually after dark to 100.

In connection with the operations of April 28th 1917 the following recommendation for immediate reward were made :-

Captain David Harris Jones RAMC attached 10th Lincs – For – Near Reoux on April 28th 1917 and subsequent days this officer showed the greatest devotion to duty, taking out search parties each night which thoroughly examines No Mans Land for a distance of 100 to 150 yards from our line. His action caused a number of men to be rescued, some that had lain out for 4,6 and 7 days and nights being brought in, His hard work and devotion was the means of saving a number of lives

Captain Robert White Newton – Near Reoux on April 28th 1917, after the battalion had been held up by machine gun fire in which heavy casualties were sustained, this officer quickly reorganised small parties of men from various companies and met the enemy’s counter attack inflicting loss on him. By his courage and determination he kept his men together when the enemy had obtained a footing in our trenches and organised a bombing party which helped to clear the enemy out. He showed great coolness throughout at a critical time.

40938 Lance Corporal Michael Devaney Morrison – Near Reoux on April 28th for carrying out valuable patrol work when enemy was in our trenches; for work in covering stretcher bearer parties searching No Mans Land, he volunteered for any arduous work that was required.

1798 Lance Corporal James Williams – Near Reoux on April 28th 1917 when under very heavy and accurate machine Gun fire which had previously put out of action three Lewis guns and several gunners, he brought his Lewis gun into action against an enemy counter attack and caused the enemy heavy casualties.

468 Private John Cyril Horace Crisp (Stretcher Bearer) Near Reoux on April 28th 1917, He followed his company into action carrying a bag of shell dressings to within 30 yards of the enemy’s trenches. He moved about under heavy machine gun fire and dressed about forty wounded. He remained until enemy showed signs of coming out when he returned using his last dressings on the way.

1340 private Eric Platt (stretcher bearer) Near Reoux on April 28th 1917 he went out in daylight in full view of the enemy to a badly wounded man and getting him on his back brought him safely to the trenches. He was out every night with parties searching for wounded in No Mans land.

The casualties as far as known at the time of writing were
D Company.
Lt H P Hendin – missing believed killed
2/LT T E Lavender – missing
2/LT W E Robinson – wounded
2/LT E de L Roebuck – Missing
B Company
Captain F Worthington – Killed
Lt W I Abbott – Wounded
C Company
2/LT V Irvine Taylor – Killed
2/LT D A Gough – Wounded
2/LT F H Lucking – Missing
A Company
2/LT J S Hill – Missing
2/LT H Elsom – Missing
2/LT H J Lodge – Missing
Battalion Headquarters
LT E D Dickson – Missing

Other ranks killed, wounded and missing estimated at 420 of that about 200 are known to have been evacuated wounded and 40 identified as killed.

The remainder of day passed quietly except for bursts of shelling on reserve line. Lincolns retained their position in Ceylon trench; a party of 16th Royal Scots garrisoning the South West end of the trench. 20th Northumberland Fusiliers in Care and Cap.

29th -30th April 1917
Passed quietly except for intermittent shelling
8.30pm Battalion relieved by the Household Battalion, 10th Infantry Brigade, 4th Division – Battalion moved out via tow path along river Scarpe to bivouac near St Nicholas.

Each night serach parties were organised by the Medical Officer Captain D Harris Jones, RAMC, attached to 10th Lincolns to search for wounded. These explored No Mans Land up to 100 to 150 yards from our front line and all ground behind. They found a number of wounded including casualties belonging to 51st Division wounded on the 23rd who had been lying out 6 and 7 days and nights; they were doing well and likely to recover. Two enemy wounded were also brought in who had been out 36 hours.

The regiment making counter attack on the 28th appears to have been the 3rd Battalion of the I.R – this battalion had marched that morning from Biaches and was thrown straight into the attack, advancing from the village of Reoux. The enemy’s troops in this section were located as follows:-
185th I.R from Frampoux-Fresnes Road in I.2 southwards to Railway.
65th R.I.R from Railway to crossroads at cemetery
65th I.R thence to River Scarpe inclusive.


Jack Marvin was killed in the action described in the above extract from the Battalion diary. Not listed as a hero for recommendation, not listed as an officer but listed as one of the anonymous 420 casualties who each played an important part in maintaining our freedom, a freedom which has allowed us this week to visit Reoux,the River scarpe and other beautiful places that would be unrecognisable today to Jack.

Grantham Journal Saturday 16th June 1917
Pte CLARK HENRY (JACK) MARVIN,of Folkingham.
The sad news of the death of another gallant Folkingham hero has been received by his parents. The official communication briefly states that Pte Marvin was killed in action on the 20th April and that a photograph of his grave will be forwarded in due course. A message of sympathy from the Army Council is attached. Pte Jack Marvin joined the Lincolns in May 1915 and had seen much service both in Egypt and France. Once he was invalided home with wounds, etc. He was in his 22nd year and was highly respected by his comrades in the Regiment. Much sympathy is expressed by all friends for the bereaved parents, brothers and sisters in their sad loss.

Lincolnshire Echo Tuesday 19th June 1917
News has been received at Folkingham that Clark Henry (Jack) Marvin has been killed in action. He joined the Lincolns in May 1915 and had seen much service in Egypt and France. Once he was invalided home with wounds, etc. He was in his 22nd year and was much liked by his comrades in the Regiment.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private Clarke Henry Marvin, 40662, 10th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 28 April 1917
Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial.