Remembrance – Fred Lloyd

Today we commemorated the 101st anniversary of the death of Bourne man Fred Lloyd of the 8th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment who was killed in action this day, 24th April 1917.

Fred was born in Bourne in early 1879, the son of George Lloyd b 1835 in Edenham, a farm labourer and his wife Hannah Currell b 1843 in Watton Hertfordshire.

George and Hannah had 6 children although one had already passed away before the 1911 census.
Lewis Lloyd, 1872, Edenham
Emma Currell, 1873, Edenham
Charles Lloyd, 1875, Edenham
Sarah Ann Lloyd, 1876, Edenham
Fred Lloyd, 1879, Bourne

In 1881 Fred, being only 3 years of age was living with his parents at 4 Spring Cottage, South Fen, Bourne. 10 years later the family were living in West Fields Bourne.

By 1901 Fred was with the Army and most likely in India. After another 10 years the 1911 census shows that Fred is living with his parents again but this time in Burghley Street, Bourne and he is working as a Bricklayer’s Labourer at the age of 32.

Fred first attested to the army in November 1896 at the age of 18, joining the 3rd Battalion South Wales Borderers. He declared that he had previously been serving in the militia and that he had a mutlilated little finger on his right hand.

Fred had a chequered career once being imprisoned for striking a superior officer during his home service and then after being posted to India he was imprisoned once for striking a superior officer and twice for using insubordinate language.
in 1904 whilst in India he signed up to extend his service to a total of 8 years.

He eventually was posted home in 1905, 4 years after his final imprisonment and then served another 3 years with the regiment at home even after being put on Army reserve in January 1905. His first period of service ended on 22nd November 1908.

Fred enlisted in Bourne and rejoined the army in 1914 and was sent abroad, as an old contemptible in 1914 earning him the 1914 star, which was later added to with the award of a clasp.
We can only assume that this was with either his old regiment or with a different regiment to his eventual posting in the 8th Lincs. The 8th Lincolnshire Regiment was not sent abroad until September 1915 and therefore the exact movements of Fred or the date of him joining the 8th Lincs is unknown.

We can only say for certain that he was with The Battalion in the last month of his life.

Taken from the 8th Battalion Diaries:-

The Battalion trained at Grimsby during August 1914, and then at Halton Park in November. The Battalion moved into billets at Leighton Buzzard for the winter of 1914

In the spring of 1915 the Battalion moved to Halton Park Camp, Wendover and miniature rifle practice commenced. After completing the musketry course and a Review by Lord Kitchener, the Battalion moved to Witley Camp North, marching past His Majesty the King and Lord Kitchener, 12 August 1915.

All the Battalion commanders had been in retirement at the outbreak of war. Of the 21st Division in which the 8th Lincolnshire were attached only 14 officers had any previous experience in the Regular army.

The Battalion entrained for overseas service at Milford Station on 9 September 1915 leaving England the next day, sailing via Folkestone to Boulogne. For a week the Battalion stayed in the Watten area before receiving orders to move to the front.

A long and really arduous march took place which led the Battalion to the front and their first engagement of the war, The Battle of Loos.
During this battle an immediate gain was overturned and the highly inexperienced Battalion suffered tremendous losses.

In their first battle the 8th Battalion lost 22 of their 24 officers. 471 other ranks were killed, wounded or missing that being nearly half of all men in the Battalion.

The next major offensive for the Battalion was during the battle of the Somme in July 1916. The Battalion saw action in Albert, Bazentin Ridge, Fleurs-Courcelette, Morval, Gaudecourt, Transloy Ridge and eventually in November the Battle of The Ancre.

During the spring of 1917 the German Army retreated to the heavily fortified defensive Hindenburg Line.
When the retreat started the 21st Division were at Halloy spending a period out of the line in training exercises.

On the first of April the Battalion attended a voluntary Church Parade at Neuville Au Cornet before the following day being route marched to Denier for an attack on a trench system. Over the next days the Battalion moved to Avesnes-le-Conte, Givenchy-le-Noble, Lattre St Quentin before arriving at Duisans to withdraw equipment ready for their move onto the assembly area at Arras.

The Battalion entered the Battle of Arras at Battery Valley on the 9th April 1917 at 4pm digging in until 8pm.
The Battalion moved east and halted around midnight. At daybreak considerable enemy activity was observed round Monchy-le-Preux, also enemy troops and transport moving north east from Roeux. Artillery was asked for in both cases but there was no response.

At 9am the Battalion prepared to advance to its original objective as soon as the 111th brigade advanced on Monchy.

At 10:30 am Major Greatwood was informed that the 8th Somerset Light Infantry were in Monchy and that he must support them. They advanced to teh valley but in this advance they suffered heavy casualties as they had no artillery support.

At 4pm Major Greatwood issued orders to attack Monchy with the 8th Somerset on the right, Lincolns on the left. Again with no artillery support they had to dig in on high ground receiving orders to attack at dusk.
When they had already opened out for the attack, orders arrived from Brigade cancelling the attack and consolidate the position and patrols were posted in front.

By the end of the 10th April the Battalion had 9 officers wounded, 30 other ranks killed, 187 other ranks wounded and 8 missing.

12th April 1917 – Arras
battalion withdrawn from the line and moved to Arras

13th April 1917 – Duisans
Battalion moved to Duisans and billeted there for one night.

14th April 1917 – Beaufort
Battalion moved to billets in Beaufort.

16th April 1917 – Beaufort
Battalion in billets

17th April 1917 – Beaufort
Battalion in billets, training carried out

18th April 1917 – Beaufort
Battalion in billets, training being carried out.

19th April 1917 – Beaufort
Battalion moved to billets in Montenescourt.

20th April 1917 – Beaufort
Battalion moved by buses to Arras – Battalion in support.

23rd April 1917 – Arras
Battalion in attack. Middlesex right front battalion. York and Lancaster regiment left front Battalion. Somerset Light Infantry Right support Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment left support Battalion.
Casualties, 20 officers killed, 2nd Lieut W.S.Dickinson, D.J.B Busher. Other Ranks killed 20., Wounded 102, missing 14.

25th April 1917 – Arras
Battalion in reserve.

Lance Corporal Fred LLoyd was reported as being killed in action on 24th April 1917.

Grantham Journal Saturday 5th May 1917
LOCAL CASUALTIES:- Lieut Arthur Wherry was wounded in action last week and on Thursday reached Dover. He is now in Hospital at Wanstead, suffering from a fresh wound in the thigh caused by shrapnel. The wound is not of a serious character and Lieut Wherry is favourably progressing towards recovery. News was received last week that Pte Parker had been killed in action. Pte Parker, up to the time he joined up was employed by Messrs. Foley and Butler and was closely associated with the Wesleyan Church and School being an energetic worker. On Monday, an intimation was received at Bourne that Pre Fred Lloyd of Burghley Street has been killed in action. Pte Lloyd had spent several years in the Army and on the outbreak of war was called up as one of the reserve men. He had been home several times during the intervening period and had not long been out on active service after his last leave. On Wednesday the death in action of another Bourne boy was notified, Pte George Marvin, son of Mr and Mrs Hy Marvin, Bedehouse Bank. He went out with his regiment early in the New Year and leaves a young widow and one child.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Lance Corporal F Lloyd, 8464, 8th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 24 April 1917
Remembered with honour, Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension.

Remembrance – Harry Chamberlain

Today we remember Harry Chamberlain of Dunsby and of the 8th battalion South Staffordshire Regiment. A local soldier that made the ultimate sacrifice 101 years ago this day, 23rd April 1917.

Harry was born in Dunsby in the spring of 1895, to James Chamberlain, a farm labourer born Essendine and Elizabeth Fowler born Pickworth, Rutland. The coupe had married in Stamford in 1874 and Harry was the 7th of 9 children. The family had lived in Morton and then on to Dunsby around 1887.

The children of James and Elizabeth are:
James c1879,
Arthur c1882,
Lucy c1884
Mary Elizabeth c1887
John William c1890
Annie Julia c1892
Harry 1895 (WW1; 8th Bn South Staffordshire Regiment)
Flora c1896

In both 1901 and 1911 Harry can be found living with his parents in Dunsby. The 1911 census shows us Harry working as a Groom on a farm.

Harry enlisted in Derby although the date is not known. We can see from his medal records that he did not see oversees service until 1916.
He originally joined the Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) having a number 43111 and again it is not known when he transferred to the 8th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, number 43003.

As we are unsure of Harry’s exact movements through the war then we can only really look at what he went through in April of 1917. This has been taken from the Battalion Diary and is one of the best descriptions of life in the line during the battle of Arras. Unfortunately as the action gets hotter the writing in the diary deteriorates and so my transcription also is not perfect.

1st April 1917- Oppy
Battalion bathing

2nd April 1917 – Beaudricourt
Work on roads at all Bouque Maison Abandoned

3rd April 1917 – Beaudricourt
Brigade field day divisional conference at DHQ

4th April 1917 – Beaudricourt
Battalion training. Notice to move received.

5th April 1917 – Moncheaux
Battalion leave at 8am for Moncheaux (7 Miles) arrive 12 noon

6th April 1917
Battalion resting (Good Friday) Orders received to move to Givenchy-Le-Noble

7th April 1917 – Givenchy-Le-Noble
Battalion Marched to Givenchy-Le-Noble (about 7 1/4 Miles) arrived about 1.30pm

8th April 1917 – Noyelette
Battalion moved here at 12 noon (distance 5 1/2 miles)

9th April 17 – Noyelette (this is the first day of the battle of Arras)

1am – Battalion under 4 hours notice to move

5.30am – Zero hour
11am – Battalion received news of 1st Line being taken

11.30am – Dinners

3.45pm – Battalion has orders to move at 4-20pm

4.20pm – Battalion leave Noyellette

5.40pm – Battalion hears news of capture of 3rd line, many prisoners, cavalry on the way.

8.45pm – Heavy Hail and snow storms.

10.20pm – Orders received to bivouac for the night on road-side, about 3 kilometres west of Arras. Bitterly cold, snow and sleet fall heavily.

10th April 1917 – Arras

12.25am – Orders to send guide for cookers, cookers to arrive for breakfast at 5-30am.

2.20am – Orders received “Be ready to move at 50 minutes notice from 6am.

5.40am – hear that it is impossible to get cookers up for breakfast.

7.45am – 2/Lt Armstrong and 5 NCOs sent to Arras to billet Battalion.

9.30am – ordered to march to Arras at 10-15am. 2/LT Hare rejoins.

10.15am March to Arras

11.30am battalion billeted in cellars

12.55pm – No move possible before 2pm. Dinners and rest. 1 days iron rations to be issued before 2pm. Guide sent for cookers. Leaving Warlus at 12 noon.

4pm – 1 days iron rations arrived and issued.

4.30pm – Cookers arrived. Rum and groceries to be drawn

5.45pm – Tea and Rum issued. Snow storms throughout the day.

11th April 1917 – Arras

2.30am – Orders to send 600 men for working party to 278th Royal Engineers Arras station 9am (Cancelled at 8am).

Results of attack (10,600 prisoners 250 officers, 113 guns, 163 machine guns, 50 trench mortars, capture of Vimy Ridge, advance of 5 miles on 12 mile front.

2.30am “News” Acheville abandoned, Boches retiring to Drocourt and Bois Bernard, prisoners 800 and 40-80 guns. Cav Corps 3 400.
Cav Corps advancing to 1st objective 4pm Batt of 37th Division along ??? Orange-Hill, 4th Army hold ridge Hargiecourt – Le Verquier

8am – working party cancelled

10.30am rumoured that we are North East of Monchy and that 5th Army pushing round Queant.

11.20am – Ordered to detail 400 men for cleaning up at Arras station at 12 noon. 2/LT Hackett to assist Brigade transport officers.

11.45am – Guides sent to Place-de-theatre for rations.

12.45pm – Situation reported “General attack made by 17th, 6th and 7th Corps and 5th Army 15th Division North East of Monchy, 37th Division said to be in Monchy
La-Bergere farm captured, heavy barrage West of Monchy
5th Army gained 1st objective Bollecourt-Queant.

2.30pm Rations arrive

3.30pm Waiting orders “17th Division transfered to VI Corps, ordered to relieve 15th Division to North of Monchy at night.

4.15pm – working party withdrawn.

9.15 pm – 51st Brigade put at 50 minutes notice from 5am (12th inst) to move into reserve in Battery-Valley and Feuchy.

12th April 1917
Snowing all night.

5am – Breakfast

9.30am – Echelon B arrives in Arras. C.O. visits Brigade and leaves plan of attack of 6th Corps. Explained to O.C. Companies

11am Dinners

6.10pm – Orders to send advance parties to reconnoitre accomodation in Railway-Triangle east of Blangy (occupied by 46th Brigade)

6.30pm – 1 officer and 1 NCO per company proceed there.

6.50pm – having order “52 Brigade willprobably relieve 50th brigade on night of 13/14th. 51st Brigade will relieve 52nd in support. 51st Brigade will probably move to Railway Triangle early on morning of 13th.

9.30pm – Orders received to pass starting point at 6-12am 13th inst.Advance parties report many dug-outs (Several Flooded) in Railway Triangle, in embankment 30′ high, also large tunnel. Impossible for progress of G.S and L.W’s. A few H.V Shells on Arras late in afternoon.

13th April 1917

5am – Breakfast

6.5am – Battalion falls in

6.12am – Battalion marches from Arras to Railway Triangle 1 1/2 miles South West of Athies. (100 yards between companies) route “along railway”

8.30am – All in long tunnel order, embankment as in trenches.

1.30pm – Attack by 29th Division and 50th Brigade postponed 24 hours.

1.55pm – S.O.S Changed

5pm – 2/LT Scott, Green, Smith and Whittaker reconnoitre route to Feuchy Chapel

6.30pm – Arrival of rations

8pm – Greatcoats arrive for A,B and 1/2 C companies

14th April 1917 – Railway Triangle

12.05am – Operation orders ” Battalion will relieve 1st Essex and part of 50th Brigade East of Monchy, probably after midnight 14/15th

7am – Breakfasts

9.30am – Companies cleaning up and bury 2 horses, collect and dump salvage.

12 noon – Brigadiers interviews commanding officers. Battalion will now relieve 2nd Hants in brigade reserve West of Monchy.
29th Division reported to have attacked and gained their objective South East of Monchy in early morning.

2.30pm – Situation. ’29th Division heavily counter-attacked falls back to original line.
Battalion at 30 minutes notice to move.

2pm – Companies send parties for 1 hales grenade per man.

2.45pm – Commanding Officer interviews Officers commanding companies and explains situation.

3.30pm – Quartermaster and 2/LT Hare arrive with rations on pack animals.

3.30pm -Sherwoods and Lincolns move forward at about 4 and 6 pm satisfactorily.

4 – 4.30PM – Heavy Bosche barrage from South of Monchy to North of river Scarpe.

7.45pm – Information from brigade major of probability of standing fast for the night. Companies warned, bivouacs re-erected.

8.15pm – Brigade Majors companies above information. Greatcoats re-issued to companies.
Battalion to stand fast in present position. 29th Division believed to have lost East of Monchy and intend to retake same.
2/LT Kelsey rejoins from hospital (at Echelon “B” transport in Arras)

15th April 1917
Damp morning

12.20pm – Brigadier brings in new situation as indicated by places this morning. Monchy in a narrow salient.

1.35pm – Commanding Officers, 2/LT Scott and Green, and 1 officer and 1 NCO per company reconnoiter route and meet representatives of people to be relieved (1st Lancs first)

1.43pm – Brigade B.O informs us no relief tonight

4pm – Arrival of rations

6.15pm – Battalion sets out to work under 93rd Field Company Royal Engineers on Orange Hill – Chapel Hill line., captain Foster in charge of party.

8.53pm – Commanding officer returns

16th April 1917

2am – 2/LT Green treturns having explained dispositions of 1st Lancs

3.40am – Companies return from working party having completed job. C company 3 other ranks wounded (1 at duty).

7.30pm – Rain

17th April 1917
News received that the French have captured 11,000 prisoners, and are being heavily counter attacked by fresh Divisions. During the morning A and C, B and D companies change positions.

1.25pm – A few shells found the Triangle. 2 other ranks of B company killed

2pm – Commanding officer visits 52nd Brigade HQ North of Monchy (staffs and Borders to attack North of Monchy and River Scarpe.

6.30pm – Snow storms. Orders received that 51st Brigade will relieve 52nd Brigade on 18th inst. Staffs to relieve 10th Lancs first on left, borders on right.

9.30pm – Situation Report “5th and 6th French Armies have taken 12,00 prisoners (16th inst.) many counter attacks. 4th French army attacked on 15 kilometre front from Mauroy to Auberibe: punctuated 1-2 kilometres.

18th April 1917
Rainy mornning, ground terribly muddy

11.30am – Commanding officer attends conference at brigade HQ

2.30pm – Commanding officer explains situation and plans to all officers and NCOs

7pm – 1 officer and 1 NCO per company go ahead to locate posts in front in daylight.

7.30pm – Battalion starts from Railway Triangle along railway to front line South of River Scarpe, North of Monchy-Le-Preux in order D C B A HQ
10th L.F’s leave party behind for short time to continue C.T to A company from railway. 2 companies of Yorks and Lanccs at work during night digging assembly trench North from Lone Copse (right of battalion front) C company ordered to occupy it with one platoon when complete.

19th April 1917

2am – Situation Normal, C company report intermittant shelling 10pm to 11.15pm. 1 platoon of C Company occupy assembly trench North of Lone Copse.

3-3.40am – Each company sends out a patrol 2/LT Barlow went to discover if T trench opposite was held, was fired on twice. Enemy sent up several very lights, much on the alert, occasional sniping.
Touch gained with 7th Borders on right and 5th Gordons on left.
Work during night continuing C.T. from Railway to front line, deepening and widening trench where necessary, extending trenches to make one continuous line.

4.40am – Commanding Officer makes tour of line.

8am – Situation quiet

2pm – Situation normal, intermittent shelling on posts and line. Poor visibility

2.47pm – Orders received that Yorks Regiment (50th Brigade) will relieve us tonight.

6pm Billeting party sent to Brown Line

9.10pm – F.O.O reports and SOS sent up on our front, false alarm. Heavy shelling North of River Scarpe. Promiscuous shelling of railway, Feuchy etc.
Enemy puts barrage 200 yards West of his T Trench – in front of our assembly trench.

9.40pm – Matters quietened down. 2/LT Barlow patrols North East of Lone Copse to discover supposed enemy post. Finds all clear.

11.50PM – Relief by Yorks complete. Companies move independently to Brown Line. Pick up rations from divisional canteen at Feuchy.

20th April 1917

1 AM – Battalion all in Brown Line

3.10am – Enemy shells neighbourhood of battalion bivouacs for 15 minutes. 20 casualties. Spasmodic shelling of area around gun emplacements close to Brown Line and west of it. about a dozen gas shells first over during morning.

4.10pm – Battalion relieved by 9th N.F., march across country to Estaminet corner then via Cambrai Road to Arras. Battalion in caves, all in by 6.45pm

21st April 2017
Battalion bathes in the morning.

11am – Commanding Officer goes to headquarters 51st infantry brigade Railway Triangle for commanding officer’s conference and returns at 2.50pm

2.50pm – (unable to read)

4pm- Commanding Officer sees all officers and informs them of attack. Brigade depot moves from Bernaville to near Citadel Arras.

6.35pm – Battalion starts for line. Platoons in file. Route Cambrai Road to Estaminet corner thence across country to junction of Railway and the Brown Line.

7.40pm – Commanding Officer receives order from 50th Brigade Not to cross Brown Line before ? ? to work parties being in post line.

10pm – Battalion leave Brown Line to relieve 7th Yorks in front line South of River Scarpe. 7th Yorks have one company out as covering party to a working party of Yorks and lancs digging assembly trench about 600 yards in front of front line. Working party did not arrive and the trench was not dug.
Yorks have a patrol along southern side of canal towards Reaux. Patrol fired upon and discover enemy post in water tower on side of lake.

22nd April 1917.

12.50am – Relief complete with exception of covering party and patrol.

2am – Patrol mentioned above returns and covering party in with ?

4am – Commanding Officer visits front line and goes forward to inspect site of assembly trench and high bank.

6.30am – Commanding Officer returns and dictates operation order for companies (Copy Attached)

3.10pm – Operational Orders issued to companies

7.20pm – Brigade Major calls on Battalion HQ

7.25pm – Artillery Program received

7.30pm – Brigadier calls to see Commanding Officer

8pm – Artillery program issued to companies

8.25pm – Battalion HQ moves to C company HQ in front line

8.30pm – Covering party B Company first and to cover working party Yorks and Lancs digging assembly trenches

10pm – 20 men A company carry forward smoke bombs for special Company Royal Engineers.

9.45pm – Gas projected into the wood west of Roeux

10.30pm – Commanding Officer goes to Brigade HQ for final arrangements as to liaison with 154th Brigade on the left. Returns to Battalion HQ at 11.30pm

12 midnight – Hot tea issued to all men

23rd April 1917

2am – Companies commence moving to assembly trenches. 2nd Lieut Scott ? ? wire from Battalion HQ to assembly trench and reports completion 3.5am

3.30am – Captain Foster reports that all companies are in position in assembly trenches. Commanding Officer reports this to Brigade.

4am – Commanding Officer and HQs move forward to assembly trenches,, incoming telephone speaking staff to transmit messages from HQ to Brigade HQ.

4.35am – Commanding officer inspects first wave who are all in position lying down ready to advance. Men in excellent spirits.

4.45am – Artillery Barrage opened on a line 200 yards west of enemy trench.

4.47am – First wave advances

4.48am – Artillery barrage lifts 200 yards. First wave close in behind.

4.51am – Artillery Barrage lists onto enemy trench. First wave close in behind arrives at enemy wire and under gallery fire from left flank.

4.55am – A company in support joins first wave. Most officers of all 3 companies either killed or wounded. men hold on, firing until 5am when they withdrew slowly having no leaders.

5am – Commanding Officer pushes forward and attempts to rally and encourage the companies which are much mixed up. also asks Artillery Liaison Officer to get barrage which has now gone on to the fire trench back to the enemy front trench.

5.10am – a shout that enemy is leaving and when Battalion rushes forward to enemy trench again for a second time they come under galley Machine Gun fire from the left flank and many more casualties are suffered.

5.30am – Commanding Officer and his officers reform battalion in two lines extended and when this is nearly complete it is received that the artillery have brought back the barrage on the enemy’s fire trench.
A general advance is again made this time with the men of the first line firing from the hip. The same cause viz forward fire from the left stoped the attack at the enemy wire.

5.40am – Battalion finally withdrawn. remaining officers and NCOs rallied and instructed by Commanding Officer to reorganise in 3 companies in the assembly trench and to dig.
About this time the 7th Lincolnshire regiment arrives and about 7am receives orders from the b=Brigade to make another attempt. This was done but had no success.

During remainder of the day Staffords and Lincolns reorganised and dug in whilst the enemy brought down a very heavy barrage on this position.

6pm – 6th Dorsets advanced in extended order over positions occupied by Staffords and Lincolns as far as the enemy wire when they had to withdraw also.

8pm – Commanding Officer received information that the enemy were preparing a heavy counter attack down the Pelves Valley. Ordered B company to attack across the valley joining up north end of high ? with lake and dig small strong posts. This was ordered in spite of casualties inflicted by enemy machine guns.

24th April 1917
4am – Battalion withdrawn to Railway Triangle being relieved by 7th Yorks.

At the end of this action the Battalion Diary reports the following;

Killed:- Captain J Foster, 2/LT S G Whitaker, 2/LT R V Cotterell, 2/LT F S Creasey

Wounded – Lieut A P Whitehead, 2/LT A E Husband, 2/LT W S Bacon, 2/LT W P Rhodes, 2/LT J A Green, 2/LT C A Scott

Wounded and missing:- 2/LT A S Bourne, 2/LT A J Browne, 2/LT J S Stephens.

Wounded on Duty:- Captain G B Langton, 2/LT T H Smith.

Other Ranks:- Killed 26, Wounded 133, Missing 58, Wounded on Duty 1

Total Casulties:- Officers 15, Other Ranks 218

Private Harry Chamberlain of the 8th Battalion South Staffordshire regiment was one of the other ranks killed or more likely missing as a result of this action.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In Memory of Private Harry Chamberlain, 43003, 8th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment who died on 23 April 1917.
Remembered with Honour Arras Memorial
Panel Ref: Bay 6

Harry is also remembered on the memorial in Dunsby.

In both 1901 and 1911 Harry can be found living with his parents in Dunsby. The 1911 census shows us Harry working as a Groom on a farm.

Harry enlisted in Derby although the date is not known. We can see from his medal records that he did not see oversees service until 1916.
He originally joined the Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) having a number 43111 and again it is not known when he transferred to the 8th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, number 43003.

As we are unsure of Harry’s exact movements through the war then we can only really look at what he went through in April of 1917. This has been taken from the Battalion Diary and is one of the best descriptions of life in the line during the battle of Arras. Unfortunately as the action gets hotter the writing in the diary deteriorates and so my transcription also is not perfect.

1st April 1917- Oppy
Battalion bathing

2nd April 1917 – Beaudricourt
Work on roads at all Bouque Maison Abandoned

3rd April 1917 – Beaudricourt
Brigade field day divisional conference at DHQ

4th April 1917 – Beaudricourt
Battalion training. Notice to move received.

5th April 1917 – Moncheaux
Battalion leave at 8am for Moncheaux (7 Miles) arrive 12 noon

6th April 1917
Battalion resting (Good Friday) Orders received to move to Givenchy-Le-Noble

7th April 1917 – Givenchy-Le-Noble
Battalion Marched to Givenchy-Le-Noble (about 7 1/4 Miles) arrived about 1.30pm

8th April 1917 – Noyelette
Battalion moved here at 12 noon (distance 5 1/2 miles)

9th April 17 – Noyelette (this is the first day of the battle of Arras)

1am – Battalion under 4 hours notice to move

5.30am – Zero hour
11am – Battalion received news of 1st Line being taken

11.30am – Dinners

3.45pm – Battalion has orders to move at 4-20pm

4.20pm – Battalion leave Noyellette

5.40pm – Battalion hears news of capture of 3rd line, many prisoners, cavalry on the way.

8.45pm – Heavy Hail and snow storms.

10.20pm – Orders received to bivouac for the night on road-side, about 3 kilometres west of Arras. Bitterly cold, snow and sleet fall heavily.

10th April 1917 – Arras

12.25am – Orders to send guide for cookers, cookers to arrive for breakfast at 5-30am.

2.20am – Orders received “Be ready to move at 50 minutes notice from 6am.

5.40am – hear that it is impossible to get cookers up for breakfast.

7.45am – 2/Lt Armstrong and 5 NCOs sent to Arras to billet Battalion.

9.30am – ordered to march to Arras at 10-15am. 2/LT Hare rejoins.

10.15am March to Arras

11.30am battalion billeted in cellars

12.55pm – No move possible before 2pm. Dinners and rest. 1 days iron rations to be issued before 2pm. Guide sent for cookers. Leaving Warlus at 12 noon.

4pm – 1 days iron rations arrived and issued.

4.30pm – Cookers arrived. Rum and groceries to be drawn

5.45pm – Tea and Rum issued. Snow storms throughout the day.

11th April 1917 – Arras

2.30am – Orders to send 600 men for working party to 278th Royal Engineers Arras station 9am (Cancelled at 8am).

Results of attack (10,600 prisoners 250 officers, 113 guns, 163 machine guns, 50 trench mortars, capture of Vimy Ridge, advance of 5 miles on 12 mile front.

2.30am “News” Acheville abandoned, Boches retiring to Drocourt and Bois Bernard, prisoners 800 and 40-80 guns. Cav Corps 3 400.
Cav Corps advancing to 1st objective 4pm Batt of 37th Division along ??? Orange-Hill, 4th Army hold ridge Hargiecourt – Le Verquier

8am – working party cancelled

10.30am rumoured that we are North East of Monchy and that 5th Army pushing round Queant.

11.20am – Ordered to detail 400 men for cleaning up at Arras station at 12 noon. 2/LT Hackett to assist Brigade transport officers.

11.45am – Guides sent to Place-de-theatre for rations.

12.45pm – Situation reported “General attack made by 17th, 6th and 7th Corps and 5th Army 15th Division North East of Monchy, 37th Division said to be in Monchy
La-Bergere farm captured, heavy barrage West of Monchy
5th Army gained 1st objective Bollecourt-Queant.

2.30pm Rations arrive

3.30pm Waiting orders “17th Division transfered to VI Corps, ordered to relieve 15th Division to North of Monchy at night.

4.15pm – working party withdrawn.

9.15 pm – 51st Brigade put at 50 minutes notice from 5am (12th inst) to move into reserve in Battery-Valley and Feuchy.

12th April 1917
Snowing all night.

5am – Breakfast

9.30am – Echelon B arrives in Arras. C.O. visits Brigade and leaves plan of attack of 6th Corps. Explained to O.C. Companies

11am Dinners

6.10pm – Orders to send advance parties to reconnoitre accomodation in Railway-Triangle east of Blangy (occupied by 46th Brigade)

6.30pm – 1 officer and 1 NCO per company proceed there.

6.50pm – having order “52 Brigade willprobably relieve 50th brigade on night of 13/14th. 51st Brigade will relieve 52nd in support. 51st Brigade will probably move to Railway Triangle early on morning of 13th.

9.30pm – Orders received to pass starting point at 6-12am 13th inst.Advance parties report many dug-outs (Several Flooded) in Railway Triangle, in embankment 30′ high, also large tunnel. Impossible for progress of G.S and L.W’s. A few H.V Shells on Arras late in afternoon.

13th April 1917

5am – Breakfast

6.5am – Battalion falls in

6.12am – Battalion marches from Arras to Railway Triangle 1 1/2 miles South West of Athies. (100 yards between companies) route “along railway”

8.30am – All in long tunnel order, embankment as in trenches.

1.30pm – Attack by 29th Division and 50th Brigade postponed 24 hours.

1.55pm – S.O.S Changed

5pm – 2/LT Scott, Green, Smith and Whittaker reconnoitre route to Feuchy Chapel

6.30pm – Arrival of rations

8pm – Greatcoats arrive for A,B and 1/2 C companies

14th April 1917 – Railway Triangle

12.05am – Operation orders ” Battalion will relieve 1st Essex and part of 50th Brigade East of Monchy, probably after midnight 14/15th

7am – Breakfasts

9.30am – Companies cleaning up and bury 2 horses, collect and dump salvage.

12 noon – Brigadiers interviews commanding officers. Battalion will now relieve 2nd Hants in brigade reserve West of Monchy.
29th Division reported to have attacked and gained their objective South East of Monchy in early morning.

2.30pm – Situation. ’29th Division heavily counter-attacked falls back to original line.
Battalion at 30 minutes notice to move.

2pm – Companies send parties for 1 hales grenade per man.

2.45pm – Commanding Officer interviews Officers commanding companies and explains situation.

3.30pm – Quartermaster and 2/LT Hare arrive with rations on pack animals.

3.30pm -Sherwoods and Lincolns move forward at about 4 and 6 pm satisfactorily.

4 – 4.30PM – Heavy Bosche barrage from South of Monchy to North of river Scarpe.

7.45pm – Information from brigade major of probability of standing fast for the night. Companies warned, bivouacs re-erected.

8.15pm – Brigade Majors companies above information. Greatcoats re-issued to companies.
Battalion to stand fast in present position. 29th Division believed to have lost East of Monchy and intend to retake same.
2/LT Kelsey rejoins from hospital (at Echelon “B” transport in Arras)

15th April 1917
Damp morning

12.20pm – Brigadier brings in new situation as indicated by places this morning. Monchy in a narrow salient.

1.35pm – Commanding Officers, 2/LT Scott and Green, and 1 officer and 1 NCO per company reconnoiter route and meet representatives of people to be relieved (1st Lancs first)

1.43pm – Brigade B.O informs us no relief tonight

4pm – Arrival of rations

6.15pm – Battalion sets out to work under 93rd Field Company Royal Engineers on Orange Hill – Chapel Hill line., captain Foster in charge of party.

8.53pm – Commanding officer returns

16th April 1917

2am – 2/LT Green treturns having explained dispositions of 1st Lancs

3.40am – Companies return from working party having completed job. C company 3 other ranks wounded (1 at duty).

7.30pm – Rain

17th April 1917
News received that the French have captured 11,000 prisoners, and are being heavily counter attacked by fresh Divisions. During the morning A and C, B and D companies change positions.

1.25pm – A few shells found the Triangle. 2 other ranks of B company killed

2pm – Commanding officer visits 52nd Brigade HQ North of Monchy (staffs and Borders to attack North of Monchy and River Scarpe.

6.30pm – Snow storms. Orders received that 51st Brigade will relieve 52nd Brigade on 18th inst. Staffs to relieve 10th Lancs first on left, borders on right.

9.30pm – Situation Report “5th and 6th French Armies have taken 12,00 prisoners (16th inst.) many counter attacks. 4th French army attacked on 15 kilometre front from Mauroy to Auberibe: punctuated 1-2 kilometres.

18th April 1917
Rainy mornning, ground terribly muddy

11.30am – Commanding officer attends conference at brigade HQ

2.30pm – Commanding officer explains situation and plans to all officers and NCOs

7pm – 1 officer and 1 NCO per company go ahead to locate posts in front in daylight.

7.30pm – Battalion starts from Railway Triangle along railway to front line South of River Scarpe, North of Monchy-Le-Preux in order D C B A HQ
10th L.F’s leave party behind for short time to continue C.T to A company from railway. 2 companies of Yorks and Lanccs at work during night digging assembly trench North from Lone Copse (right of battalion front) C company ordered to occupy it with one platoon when complete.

19th April 1917

2am – Situation Normal, C company report intermittant shelling 10pm to 11.15pm. 1 platoon of C Company occupy assembly trench North of Lone Copse.

3-3.40am – Each company sends out a patrol 2/LT Barlow went to discover if T trench opposite was held, was fired on twice. Enemy sent up several very lights, much on the alert, occasional sniping.
Touch gained with 7th Borders on right and 5th Gordons on left.
Work during night continuing C.T. from Railway to front line, deepening and widening trench where necessary, extending trenches to make one continuous line.

4.40am – Commanding Officer makes tour of line.

8am – Situation quiet

2pm – Situation normal, intermittent shelling on posts and line. Poor visibility

2.47pm – Orders received that Yorks Regiment (50th Brigade) will relieve us tonight.

6pm Billeting party sent to Brown Line

9.10pm – F.O.O reports and SOS sent up on our front, false alarm. Heavy shelling North of River Scarpe. Promiscuous shelling of railway, Feuchy etc.
Enemy puts barrage 200 yards West of his T Trench – in front of our assembly trench.

9.40pm – Matters quietened down. 2/LT Barlow patrols North East of Lone Copse to discover supposed enemy post. Finds all clear.

11.50PM – Relief by Yorks complete. Companies move independently to Brown Line. Pick up rations from divisional canteen at Feuchy.

20th April 1917

1 AM – Battalion all in Brown Line

3.10am – Enemy shells neighbourhood of battalion bivouacs for 15 minutes. 20 casualties. Spasmodic shelling of area around gun emplacements close to Brown Line and west of it. about a dozen gas shells first over during morning.

4.10pm – Battalion relieved by 9th N.F., march across country to Estaminet corner then via Cambrai Road to Arras. Battalion in caves, all in by 6.45pm

21st April 2017
Battalion bathes in the morning.

11am – Commanding Officer goes to headquarters 51st infantry brigade Railway Triangle for commanding officer’s conference and returns at 2.50pm

2.50pm – (unable to read)

4pm- Commanding Officer sees all officers and informs them of attack. Brigade depot moves from Bernaville to near Citadel Arras.

6.35pm – Battalion starts for line. Platoons in file. Route Cambrai Road to Estaminet corner thence across country to junction of Railway and the Brown Line.

7.40pm – Commanding Officer receives order from 50th Brigade Not to cross Brown Line before ? ? to work parties being in post line.

10pm – Battalion leave Brown Line to relieve 7th Yorks in front line South of River Scarpe. 7th Yorks have one company out as covering party to a working party of Yorks and lancs digging assembly trench about 600 yards in front of front line. Working party did not arrive and the trench was not dug.
Yorks have a patrol along southern side of canal towards Reaux. Patrol fired upon and discover enemy post in water tower on side of lake.

22nd April 1917.

12.50am – Relief complete with exception of covering party and patrol.

2am – Patrol mentioned above returns and covering party in with ?

4am – Commanding Officer visits front line and goes forward to inspect site of assembly trench and high bank.

6.30am – Commanding Officer returns and dictates operation order for companies (Copy Attached)

3.10pm – Operational Orders issued to companies

7.20pm – Brigade Major calls on Battalion HQ

7.25pm – Artillery Program received

7.30pm – Brigadier calls to see Commanding Officer

8pm – Artillery program issued to companies

8.25pm – Battalion HQ moves to C company HQ in front line

8.30pm – Covering party B Company first and to cover working party Yorks and Lancs digging assembly trenches

10pm – 20 men A company carry forward smoke bombs for special Company Royal Engineers.

9.45pm – Gas projected into the wood west of Roeux

10.30pm – Commanding Officer goes to Brigade HQ for final arrangements as to liaison with 154th Brigade on the left. Returns to Battalion HQ at 11.30pm

12 midnight – Hot tea issued to all men

23rd April 1917

2am – Companies commence moving to assembly trenches. 2nd Lieut Scott ? ? wire from Battalion HQ to assembly trench and reports completion 3.5am

3.30am – Captain Foster reports that all companies are in position in assembly trenches. Commanding Officer reports this to Brigade.

4am – Commanding Officer and HQs move forward to assembly trenches,, incoming telephone speaking staff to transmit messages from HQ to Brigade HQ.

4.35am – Commanding officer inspects first wave who are all in position lying down ready to advance. Men in excellent spirits.

4.45am – Artillery Barrage opened on a line 200 yards west of enemy trench.

4.47am – First wave advances

4.48am – Artillery barrage lifts 200 yards. First wave close in behind.

4.51am – Artillery Barrage lists onto enemy trench. First wave close in behind arrives at enemy wire and under gallery fire from left flank.

4.55am – A company in support joins first wave. Most officers of all 3 companies either killed or wounded. men hold on, firing until 5am when they withdrew slowly having no leaders.

5am – Commanding Officer pushes forward and attempts to rally and encourage the companies which are much mixed up. also asks Artillery Liaison Officer to get barrage which has now gone on to the fire trench back to the enemy front trench.

5.10am – a shout that enemy is leaving and when Battalion rushes forward to enemy trench again for a second time they come under galley Machine Gun fire from the left flank and many more casualties are suffered.

5.30am – Commanding Officer and his officers reform battalion in two lines extended and when this is nearly complete it is received that the artillery have brought back the barrage on the enemy’s fire trench.
A general advance is again made this time with the men of the first line firing from the hip. The same cause viz forward fire from the left stoped the attack at the enemy wire.

5.40am – Battalion finally withdrawn. remaining officers and NCOs rallied and instructed by Commanding Officer to reorganise in 3 companies in the assembly trench and to dig.
About this time the 7th Lincolnshire regiment arrives and about 7am receives orders from the b=Brigade to make another attempt. This was done but had no success.

During remainder of the day Staffords and Lincolns reorganised and dug in whilst the enemy brought down a very heavy barrage on this position.

6pm – 6th Dorsets advanced in extended order over positions occupied by Staffords and Lincolns as far as the enemy wire when they had to withdraw also.

8pm – Commanding Officer received information that the enemy were preparing a heavy counter attack down the Pelves Valley. Ordered B company to attack across the valley joining up north end of high ? with lake and dig small strong posts. This was ordered in spite of casualties inflicted by enemy machine guns.

24th April 1917
4am – Battalion withdrawn to Railway Triangle being relieved by 7th Yorks.

At the end of this action the Battalion Diary reports the following;

Killed:- Captain J Foster, 2/LT S G Whitaker, 2/LT R V Cotterell, 2/LT F S Creasey

Wounded – Lieut A P Whitehead, 2/LT A E Husband, 2/LT W S Bacon, 2/LT W P Rhodes, 2/LT J A Green, 2/LT C A Scott

Wounded and missing:- 2/LT A S Bourne, 2/LT A J Browne, 2/LT J S Stephens.

Wounded on Duty:- Captain G B Langton, 2/LT T H Smith.

Other Ranks:- Killed 26, Wounded 133, Missing 58, Wounded on Duty 1

Total Casulties:- Officers 15, Other Ranks 218

Private Harry Chamberlain of the 8th Battalion South Staffordshire regiment was one of the other ranks killed or more likely missing as a result of this action.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In Memory of Private Harry Chamberlain, 43003, 8th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment who died on 23 April 1917.
Remembered with Honour Arras Memorial
Panel Ref: Bay 6

Harry is also remembered on the memorial in Dunsby.



Remembrance – George Marvin

Private George Marvin, Bourne, 7th Lincolnshire Regiment

In our second remembrance of today, we commemorate the 101st anniversary of the death of George Marvin of Bourne and also of the 7th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, killed this day, 23rd April, St George’s Day, 1917.

We were very privileged to visit his memorial at Arras on the day of his centenary commemoration today.

George Marvin was born in the spring of 1886 in Bourne to John Henry Marvin, a farm labourer born in Morton and his wife Mary Ann Pick, born in Bourne.

John Henry and Mary Ann were married in Bourne in 1870 and had 9 children of which 4 had not survived by 1911.

Henry Marvin, 1871, Bourne
Elizabeth Marvin, 1872, Bourne
Florence Marvin, 1877, Bourne
Emma Marvin, 1882, Bourne
George Marvin, 1886, Bourne

In 1891 George was living with his parents in The Austerby, Bourne. By 1911 he was still with his parents but they were now living in Bedehouse Bank, Bourne and George, now 25, was working as a labourer on a farm.

George married Annie Eliza Rodgers, daughter of Thomas Rodgers and Susannah Faulkner in 1911, the marriage registered in Bourne.
George and Annie Eliza’s daughter, Margaret Marvin, was born in 1912.

George enlisted in the army in Grantham, although the exact date is not yet known. He was posted to the 6th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment and then moved to the 7th Battalion.

Information from a newspaper cutting would indicate that he was only sent on overseas service early in 1917.

As George’s army records have not been discovered to date then we can only pick up his story in January 1917, assuming he is now with the 7th Lincolnshires but can only really be certain of his movements in the last month of his life, April 1917.

The 7th Lincs received 100 new replacement troops over the period 18th to 20th January 1917. This was whilst they were in the line at Meaulte near Albert on the Somme.

The reinforced Battalion next saw action on the 29th January when they relieved the 8th South Staffordshire Regiment in the line near Sailly Saillisel. This was probably the first action that George Marvin saw if he was part of this reinforcement.

In February the 7th Lincolns and 8th South Staffords traded the camp and front line at Sailly Saillisel in rotation until on the 21st the Lincolns were withdrawn from the line entrained for Corbie and then on to Bussy for the end of the month.

March started in Bussy for the Battalion but then a series of marches saw them in Herissart, Gezaincourt, Maison Ponthieu, La Broye, Waivens before being billeted at Le Suich and Brevillers a few days before the month ended. The fighting force at the end of the month was 32 officers and 882 other ranks.

1st April 1917 – Le Souich
26 other ranks joined for duty wastage from sickness 11 other ranks

3rd April 1917 – Le Souich
Lieut C S Bott took over command of B company

5th April 1917 – Le Souich
4 other ranks joined for duty. battalion with 51st infantry brigade group, marched to Neuville-Au-Cornrt.

6th April 1917 – Neuville-Au-Cornet
Fighting strength 32 officers, 792 other ranks, wastage from sickness 16 other ranks.

7th April 1917 – Neuville-Au-Cornet
Battalion with 51st infantry brigade group marched to Villers sir Simon

8th April 1917 – Villers Sir Simon
Battalion with 51st infantry brigade group marched to Novellette. battalion under 4 hours notice.

9th April 1917 – Novellette (Fisrt day of battle of Arras)

5.30am – Z day of offensive. The 17th Division held in readiness to support the cavalry corps. The Battalion with 51st infantry Brigade moved towards Arras.

9.30pm -Orders received to close up on leading Battalion and bivouac on side of road about 2 miles from Arras.

10th April 1917 – Arras
Battalion with Brigade Group marched into Arras to billets at one hours notice.

13th April 1917
Battalion moved to Railway Triangle East of Arras behind old German front line.

14th April 1917
Moved to Brown Line H28.a.4.5 to H28.c.5.7 old German 2nd Line

15th April 1917
Working party found by Battalion for front line.

16th April 1917 – Brown Line
Working party found by Battalion for Front Line

17th April 1917 – Brown Line
Enemy shelled our trench with 4.2s during day, very heavy during afternoon, Casualties Lieut C S Bott killed, Lieut G A Wright and 17 other ranks wounded.

18th April 1917 – Brown Line
Battalion moved BNorth along Brown Line close to Railway. Battalion HQ moved to Railway Cutting, Captain E James MC and 1 other ranks joined for duty. Casualties 3 other ranks.

19th April 1917 – Railway Triangle
Provided carrying parties to front line, and afterwards returned to Railway Triangle. Casualties Killed 1 other rank, wounded Captain R Pennington DSO and 2 other ranks wounded slightly at duty. Captain J H Cotter RAMC Medical Officer attached, and 2 other ranks.

21st April 1917 – Railway Triangle
Battalion returned to Brown Line. Casualties 1 other rank.

23rd April 1917 – Monchy-Le-Preux

3am – Battalion took up position from cross roads H.29.d.8.7 to H28.d.4.9 in accordance with plan from general advance of the whole line, the 17th division: working in conjunction with 51st Divisioon on the left bank of River Scarpe and 29th Division: on 17 Division right, the 17th Division being centre Division on right bank of Scarpe.

4.45am – Zero Hour a standing barrage put on enemy lines BayonetTrench and Rifle Trench to life at the rate of 3 minutes per 100 yards.

4.55am – The Battalion moved forward with orders to occupy Bayonet Trench after it had been taken by 8th South Staffs

5.45am – Arrived at Lone Copse H.30.d and found 8th South Staffs digging in as this first attack on Bayonet Trench had failed owing to heavy Machine Gun fire both from the enemy line in our immediate front and from the left bank of the River Scarpe.

6.30am – The 8th South Staffs attacked again at 6.30am with same result as the first attack. It was reported that thick coils of wire was still in front of enemy line, also reported that Border Regiment had captured south end of Bayonet Trench.

7.45am – Received orders to attack Bayonet Trench and a barrage was ordered for that time.

8.20am – The Battalion advanced to attack Bayonet Trench leading waves A company on left, B company on right D company supported A and C supported B.

9am – Leading waves reported to be within 30 yards of Bayonet Trench having crawled there under heavy machine gun fire, trench strongly held. Heavy enfilade fire from North of River Scarpe.

10.5am – Attack having failed the Battalion returned to the assembly trench. Lone Copse holding line H.30.d.2.3 to left towards the Scarpe.
Consolidation commenced at once and awaited orders.
Captain D Roberts, 2 Lieuts H Y Maulkinson, A Crawley, T E Stubbs, R G Rudd killed with 22 other ranks, wounded 98 other ranks, missing 20 other ranks.
During our stay in this position the enemy constantly kept a barrage on our back lines and in the valley below our position.

6pm – 50th Brigade passed through our position to attack Bayonet Trench. Battalions of 51st brigade ordered to stand fast and form close support. Enemy having seen 50th Brigade advancing put a very heavy barrage on our back lines and shortened as the waves approached.

8.30pm – 50th Brigade attack failed. The Dorset regiment returned and took up a position about 100 yards in our front and dug in.

9pm – Enemy put up S.O.S which brought a greater artillery barrage than ever in and about our trench and back lines.

11.30pm – Orders received to return to Railway Triangle East of Arras after being relieved.

24th April
4am – Battalion Arrived at Railway Triangle in an exhausted condition having been in the open for about 20 days.

25th April
Moved by train from Arras to Grand Rullecourt

27th April
Fighting strength, 24 officers, 685 other ranks.

George Marvin was killed in action on the 23rd April during the attack on Bayonet Trench.

The story of the battle for Bayonet Trench which took the life of George Marvin also features in the story of Dunsby man Harry Chamberlain who was killed fighting with the 8th South Staffords. Both George and Harry are commemorated on the Arras memorial for soldiers with no known grave.

Grantham Journal Saturday 5th May 1917
LOCAL CASUALTIES:- Lieut Arthur Wherry was wounded in action last week and on Thursday reached Dover. He is now in Hospital at Wanstead, suffering from a flesh wound in the thigh caused by shrapnel. The wound is not of a serious character and Lieut Wherry is favourably progressing towards recovery. News was received last week that Pte Parker had been killed in action. Pte Parker, up to the time he joined up was employed by Messrs. Foley and Butler and was closely associated with the Wesleyan Church and School being an energetic worker. On Monday, an intimation was received at Bourne that Pre Fred Lloyd of Burghley Street has been killed in action. Pte Lloyd had spent several years in the Army and on the outbreak of was was called up as one of the reserve men. He had been home several times during the intervening period and had not long been out on active service after his last leave. On Wednesday the death in action of another Bourne boy was notified, Pte George Marvin, son of Mr and Mrs Hy Marvin, Bedehouse Bank. He went out with his regiment early in the New Year and leaves a young widow and one child.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission:
In memory of Private George Marvin, 27876, 7th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 23 April 1917.
Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial.

We will remember them

Remembrance – Joseph Morton

Today we also commemorate the death of Bourne man, Joseph Morton of the 8th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment.

Joseph was born in early 1893 in Greetham Rutland, the son of Thomas Morton a farm labourer born in Pointon fen, and his wife Elizabeth Holmes born in Witham on the Hill.

Thomas and Elizabeth had a big family
Louisa Morton, 1885, Walcott
Robert Morton, 1886, Walcott
John William Morton, 1888, Walcott
Thomas Morton, 1889, Colsterworth
Sarah Ann Morton, 1891, Colsterworth
Joseph Morton, 1893, Greetham
Mary Elizabeth Morton, 1894, Greetham
Rachel Morton, 1896, Greetham
George Morton, 1898, Greetham
Plus 1 more who had died, whose name is unknown taken from the 1911 census

1901 Joseph was living with his parents in Shepherds Cottage, Greetham Rutland. By 1911 he was working as a Waggoner on a farm and living in Allington, Grantham, with the Burton family.

Joseph enlisted in Grantham but the date is unknown. As he was not eligible for the 1915 star it is possible that he enlisted in late 1915 or 1916.

The 8th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment has the following history, although the exact date of Joseph being posted to them is not known, we can look at where Joseph may have fought and certainly can see his last movements with the Battalion in 1917.

The Battalion trained at Grimsby during August 1914, and then at Halton Park in November. The Battalion moved into billets at Leighton Buzzard for the winter of 1914

In the spring of 1915 the Battalion moved to Halton Park Camp, Wendover and miniature rifle practice commenced. After completing the musketry course and a Review by Lord Kitchener, the Battalion moved to Witley Camp North, marching past His Majesty the King and Lord Kitchener, 12 August 1915.

All the Battalion commanders had been in retirement at the outbreak of war. Of the 21st Division in which the 8th Lincolnshire were attached only 14 officers had any previous experience in the Regular army.

The Battalion entrained for overseas service at Milford Station on 9 September 1915 leaving England the next day, sailing via Folkestone to Boulogne. For a week the Battalion stayed in the Watten area before receiving orders to move to the front.

A long and really arduous march took place which led the Battalion to the front and their first engagement of the war, The Battle of Loos.
During this battle an immediate gain was overturned and the highly inexperienced Battalion suffered tremendous losses.

In their first battle the 8th Battalion lost 22 of their 24 officers. 471 other ranks were killed, wounded or missing that being nearly half of all men in the Battalion.

The next major offensive for the Battalion was during the battle of the Somme in July 1916. The Battalion saw action in Albert, Bazentin Ridge, Fleurs-Courcelette, Morval, Gaudecourt, Transloy Ridge and eventually in November the Battle of The Ancre.

During the spring of 1917 the German Army retreated to the heavily fortified defensive Hindenburg Line.
When the retreat started the 21st Division were at Halloy spending a period out of the line in training exercises.

On the first of April the Battalion attended a voluntary Church Parade at Neuville Au Cornet before the following day being route marched to Denier for an attack on a trench system. Over the next days the Battalion moved to Avesnes-le-Conte, Givenchy-le-Noble, Lattre St Quentin before arriving at Duisans to withdraw equipment ready for their move onto the assembly area at Arras.

The Battalion entered the Battle of Arras at Battery Valley on the 9th April 1917 at 4pm digging in until 8pm.
The Battalion moved east and halted around midnight. At daybreak considerable enemy activity was observed round Monchy-le-Preux, also enemy troops and transport moving north east from Roeux. Artillery was asked for in both cases but there was no response.

At 9am the Battalion prepared to advance to its original objective as soon as the 111th brigade advanced on Monchy.

At 10:30 am Major Greatwood was informed that the 8th Somerset Light Infantry were in Monchy and that he must support them. They advanced to teh valley but in this advance they suffered heavy casualties as they had no artillery support.

At 4pm Major Greatwood issued orders to attack Monchy with the 8th Somerset on the right, Lincolns on the left. Again with no artillery support they had to dig in on high ground receiving orders to attack at dusk.
When they had already opened out for the attack, orders arrived from Brigade cancelling the attack and consolidate the position and patrols were posted in front.

By the end of the 10th April the Battalion had 9 officers wounded, 30 other ranks killed, 187 other ranks wounded and 8 missing.

On the 12th the Battalion were withdrawn from the line back initially to Arras and then a day later back to billets in Duisans and the on to Beaufort on the 14th April.

The Battalion did not return to Arras until called into reserve and bussed into the town on the 20th. Next going into the front line in the 23rd April.

It is reasonable to assume that Joseph Morton, official date of death 20th April, was one of the wounded or more likely missing on the 10th April. The fact that he has no know grave and is listed on the Arras Memorial would point to him being one of the missing.

In memory of Private Joseph Morton, 23649, 8th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment who died on 20 April 1917
Remembered with honour, Arras Memorial.

Remembrance – John Thomas Ashton

Today we commemorate the 101st anniversary of the death of John Thomas Ashton of Morton and also of the 8th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment.

John Thomas Ashton was born in Morton by Bourne, Lincolnshire.

His birth was registered in Bourne in the December quarter of 1894 indicating a birth between October and December of that year.

John Thomas was the second son of William Ashton an agricultural labourer from Morton and his wife Lizzie.

William Ashton was born in Morton c1866 and married Elizabeth Cox in 1890, she was born c1869 in Stainfield. Elizabeth had a daughter Gertrude Cox b c1888 in Stainfield who was living with them in 1891.

William and Lizzie Ashton had the following children:-

William Edward b c1893, John Thomas b c1894, Albert b c1898 and Doris Cathleen b c1905.

Arthur Ashton, the cousin of Thomas is also mentioned on the Morton Memorial having been killed in action in November 1915.

In 1911 Thomas is listed on the census of Morton with his parents on Hanthorpe Road.

The War office records show John Thomas Ashton’s place of residence as Oakham.

Thomas joined the 8th Battalion Lincolnshire regiment although records indicate a previous territorial service with the Army service Corps.
His service records appear to have been lost in a fire in the blitz and so we can only really see what his movements may have been by looking at the 8th Battalion Diaries.
Again it is unclear if he was with the Battalion from the start although he was awarded the 1915 star for service abroad in 1915 and this is consistent with the date that the 8th Battalion was posted to France.

The Battalion trained at Grimsby during August 1914, and then at Halton Park in November. The Battalion moved into billets at Leighton Buzzard for the winter of 1914

In the spring of 1915 the Battalion moved to Halton Park Camp, Wendover and miniature rifle practice commenced. After completing the musketry course and a Review by Lord Kitchener, the Battalion moved to Witley Camp North, marching past His Majesty the King and Lord Kitchener, 12 August 1915.

All the Battalion commanders had been in retirement at the outbreak of war. Of the 21st Division in which the 8th Lincolnshire were attached only 14 officers had any previous experience in the Regular army.

The Battalion entrained for overseas service at Milford Station on 9 September 1915 leaving England the next day, sailing via Folkestone to Boulogne. For a week the Battalion stayed in the Watten area before receiving orders to move to the front.

A long and really arduous march took place which led the Battalion to the front and their first engagement of the war, The Battle of Loos.
During this battle an immediate gain was overturned and the highly inexperienced Battalion suffered tremendous losses.

In their first battle the 8th Battalion lost 22 of their 24 officers. 471 other ranks were killed, wounded or missing that being nearly half of all men in the Battalion.

The next major offensive for the Battalion was during the battle of the Somme in July 1916. The Battalion saw action in Albert, Bazentin Ridge, Fleurs-Courcelette, Morval, Gaudecourt, Transloy Ridge and eventually in November the Battle of The Ancre.

During the spring of 1917 the German Army retreated to the heavily fortified defensive Hindenburg Line.
When the retreat started the 21st Division were at Halloy spending a period out of the line in training exercises.

On the first of April the Battalion attended a voluntary Church Parade at Neuville Au Cornet before the following day being route marched to Denier for an attack on a trench system. Over the next days the Battalion moved to Avesnes-le-Conte, Givenchy-le-Noble, Lattre St Quentin before arriving at Duisans to withdraw equipment ready for their move onto the assembly area at Arras.

The Battalion entered the Battle of Arras at Battery Valley on the 9th April 1917 at 4pm digging in until 8pm.
The Battalion moved east and halted around midnight. At daybreak considerable enemy activity was observed round Monchy-le-Preux, also enemy troops and transport moving north east from Roeux. Artillery was asked for in both cases but there was no response.

At 9am the Battalion prepared to advance to its original objective as soon as the 111th brigade advanced on Monchy.

At 10:30 am Major Greatwood was informed that the 8th Somerset Light Infantry were in Monchy and that he must support them. They advanced to teh valley but in this advance they suffered heavy casualties as they had no artillery support.

At 4pm Major Greatwood issued orders to attack Monchy with the 8th Somerset on the right, Lincolns on the left. Again with no artillery support they had to dig in on high ground receiving orders to attack at dusk.
When they had already opened out for the attack, orders arrived from Brigade cancelling the attack and consolidate the position and patrols were posted in front.

By the end of the 10th April the Battalion had 9 officers wounded, 30 other ranks killed, 187 other ranks wounded and 8 missing.

On the 12 the Battalion were withdrawn from the line back initially to Arras and then a day later back to billets in Duisans and the on to Beaufort on the 14th April.

The Battalion did not return to Arras until called into reserve and bussed into the town on the 20th. Next going into the front line in the 23rd April.

It is reasonable to assume that Thomas Ashton, official date of death 20th April, was one of the wounded or more likely missing on the 10th April. The fact that he has no know grave and is listed on the Arras Memorial would point to him being one of the missing.

Private Thomas Ashton 43328, 8th Battalion, The Lincolnshire Regiment, was eligible for the following medals:-

Victory Medal

The British Medal

The 1915 Star.


Private John Thomas (Thomas) Ashton 43328, 8th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, is remembered with honour on the Arras Memorial.
Panel Ref: Bay 3 and 4.
He is also remembered on the Morton War Memorial.